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Research and artistic activities

Research and artistic activities. April2012. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES. Research objectives. High international level , several in the top international league Distinct profile ; supports education and innovation Long-term and fundamental Doctoral programmes in demand.

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Research and artistic activities

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  1. Research and artisticactivities April2012

  2. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES Research objectives • High internationallevel, severalin thetopinternationalleague • Distinctprofile; supports education and innovation • Long-term and fundamental • Doctoralprogrammes in demand April 2012

  3. FORSKNING April 2012

  4. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES Research – a core activity NTNU’s fundamental strengths: Technology and the natural sciences Broad academic base Interdisciplinary collaboration April 2012

  5. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES Research – I • 335 doctoral degrees awarded in 2011 • More than 1500 research projects • Participate in about 80 projects in the EU’s Framework Programmes • More than 300 MoUs with universities globally April 2012

  6. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES Research – II • Ca. 1/4 of academic staff are international • Ca. 1/3 of PhD candidates are international • Member of the ”European Charter for Researchers” and ”Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers” • Scientific positions listed on Euraxess Jobs since 2004 • Dedicated help centre for new international employees: “International Researcher Support” (Euraxess Services) April 2012

  7. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES PhDprogrammes(2011) • 2382 PhDcandidates in NTNU’sgraduateschool • 50 doctoralprogrammes • GraduateschoolswithNTNU as coordinator: - Biosystematics - TeacherEducation - Medical Imaging - Text– Picture – Sound – Space - Language and Linguistics - Nordic Graduate School in Gender Studies - Georg Brandes School - Nanotechnology for Microsystems April 2012

  8. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES Academic output April 2012

  9. April 2012

  10. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES Strategic R&D focus • Sixstrategic areas • NTNU is home to: • Three Centres of Excellence • Four Centres of Research-based Innovation • Two Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research • Interdisciplinary research activities April 2012

  11. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES NTNU’ssixstrategic areas • Energy and Petroleum– Resources and Environment • Medical Technology • Materials Technology • Marine and Maritime Technology • Information and Communication Technology • Globalization Budget: Seed funding (EUR 0.5–1.5 million per area) Funding for PhD candidates April 2012

  12. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES Strategic focusInterdisciplinary research • Nanotechnology – NTNU Nanolab • The Nord-Trøndelag County Health Study (HUNT) • Functional Genome Research (FUGE) • Gas Technology Center • Industrial Ecology (IndEcol) April 2012

  13. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES Centres of Excellence Nationally selected, international calibre research groups • Centre for Quantifiable Quality of Service in Communication Systems (Q2S) • Centre for the Biology of Memory (CBM) • Centre for Ships and Ocean Structures (CeSOS) • Partner in International Centre for GeohazardsandCentre for the Study ofCivilWar • Duration:2003–2013 April 2012

  14. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES QuantifiableQualityof Service in Communication Systems (Q2S) • Audio over IP Networks • Multimedia over IP Networks • Interdomain and Overlay Networks • Intradomain Networks • Trustworthy Multiparty Interactions in Dynamic Networking Environments A total of 35 professors, postdocs and PhD candidates. Financed by the Research Council of Norway, NTNU and UNINETT. Supported by Telenor R&D www.q2s.ntnu.no April 2012

  15. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES Centre for theBiologyof Memory (CBM) • Research onthebrain and memory • Neural mappingofthe spatial environment • NamedKavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience (2007) • One of 16 Kavli Institutes in theworld. Others at Harvard, Yale, MiT, Stanford and Cambridge Approximately 50 scientific personnel, including professors, visiting professors, postdocs, graduate students, and associated researchers. Co-funded by NTNU and the Research Council of Norway. www.cbm.ntnu.no April 2012

  16. Centre for Ships and Ocean Structures (CeSOS) New knowledge about ships, ocean structures and ocean renewable facilities.Theoretical and experimental work in: Marine hydrodynamics Structural mechanics Automatic control. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES 6 key staff, 10 postdocs/researchers, 50 PhDs in progress. 40 research person-years, including visiting professors and associated personnel. Co-funded by NTNU and the Research Council of Norway. www.cesos.ntnu.no April 2012

  17. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES Centres for Research-basedInnovation • Medical Imaging Laboratory for Innovative Future Healthcare (MI Lab) • StructuralImpact Laboratory (SIMLab) • Centre for Integrated Operations in the Petroleum Industry (CIO) Duration: 2007–2015. Budget: Min. EUR 7.5 mill. annually.New for 2011–2019 : • Sustainable Arctic Marine and Coastal Technology (SAMCoT) Funded by the Research Council ofNorway, NTNU and industry. Research-intensive enterprises allied with prominent research groups at NTNU April 2012

