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CECV Intervention Framework Module 3 Assessment

CECV Intervention Framework Module 3 Assessment. Objectives. As a result of participating in this module, you will: Audit current assessment practices in your school Identify why we assess Review the range of assessments available Strategically select appropriate assessments

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CECV Intervention Framework Module 3 Assessment

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  1. CECV Intervention Framework Module 3Assessment

  2. Objectives As a result of participating in this module, you will: • Audit current assessment practices in your school • Identify why we assess • Review the range of assessments available • Strategically select appropriate assessments • Develop skills in determining what constitutes evidence 2

  3. Alignment to Framework Principles • Belief 1: All students can succeed. • Belief 2: Effective schools enable a culture of learning. • Belief 3: Effective teachers are critical to student learning success. • Belief 7: Effective teaching practices are evidence-based. 3

  4. Assessment - Key Issues • What is assessment? • Characteristics of effective assessment • Why do we assess? • What evidence do we gather (from whom, what, why, when)? • Evidence-based decision making 4

  5. What is Assessment? • Assessment is the ongoing purposeful process of gathering, analysing and reflecting on evidence to make informed and consistent judgments to improve future student learning. DEECD Assessment Advice 5

  6. The Assessment Process The assessment process is multidisciplinary and occurs in a continuous cycle that is fully integrated into the learning–teaching process: at the outset of work; as work progresses; and at the conclusion to any work. It is also multi-tiered, beginning and ending with the classroom teacher and leading to an ongoing evolution of effective instruction, reassessment, and access to opportunities for achievement based on changing student needs. (Salvia, 1990, Ontario) 6

  7. Part 1 7

  8. Questions for Consideration • What alignment exists between your personal understanding of assessment and research on assessment? • What are the significant areas of difference? • What might need to be further investigated to depth our knowledge about assessment? 8

  9. Activity • Write a personal definition of assessment. • Highlight key words or phrases. • Review definitions of assessment from various sources (provided by facilitator). • Highlight key words or phrases. • Refine personal definition in light of other definitions. • Filter definitions (in Pairs/Fours/Eights), at each step creating a synthesised definition. • Display on charts. • Create a wordlefrom the charted definitions to capture the key ideas (see example, next slide or weblink). 9

  10. 10

  11. Resources • Hattie, J (2009) Visible Learning, Routledge (pp. 238-239) • Education for All - Ontario Ministry of Education http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/document/reports/speced/panel/speced.pdf  (p.21) • Beyond the Black Box http://arrts.gtcni.org.uk/gtcni/bitstream/2428/4621/1/Assessment%20for%20Learning-Beyond%20the%20Black%20Box.pdf • DEECD Assessment Advice http://www.education.vic.gov.au/studentlearning/assessment/preptoyear10/assessadvice/default.htm#purpose • Numeracy in Practice:http://www.eduweb.vic.gov.au/edulibrary/public/publ/research/publ/Research_eLert_Issue_19_Numeracy-rpt-v1.0-20090529.pdf • Clarke, Timperley and Hattie (2009), Unlocking Formative Assessment, Hachette, New Zealand Limited • Using student assessment for professional learning http://www.eduweb.vic.gov.au/edulibrary/public/publ/research/publ/timperley_using_student_assessment_for_professional_learning.pdf 11

  12. Resources (cont.) • Western Australia First Steps Resources - Reading Map /Writing Map, Chapter 3 - Linking Assessment, Teaching and Learning Chapter 6 • Assessment is for Learning (AifL), Scotland www.ltscotland.org.uk/assess • TKI Assessment, Ministry of Education, New Zealand http://assessment.tki.org.nz/Assessment-in-the-classroom • Assessment Crisis: The Absence of Assessment FOR Learning, in Phi Delta Kappan, vol 83, no. 10, pp 758-765. • Dylan Williams -www.dylanwiliam.net • Philip Holmes-Smith Resources - www.sreams.com.au

  13. Characteristics of Effective Assessment • Valid, reliable and consistent methods • Attention to outcomes and processes • Ongoing is best • Feedback and reflection • Learner at the centre 13

  14. Why Do We Assess? • 2 big ideas • to improve student performance (assessment as and for learning) • to inform reporting on student achievement (assessment of learning) 14

  15. To improve student performance • to find out what students know and can do • to find out how students learn best • to inform instructional decision making at school, cohort and individual level • to measure the effectiveness of teaching • to provide feedback to students on their learning 15

  16. To inform reporting on student achievement • to provide information to parents, teachers, school leadership and wider community of student academic progress 16

  17. DEECD Assessment Advice Page Use the website powerpoint to call up this page. 18

  18. Part 2 19

  19. Questions for Consideration • Why do we assess students? • How do our current practices support improvement in student learning? 20

