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Linear Programming for Software Verification

Linear Programming for Software Verification. Model Checking Group Talk. Linear Programming for Software Verification. Dellacherie et al LPV Technology patent #97 15217 [ France Telecom, the CNRS, and the University of Caen ]. Problem Definition.

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Linear Programming for Software Verification

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  1. Linear Programming for Software Verification Model Checking Group Talk

  2. Linear Programming for Software Verification Dellacherie et al LPV Technology patent #97 15217 [ France Telecom, the CNRS, and the University of Caen ]

  3. Problem Definition • Given a software S and a property P, determine whether a path of S satisfies P. • If yes, show the path • If not, generate a proof of its non-existence.

  4. Synchronized Automata - I A small example of synchronized automata • Each automata has a single token that can move from state to state using the transitions. • Transitions carry (possibly multiple) synchronization messages. • An automaton can go (i.e. move its token) from a state to another if and only if • there exists a transition between those two states and • all the synchronization messages present on that transition can be emitted.

  5. Synchronized Automata - II • A message can be emitted if and only if all automata that know the message(i.e. that have at least one transition carrying this message)can use simultaneously a transition carrying this message. • For example, automaton A can go from state Ae1 to state Ae2 if and only if both synchronization messages m1 and m2 can be emitted. • This is possible if, for example, automata B and C are (i.e. have their token) respectively in states Be1 and Ce1 . • In this situation, the three automata will arrive in state Ae2 , Be2 and Ce2 respectively

  6. Definition: System of Automata • A system of automata S is composed of N sub-systems Sn (1 · n · N) called automata, and of a set M = { mj,,1 · k · |M| } containing the messagesmjof S. • Every automaton Snis described by • 1. the set En= { ein ; 1 · i · |En| } of its states; • 2. the set An= { ajn; 1 · j · |An| } of itstransitions; • 3. the set ofmessagesMn½ M carried by An.

  7. Definition: Synchronization Rule • Let us call configuration a mapping C which associates to every automaton Sna unique state en2 Sncalled the activated state of Sn, and let us call syn a subset s of M. We then define the sync rule as follows: • The synchronization s has the automata system S changed from configuration C to configuration C’ if and only if 8Sn2 S, • 1. if s Å Mn= ; then C’ (Sn) = C (Sn) • If s does not share a message with Sn, then the token on Sn does not move. • 2. if s Å Mnand 9ajn = (ej1n, ej2n2An, such that Mjn= s Å Mn, then ej1n= C (Sn) andej2n= C’ (Sn) • If s does share a message with S_n, then the transition labeled with a subset of s are enabled.

  8. Definition: Synchronized Automata • A system of synchronized automata is a system of automata endowed with the (previously discussed) synchronization rule. • Accessibility Properties: The kind of requests we will check on a system of synchronized automata corresponds to the classical set of accessibility (or reachability) properties.

  9. Definition: Path Satisfiability • An accessibility property P = (C; C’) on S has a path satisfying P if and only if there exists a path in N steps going from the initial conguration C0 to a conguration C’nsuch that 8 Sn2 S, • if EnÅ C , then C0 (Sn) 2 C • if EnÅ C’ , then C’n (Sn) 2 C’

  10. Flow-Synchronized Automata • Message-flow: A message-flowis a function fmwhich associates to every message m of S a real quantity fm(m) 2[0, 1]. • Transition-flow: A transition-flowis a function fawhich associates to every transition ajnof S a real quantity fa(ajn) 2[0, 1]. • State-flow: A state-flowis a function fewhich associates to every state einof S a real quantity fe(ein) 2[0,1].

  11. Flow-Synchronization Rules - I • Amnis the set of transitions of automata Sncarrying message m: • Amn= { ajn2An / m2 Mjn } • Ei+nis the set of transitions of Snhaving einas starting state: • Ei+n= { ajn2 An / 9 e, ajn= (ein, e) } • Ei−nis the set of transitions of Snhaving einas arriving state: • Ei−n= { ajn2 An / 9 e; ajn= (e, ein) }.

  12. Flow-Synchronization Rules - II • Conservation of tokens in state-flow of automata: 8Sn, ein2 Sn fC(ein) = 1 • i.e. the quantity of token on each automaton is equal to 1 • Relation between Transition Flow and Message Flow for valid synchronization: 8m 2 M, 8Sn, Amn) fs(m) = ajn2 Amn fa(ajn) • i.e. for all automata that know m, the quantity of m emitted is equal to the flow going through the transitions carrying m.

