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Authors: Nen-Fu Huang, Yen-Ming Chu, Chi-Hung Tsai, Chen-

A Novel Algorithm and Architecture for High Speed Pattern Matching in Resource-limited Silicon Solution. Authors: Nen-Fu Huang, Yen-Ming Chu, Chi-Hung Tsai, Chen- Ying Hsieh and Yih-Jou Tzang Publisher: ICC 2007 Present: Chen-Yu Lin ( 林呈俞 ) Date: Oct, 8, 2007. Outline.

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Authors: Nen-Fu Huang, Yen-Ming Chu, Chi-Hung Tsai, Chen-

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  1. A Novel Algorithm and Architecture for High Speed Pattern Matching in Resource-limited Silicon Solution Authors:Nen-Fu Huang, Yen-Ming Chu, Chi-Hung Tsai, Chen- Ying Hsieh and Yih-Jou Tzang Publisher: ICC 2007 Present:Chen-Yu Lin (林呈俞) Date: Oct, 8, 2007

  2. Outline • Introduction • Magic State-based Heuristic (MSH) Algorithm • An Example • Evaluation

  3. Introduction • NIDS/NIPS are designed to detect and identify worms, virus, and malicious code by performing deep packet inspecting on packet payloads. • Signature-based NIDS • Snort • Over 2500 patterns as signatures. • Spend more than 80% CPU time on string matching • NIDS needs fast string matching algorithm to reduce its load.

  4. Introduction • Proposed string matching algorithms • Boyer Moore • Solve single-pattern matching problem • Aho - Corasick and Wu - Manber • Solve multi-pattern matching • Proposed hardware-based implementation • AC-Bitmap • Parallel bloom-filter • Reconfigurable silicon hardware • TCAM-based mechanism

  5. Introduction • Budget problem • Enterprise environments. • It is not the major concern. • Medium-sized enterprise (SME) • It almost the key concern. • Providing a high-speed but low-cost string matching with limited resource • Consider the SME • Limited cost and resources • Most of the networks in SME are wire-speed of 100Mbps. LAN WAN The processing speed must faster than 300Mbps DMZ

  6. Magic State-based Heuristic • General automaton-based string matching model Search the pattern ID State transition by state table

  7. Magic State-based Heuristic (cont) 16 • Index = { x : y } • X : input symbol • Y : current state • Snort 2.4 patterns is 21584  v = 16 8

  8. Magic State-based Heuristic (cont) • State table can be represented as state transition matrix • u bit size of a symbol • v bit size of a state symbol state a (x, y) = next state when the current state is y and the input symbol is x

  9. Magic State-based Heuristic (cont) • Magic state • When A is a DFA, for each symbol x, most of a(x,y) have the same value for different current state y. • Call these elements “magic state” • ms(x) : the next state that appears most frequently with symbol x. • If we know that the next state is a magic state, then the state table lookup can be skipped. • Use another bitmap matrix (say B) to indicate whether an element in A is as magic state.

  10. Magic State-based Heuristic (cont) • Bitmap matrix B

  11. Magic State-based Heuristic (cont) • Matrices Construction • Automaton Transition Matrix A • Magic State Matrix M • Stores the corresponding magic state ms(x) in the element • Heuristic Index Matrix H • Stores some information about whether a(x,y) equals to • Reduce the size of bitmap matrix B (become matrix H) • Partition into blocks • Each block size is

  12. Magic State-based Heuristic (cont) • Construct the Heuristic index matrix H • Matrix B Matrix H • Compression ratio (CR) • CR = Perform AND operation to each block

  13. Magic State-based Heuristic (cont) • Heuristic Pattern Matching with Magic State Examining in matrix H 0 1 It’s maybe a magic state It’s a magic state Get the next state from matrix A Get the magic state in matrix M directly

  14. An Example • To illustrate the proposed algorithm • M = [178, 671, 2718, 2732, 4600] (Magic state matrix) 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x35 Correspond value

  15. An Example • Suppose : m = n = 1

  16. An Example • Case 1: • State 35 receives input symbol 0x34 • Get the magic state 2732 if symbol 0x34 from matrix M • Case 2: • State 42 receives input symbol 0x31 • Access matrix A to get the next state 178 (Actually it is a magic state). 1 0

  17. Evaluation • Suppose • K input symbols • Hit rate of Heuristic Index Matrix H 95% 85% 675KB 46% 42KB 3KB

  18. Evaluation (cont) • Magic State • Snort 2.4 has 21584 pattern. • With 256 symbols  Total 21584*256 = 5525504 element in matrix A. • There are 5243748 magic states (94.9%). • HitRate vs. Compression Ratio (CR) • Value of m and n impact the HitRate • Higher CR conducts a lower hit rate.

  19. Evaluation (cont) • Interesting result 85% 70.2% 70.6% 68% 70.8% Largest gap is 85%-68% = 17%

  20. Evaluation (cont) • False Negative • When (m,n) = (4,0) there are 15% state transition that we don’t sure the next state is a magic state. • Need to access Automaton Transition Matrix • Among these 15%, only 5% are non-magic states. • Thus, 10% state transitions is false negative.

  21. Evaluation (cont) • Total time of state transition • If matrix M and matrix H can be accessed concurrently • Algorithm without employing magic state • The proposed algorithm has a throughput gain

  22. Evaluation (cont) • Memory space for matrices • Automaton Transition Table (ATT) • Magic State Table (MST) • Heuristic Index Table (HIT) • MST & HIT are tiny, and can be stored into on-chip memory. • ATT is too large, it can stored in DDR2 SDRAM • Simulation with (m,n) = (4,0) • Implementation model • Baseline Model • MSH Model • Multiple PMEs MSH Model

  23. Evaluation (cont) • Baseline Model • Throughput is 133.33Mbps • MSH Model • Simulation throughput is 566Mbps Store ATT

  24. Evaluation (cont) Hit rate = 85%, throughput is 571.42Mbps. 4.28 times faster than baseline model.

  25. Evaluation (cont) • Multiple PMEs MSH Model • The proposed MSH can be further extended to have multiple PME in a single FPGA to process multiple sessions concurrently. Throughput is 1036.26Mbps, 7.77 times faster than baseline model

  26. Evaluation (cont) With two PMEs

  27. Evaluation (cont) Cost of on-chip memory • FPGA-based solution is expensive • The solution can be implemented on off-chip high speed memory (SSRAM) • SSRAM faces the problem of very low throughput. • By utilizing the feature of Magic State more intelligently, the memory require • of MSH reduce to less than 2MB  It can be stored into on-chip memory

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