  18. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES Medical ImagingLaboratory (MILab)- for Innovative Future Healthcare Patients: Improved quality of life Healthcare: Cost efficient solutions Industry: New products and applications Society: Halting the increase inhealth care expenses • EUR 30 million for 2007–2014 • Partners R&D: Central Norway Regional Health Authority; St. Olav’s Hospital; Sintef • Partners Industry: GE Vingmed Ultrasound; FAST; Medistim; Sonowand; Nordic Neurolab; NordicimagingLab; CorTechs Labs; Arctic Silicon Devices Intra operative assessment by ultrasound in cardiovascular surgery www.ntnu.edu/milab April 2012

  19. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES Computer simulation of how aluminium and other light alloy structures behave in collisions Goal for safer and lighter cars:100 kg of aluminium to replace 200 kg of steel. In the USA this would save 18 billon litres of petrol/year Key SIMLab partners: Sintef Materials and Chemistry, Audi AG, Hydro Aluminium, Renault, SSAB Swedish Steel, Statoil, theNorwegian Public Roads Adm. (NPRA), theNorwegian Defence Estates Agency (NDEA). SIMLab – StructuralImpact Laboratory At present: 40 million peopleinjuredand 1.2 million killedgloballyontheroadseachyear. www.ntnu.edu/simlab April 2012

  20. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES Centre for Integrated Operations in the Petroleum Industry (IO) Every 1% ofextraoilrecoveredontheNorwegian Continental Shelf = USD 50 billion p.a. Partners:Shell, Total, Statoil, Conoco-Phillips, Stanford U., Delft Technical U., SINTEF, Research Council of Norway Onshoreoperation and controlroom. www.ntnu.edu/iocenter April 2012

  21. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES Sustainable Arctic Marine and Coastal Technology (SAMCoT) Development of robust technology needed by the industry for sustainable exploration and exploitation of the valuable and vulnerable Arctic region. SAMCoT will meet the challenges due to ice, permafrost and changing climate for the benefit of the energy sector and society. SAMCoT Partners in 2012: Aalto University Aker Solutions Barlindhaug Consult Det Norske Veritas GDF SUEZ EP Hamburg Ship Model Basin Kongsberg Maritime Moscow State University Multiconsult Norwegian Coastal Adm. NTNU Shell SMSC Statoil SINTEF TU Delft VTT Total UNIS Research supporting two innovation areas (IA):IA 1 – Marine Technology for Arctic Offshore Field DevelopmentIA 2 - Technology for Arctic Coastal Development www.ntnu.edu/samcot April 2012

  22. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME) Top-level R&D groupscooperatingwith innovative industriesEstablished by the Research Council ofNorway (2009) FME Centre hosted by NTNU: • Research Centre on Zero EmissionBuildings – ZEB FME Centres with NTNU as active partner: • BIGCCS – International CCS Research Centre • Centre for Environmental Design ofRenewable Energy (CEDREN) • BioenergyInnovation Centre (CenBio) • Research Centre for Offshore Wind Technology (NOWITECH) • The Norwegian Research Centre for Solar Cell Technology Duration:2009–2017 www.ntnu.edu/research/ceer April 2012

  23. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES Major laboratories NTNU and SINTEF share more than 100 research laboratories: • Hydrodynamic/marine technology laboratories (Towing Tank and Ocean Basin Laboratory) • Machine Tools Laboratory • Materials and Engineering Laboratories • Laboratories for semiconductor materials • NTNU Nanolab– Nanotechnology April 2012

  24. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES Laboratories – examples • ECCSEL (European CO2 Capture and Storage Lab.) • Language Acquisition and Language Processing Laboratory • Marine Cybernetics Laboratory • Norwegian Biopolymer Laboratory • Ultrasound Laboratory • Magnetic Resonance Centre • Structural Impact Laboratory • Energy and Indoor Environment Laboratory • ENGAS Lab. (Gas Technology Centre) • Waterpower Laboratory • Geology and Mineral Resources Engineering Laboratory • Ugelstad Laboratory April 2012

  25. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES Artisticactivities2011 • Professor Anne Karin Furunes exhibition in the Barry FriedmanLtd Gallery, New York Nov 2011– Feb 2012. • Several NTNU musiciansreceivedthenationalaward «Spelemannsprisen» 2011 • Close cooperationwithprofessionalcultureworkers in the Trondheim region • The Trondheim Soloists (chamberorcestra) • Trondheim Jazz Festival • Dokkhuset stage • The PstereoFestival • The Trøndelag Exhibition April 2012

  26. RESEARCH AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES Cooperation withSintef • Sintefis one of Europe’s largest independent research organizations • Gross operating revenue in 2011: EUR 350 mill. • 1858 employees, 1346 researchers, 652 w/doctoraldegree • Contract research in technology, natural sciences, medicine and social sciences • Joint strategy with NTNU • Cooperates with NTNU in terms of staff, equipment, laboratories and science communication • 24 Gemini Centres for joint NTNU–SintefR&D April 2012

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