  13. Flow Synchronization Rules - III • 1. ajn2 Ei+n fa(ajn) · fC(ein) • (i.e. the flow leaving ein is not greater than the quantity of token which is on ein), • 2. ajn2 E(i-)N fa(ajn) · fC’(ein) • (i.e. the flow arriving on ein is not greater than the total amount of token which is on ein), • 3. fC(ein)− ajn2 Ei+n fa(ajn) = fC’(ein) − ajn2 Ei−n fa(ajn) • (i.e. the new quantity of token on ein is the previous quantity plus the flow arriving on ein and less the flow leaving ein).

  14. Flow Synchronization Automata • A system of flow-synchronized automatais a system of automata endowed with the flow-synchronization rule. • Furthermore, let fCand fC’ be two flow-configurations of S. The change from fCto fC’ by flow-synchronization fsdefines a flow-step (fC, fs, fC’) for S. • A succession of flow-steps (fC0, fs0, fC’0 ), …, (fCn−1, fsn−1, fC’n) such that fC’i= fCi+1 defines a flow-pathfor S.

  15. Storied Automata • Let S be a system of automata. We consider S on T + 1 time steps as follow: for each automaton Sn2 S we associate • To every value t 2 { 0; … ; T} and every state ein, a state ein(t); • To every value t 2 { 1; … ; T} and every transition ajn = (ej1n ; ej2n ), a transition ajn(t) = (ej1n (t − 1), ej2n (t)); • To to every value t 2 {1; … ; T} and every message mk2 Majn, a message mk(t) 2 Majn(t); • To every value t 2 {1; … ; T} and every state ein, an -transition in(t) = (ein(t − 1), ein(t)). • The system thus constructed from S is called the storied system of automata ST of S on T time steps.

  16. System of Equations: L(ST,P) • Flow equations:8Sn2 S; 8 t 2 {1; … ; T}, 8 ein2 Sn, we have • ein(t − 1) = j12 Ei+n aj1n(t) + in(t) • ein(t) = j22 Ei−n aj2n(t) + in(t) • Synchronization equations: 8 Sn2 S; forall t 2 {1, … ,T}; 8 m 2 Mn, we have • m(t) = j32 Amn aj3n(t) • Property equations: 8 Sn2 S, we have ein2 Amn ein(0)=1 • If C Å En then ein2 C Å Enein (0) = 1 • If C’ Å En then ein2 C’ Å Enein (T) = 1

  17. Key Result • The solving of L(ST ;P) gives either a flow-path or a proof of the inexistence of any path of length N on a model of T stories. • If we find a flow path, it may be spurious. • If we find a proof of the inexistence of any path, we are done.

  18. Examples Analyzed - I • Telephone System: The systems is made of more than 800 automata and uses more than 2500 different synchronization messages. The state space is more than 1040wide. • The property checked was to know whether phone#2 ring while nobody ever called it ?

  19. Examples Analyzed - II • An Access Control System: On this last instance the resulting system is made of 230 automata and uses more than 2800 different synchronization messages. The state space is more than 1052 wide • The property checked was: • Can card#1, who entered building#1, enter building#2 without first getting out of building#1 ?

  20. Examples Analyzed - III • Bus Arbiter: Systems with up to 1200 cells were analyzed. The state space is then at least 10500 wide, and the computation took around one hour. • The property checked was to know whether a client could access the bus at the same time as client#1.

  21. Deeper Insights • There is a PhD thesis in German which perhapscontain the details: • [Del99b] S. Dellacherie. Vrication logicielle base sur la programmation linaire. PhD thesis, Universit de Caen, 1999. To appear. • [Dev99] S. Devulder. Un modle de preuve de logiciels fond sur la programmationlinaire. PhD thesis, Universit de Caen, 1999. To appear.

  22. US PatentOctober 15, 2002Dellacherie; Samuel (Caen, FR), Broult; Christophe (Briouze, FR), Devulder; Samuel (Saint-Contest, FR), Lambert; Jean-Luc (Amfreville, FR) • Farkas Lemma: Let A be a matrix and x and b be vectors. Then the system A x = b for some x ¸ 0 has no solution iff the system ATy ¸ 0 and bTy < 0 has a solution, where x is a vector. Fang, S.-C. and Puthenpura, S. Linear Optimization and Extensions: Theory and Algorithms. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, p. 60, 1993.

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