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DISC 2012 Vukovar

DISC 2012 Vukovar. Overview. Introduction of Periskal Recent Realisations Possibilities and use of ATON /AIS on Inland waters. Periskal at a glance. Software company, head office Belgium, sister companies in Serbia, Rumania and Ukraine

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DISC 2012 Vukovar

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DISC 2012 Vukovar

  2. Overview • Introduction of Periskal • Recent Realisations • Possibilities and use of ATON /AIS on Inland waters

  3. Periskal at a glance • Software company, head office Belgium, sister companies in Serbia, Rumania and Ukraine • Since 1990, focus on Inland ECDIS systems and RIS technology, 5000 customers in Europe, 30 employees • Main products/core business: • Inland ECDIS Viewer and Periskal Radar Overlay • Software components for River Information Services • Hardware components & complete AIS Base Stations networks • Certified: • DNV ISO 9001 -2008 • DNV ISO 14001 • Microsoft Silver Partner

  4. Recent RealisationsRIS Serbia • 3 Basestations on the Sava River • Commercial Ship equipment programme for Serbia • Final acceptance of various software modules and systems • Installation of the IALA infrastructure

  5. Ship Installations

  6. Web based ECDIS Viewer

  7. Recent RealisationsFrance • Adding additional Basestations on the River Seine, petit Seine • Adding Basestation in Gambsheim • Start of the installation programme on the River Mosel • Equipment of additional Governemental Vessels

  8. Atons • Standardization on international level • Input from RIS expert group meetings in Rotterdam • Possibilities for use on the River by authorities • Examples on shore and on board

  9. Standardization • Iala A 126 • Various documents from IEC, ITU and discussion papers from IALA even IMO and IHO working groups • Use on Inland was discussed in Inland ECDIS, VTT and joint VTT-Inland ECDIS working group in Rotterdam in november 2012, mandate to Newada 2 to provide input

  10. Discussion on Inland • Start documents from Solas world TSMAD21-4.9.2_NewObj_for_TP_Info HSSC4-05.1H_Virtual_AtoNs_and_ENC • Visualisation onboard for Inland symbols is not defined • A new inland AIS message is necessary • Rules for use have to be defined

  11. Shore based possibilities • Monitoring of real objects with ATON device installed in the field, typical message 6 • Broadcast of status ATON directly from the object in the field • Broadcast of ATON information from shore based on input from real object • Broadcast of ATON information without a realword object

  12. Reception on Shore

  13. Creation of AIS message 21

  14. Onboard possibilities • Visualisation of bouys • Visualisation of lines, tracks • Visualisation of Hydro Meteo Information

  15. Safe Water Mark

  16. Hydro Meteo

  17. Conclusion • Many thing are possible • AIS infrastructure is there as a basis • Standardization topics have to be adressed • Open mandate for testing • A lot of potential for authorities and users of the fairway

  18. Marc Persoons Periskal group www.periskal.com Thank you for your attention.

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