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Tingo Pucará Water Supply System OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL. CONTENTS. Overview Safety Intake Sedimentation/Pump Tank Pump Pipeline Storage Tank Distribution System Maintenance. OVERVIEW. PLAN VIEW. Intake. Pump. Distribution System. Sediment/ Pump Tank.
CONTENTS • Overview • Safety • Intake • Sedimentation/Pump Tank • Pump • Pipeline • Storage Tank • Distribution System • Maintenance
PLAN VIEW Intake Pump Distribution System Sediment/ Pump Tank Pipeline Storage Tank
CONTACT SistemasElectricosIndustriales Ave. 10 de Agosto N 64-349 y Bellavista (Sector Parque de los Recuerdos) Telefax: 2482-829 / 084-068-432 Quito – Ecuador • Grimasa • Av. 10 de Agosto (50-63) N36-177 y NN UU • Telefono: 2 245-041 Fax: 2 273-020 • Quito • e-mail: grimasa2@hotmail.com • Ferreteria San Agustin • Calle Quito y Hnos. Pdez (esq.) • Telfs.: 099 830 434 / 2812-797 • Fax: (03) 2802-156 • Latacunga - Ecuador Dismaconcobre CIA. LTDA. Valladolid N24-611 y av. La Coruna Telefax: 2228-315 / 2235-207 / 2905-374 e-mail: dismacon@andinanet.net Quito – Ecuador AceroComercialEcuatoriano S.A. • Av. La Prensa N45-14 y Telégrafo 1 • Telf.: 2454 333 / Fax: 2454 455 • E-mail: infouio@acerocomercial.com • Interconstruc • hernan301064@hotmail.com
SAFETY • Fill in holes and trenches at the end of every day
SAFETY • All valves should be opened and closed slowly to avoid damage SLOWLY
SAFETY When entering a tank, always work with a partner: When entering a tank, the valve or switch controlling the flow into the tank should be off, and the person in the tank should lock it out: Lock
PUMP • TURN OFF IMMEDEATLY if the red light comes on,OR if the pump pressure exceeds 475 PSI Turning the Pump On (Manual Mode): Inspection: Examine the pump and wiring, look for damaged wires in contact with metal piping or water. Turning ON, Manual Mode: turn the knob from the OFF to the MANUAL Position. The green light should turn ON.
2.) Turning ON, Auto Mode: Simply turn the knob From the OFF to the AUTO Position. The Green Light should Turn ON. Powering On the Pump (Auto Mode) 3.) Turning OFF, Auto Mode: Simply turn the knob from the Auto to the OFF Position. TURN OFF IMMEDEATLY IF: If the Red LightTurns ON. OR the Pump Pressure Exceeds 475 PSI 1.) Inspection: Examine the pump and wiring, look for damaged wires in contact with metal piping or water.
2.) Pump OFF, while in Auto Mode: If the Cistern water level is too low the Cistern Pump Light will be ON and the PUMP will turn OFF. If the Supply Tank water level is too high then the Supply Tank Full Light will be ON and the PUMP will Turn OFF. Trouble Shooting in Auto Mode Supply Tank Float Switch Condition: PUMP ON SWITCH Normally CLOSED PUMP OFF (Tank Full) SWITCH Normally OPEN 1.) Inspection: Examine the lights on the front of the “Tablero” Green Light should Be ON, the Red Light, Cistern Empty Light and Supply Tank Full Light should be OFF. AT THIS TIME THE PUMP SHOULD BE ON Cistern Float Switch Condition: Switch Normally CLOSED PUMP ON SWITCH OPEN PUMP OFF (Cistern Empty) 13
2.)Before opening the “tablero” turn Power OFF at the Pump House Service Panel. By Switching the two 50A breakers into the OFF Position. Servicing The “Tablero” Pump House Service Panel “Tablero” Special Key Required 1.) Opening the “Tablero”: The “tablero” control unit should only be opened or serviced by the equipment vendor or an approved member of the TingoPucara Water Committee. A key is required to Open the “tablero” Control Unit Move Breaker to OFF
Servicing The “Tablero” Examine Relay Contacts for Damage. Relay Contacts are mechanical and have A given life expectancy. 3.) When the “Tablero” is OPEN: Upon opening the “tablero” the user may examine the subcomponents and wiring of the “tablero” for loose electrical connections or visible damage. The Pump Technician should take written notice of the damage and contact the equipment vendor. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REMOVE PARTS FROM THE “TABLERO” UNLESS INSTRUCTED TO DO SO BY THE VENDOR.
PIPELINE Start Up: • Open the Shut off valve. Turn the lever slowly to avoid damage. OPEN CLOSED SLOWLY
PIPELINE Maintenance: • Every six months, turn ball valves slowly on and off, 3 or 4 times to make sure they are not stuck. • If any valves are leaking, fix them right away. SLOWLY
PIPELINE Maintenance (Continued): • After every storm, walk along the pipeline and look for any signs of dirt washing away • Fill in any bad areas right away
PIPELINE Maintenance (Continued): • Look for any sign of water leaking along pipeline • Look for holes, muddy or wet spots, and areas where dirt is washing away • Fix leaks right away
STORAGE TANK Shut Down Procedure: Open the clean-out valve Close the distribution valve 1 2
STORAGE TANK Shut Down Procedure (Continued) • Remove all solids, and keep solids away from drain.
STORAGE TANK Shut Down Procedure (Continued) • Thoroughly wash with disinfectant like bleach • Rinse the tank with clean water
STORAGE TANK Normal Operation: Check that water is not coming out of overflow pipe. If water is coming from the overflow pipe, turn off the pump and check the float switch.
STORAGE TANK Start Up Procedure: Close the Clean-Out Valve Open the distribution Valve 1 2
STORAGE TANK Start Up Procedure (Continued): Check to make sure the float switch is working correctly. Switch up: Pump should be off Switch down: Pump should be on
DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Maintenance: • Walk the system and check for wet areas that could be leaks
DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Maintenance (Continued): • Check for leaks at valve and PRV boxes visually and by feel.
DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Maintenance (Continued): • Repair leaks and replace any defective valves or fittings.
DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM • Maintenance (Continued): • Check that Flow Meters are working properly by opening the valve on the tap stand and watch that the meter is operating.
DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM • Maintenance (Continued): • Attach pressure valve to each tap stand. Open valve and record the pressure.
DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM • Maintenance (Continued): • Check for leaks at each tap stand, and repair or replace valves as needed.
DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Maintenance (Continued): • Every six months, turn ball valves slowly on and off, 3 or 4 times to make sure they are not stuck. If any valves are leaking, fix them right away. SLOWLY
DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Maintenance (Continued): • Add permanent location stakes when new pipelines are installed.
This manual was written by the members of the EWB-USA Pittsburgh Professional Chapter, for our friends in the community of Tingo Pucará.