  20. Activity • In pairs, read articles on: Lessons on Mastery Learning and The Why Behind RTI • Think, write and share key ideas. • Reflect on where the key purposes for improving student learning are reflected in the articles. • The Why Behind RTI • Lessons on Mastery Learning 21

  21. Assessment Practices • What is assessed? • What constitutes evidence? • Who is assessed? • Who administers the task? • How is information recorded and tracked? 22

  22. What is Assessed? • Brainstorm Experiences and views associated with the ‘what’ of assessment 23

  23. What Constitutes Evidence? • ‘The evidence might come form both formal and informal sources but if student learning is the focus, it must relate to the curriculum. so teachers can answer the questions: What do students already know? and What do they need to learn and do?’ Source: ‘Using student assessment of professional learning: focusing on student outcomes to identify teachers’ needs’, DEECD May 2011 24

  24. Formal Teacher judgment on VELS level NAPLAN Surveys of student engagement Surveys of learning styles and preferences other..... Informal interviewing students observation of classrooms practice feedback to students other..... 25 Evidence

  25. What Constitutes Evidence? • Formative assessment - diagnostic, anecdotal, self/peer assessment • Summativeassessment - standardised testing, teacher based mastery testing, student products 26

  26. Types of AssessmentTypes of assessment powerpointsprepared by Philip Holmes-Smith 27

  27. Observation - what we see? • Observable phenomena emerge everyday, both in the classroom and at home. They are seen heard or directly experienced and are described in specific, label free terms, free from opinion or speculation. • Observable phenomena are evidence that a strength or weakness may exist. Teaching All Kinds of Minds - Participants Workbook 2009 28

  28. Activity Complete an audit of current assessment practices using electronic table provided. 29

  29. 30

  30. Questions to Sharpen the Lens What are the indications that there are concerns for the learning of this child? Are they significantly above or below the expected level? Are there patterns occurring across screening data for this child? Further evidence required: What specifically are we concerned about? How will we collect evidence about this? Over what time frame will the evidence be collected? Who is best placed to collect this evidence? What is the history for this child - medical, social, emotional ,academic? Further evidence required: What further evidence needs to be gathered to complete our profile? What expertise/professionals are required to do this? 31

  31. Sharpening the Lens Whole Class: Further evidence required: Specialist assessments 32

  32. Sharpening the Lens Whole Class: PAT-R Reading Comprehension Test Further testing required: Individual: PROBE/NEALE analysis CELF 4 - Special Education Consultant 33

  33. Case Study • Choose a student you may consider to be ‘at risk‘ of not progressing in their learning. • Complete an evidence audit on the student using the form – ‘Sharpening the Lens’. • Give an example of a completed audit. 34

  34. 35

  35. Question for Consideration • Do our evidence/assessment practices allow us to sharpen the lens on our students learning? 36

  36. Resources • Guidelines for the Administration of Literacy Assessment • http://www.rti4success.org/screeningTools • http://www.acer.edu.au/tests/school/ • Literacy - Literacy Assessment Tool Summary • 37

  37. Recording of Data Activity • Show and tell: participants share current recording practices. (Purpose: to develop consistent understanding of recording procedures and practices for mapping student progress). 38

  38. Assessment Contexts that Support Intervention 39

  39. Continuous Monitoring Cycle 40

  40. Three Tiers of Support 41

  41. 42

  42. Activity • Using one of the models for assessment contexts, annotate your current practices for either your ‘case study’ student or a student currently being supported through an intervention pathway. 43

  43. Questions to Consider • Do we have adequate and effective processes in place at each point of monitoring? • How are we measuring and recording the effectiveness of the intervention? • What do we still need to learn about/explore? • Do we have clarity around who, does what, when, in relation to assessment? 44

  44. Action Plan • In light of the learning from this module, create an action plan. • Link with current School Improvement Plan priorities • Link with relevant diocesan intervention framework 45

  45. Considerations • Commitment by all staff to develop a current understanding and expectations in terms of a whole school approach to assessment. • Consistent understanding of administration and implementation requirements of assessment tools/tasks. • Commitment to continuous monitoring . • Building staff capacity to discern professional learning needs in light of student assessment. 46

  46. Where to Now? • Assessment is only effective when data is explored and used to inform and drive teaching decisions. • Assessment is the first step to improving student learning, however, it is the analysis of the data that will drive learning and teaching. ‘The goal is to transform data into information, and information into insight’(CarlyFiorina) 47

  47. Further Reading • Education for All, Report of the Expert Panel on Literacy and Numeracy Instruction for Students with Special Education Needs, Kindergarten to Grade 6, Ontario • Response to Intervention: www.RTI4success.org • Hattie, J 2003, Teachers make a difference: What is the evidence? ACER 48

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