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Paving the way to the DIAP (=Deutsches Internationales Abitur) and to High School Diploma. Thomas Leitheiser Head of High School / HS coordinator September 2013. Activities of the grades in High School (I).
Paving the way to the DIAP (=Deutsches Internationales Abitur) and to High School Diploma Thomas Leitheiser Head of High School / HS coordinator September 2013
Activities of the grades in High School (I) Grades 9 through 12: HS weekend (August or September / in 2013: Sept. 12th – 14th, Sacramento) Grades 9 and 10: school exchange with secondary schools in Germany (Dresden), Chile (Valparaiso) and maybe France (new in 2012/13)
Activities of the grades in High School (II) Grade 10: centralized written exams in Engl, German and Maths (March) Grade 10: internship (April – 2014: March 31st - April 4th) Grade 10: AP German (May) Grades 10 and 11: PSAT (October); DSD-II (= German Language Diploma – optional; December/January) Grades 10 through 12: APs in several subjects (May)
Activities of the grades in High School (III) Grade 11: four complex written assignments (= Klausuren) per subject Grade 11: “Facharbeit” (Jan. - March) Grade 11 + 12: Global classroom – cooperation with GISBos
Activities of the grades in High School (IV) Grade 12: written mock exams (Nov. 2013) Grade 12: written DIAP exams (Jan./Feb. 2014) Grade 12: mock oral exams (beginning of May 2014) Grade 12: oral DIAP exams (May 2014)
Grade 10 – end of the medium school stream (= Realschulabschluss) Centralized written exams in two out of three core subjects (in 2012/13: German and Mathematics) in Febr./March 2013 One oral exam (approx. 20 minutes) in 2012/13: in June 2013 during the DIAP oral exam week The final grading in the three exam subjects is 50 % exam related and 50 % related to the grade for the school year
From RS to GYM – the chance to carry on In order to get into the two final years a “Realschul”-students must … • not have a 5 (= “Mangelhaft”) in one of the three core subjects (German, Maths, English) • have an average of 3.0 in the three core subjects • have an average of 3.0 in all subjects • successfully repeat grade 10 on “Gymnasium” level including a second foreign language
Grade 10 (GYM) and the qualification for the two final years: Written exams in three subjects: German (150 minutes), Maths (135 minutes), English (135 minutes) These written exams are centralized; they are being taken in March each year The results of these exams count double
Grade 11: First half of the “Qualifikations-phase” including “Facharbeit” The results of the classes achieved in grade 11 start counting for the DIAP The “Facharbeit” is a thesis to be worked on for eight weeks replacing one complex written assignment (= Klausur) in the first half of the second semester in grade 11 (Jan. - March)
Qualification 11th and 12th grade • 10 high leveled qualification- and examination subjects (Maths, languages, natural and social sciences, the arts, PE & American History) • 0-15 points creditsystem (0 P. = inadequate; 15 P. outstanding plus; 5 P. arethelowestpassing grade) • 3 written and 2 oral Abitur examinations
10 mandatory subjects („Belegverpflichtung“) • Languages/Literature/Art • German, English, French, Spanish (4 p/w) • Art (2 p/w) • Social sciences • History (3 p/w) • Economics (3 p/w) • American History/Am. Government (1p/w) • Maths/Natural Sciences • Maths (4 p/w) • Biology, Physics, Chemistry (3 p/w), • P.E. (2 p/w).
semester results which count for the qualification “Einbringungsverpflichtung” 4 semesters German 4 semesters Mathematics min. 3 semesters Art min. 14 x semesters Sciences and Foreign Languages min. 4 semesters History and Economics (min. 2 of History) max. 3 semesters P.E.
Written Examinations DIAP 1. Subject: German 2./3. Subject: • Maths or • English, French or Spanish (if studied at least for five years) or • History or Economics or • Physics or Biology or Chemistry
2 Oral Examinations 4./5. Subject: Other subjects One oral exam must be taken in German in a subject taught in German One oral exam is a presentation + + + + With the five Abitur subjects, all three „Aufgabenfelder“ have to be covered: Language(s), Natural Science(s) and Social Science(s)
GISSV – paving the wayinto studying at university level: GISSV prepares the students for both worlds: • In Europe with the bilingual DIAP Abitur format • In the USA with High School diploma, standardized tests plus rigorous coursework
The training for world-widestudying skills (1) • Wide academic college and university preparation in both worlds (our school is WASC accredited and regarded as an “excellent German School abroad” by the German BLI, our courses are recognized by the college board (UC) and by the German government) • Focus on languages and sciences • Truly bilingual education at the level of native speakers in an intercultural environment
The training for world-widestudying skills (2) A cooperation program with TU9 exists. TU9 is the association of the nine biggest and most influential technical colleges in Germany (a partnership between GISSV and TU9 was signed in Sept 2011). Cooperation with the DAAD (German academics exchange program): info night @ GISSV on October. 7th 2013, 7pm Once a week the “Experts in the classroom” sessions prepare the students for the world outside school.
Experts in the classroom: orientation towards working and studying (1) Once a week the students of grades 11 and 12 gather for the “experts in the classroom” sessions. Apart from “experts” from different job areas, these weekly sessions have other topics and points of focus (see the next three slides).
Experts in the classroom: orientation towards working and studying (2) Further topics in “experts in the classroom”: Working on students’ curriculum vitae including linkedin-formats How to address a future employer Looking at the different forms of colleges in Germany (university; Fachhochschule; dual studies; “Erasmus”; …)
Experts in the classroom: orientation towards working and studying (3) How do I get necessary information if I want to study in Germany? How is studying at a German university organized? (lectures, seminars, tutorials) Alternative paths after the Abitur
Experts in the classroom: orientation towards working and studying (4) Job tests and IQ tests Individual counseling of those students who are interested in going to college in Germany Individual help with necessary items which might be needed for certain subjects at German universities (e.g. arts) Students work on an individual E-Portfolio
Scholarships for German universities Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (recommendationofoneortwoacademicallymostsuccessfulstudents per year) DAAD Vollstipendium (forstudentsat German schoolsabroadwhoare not German citizens – thetwobeststudents per yearcangetnominated) Scholarshipsofthe UAS7 (forstudentsfrom GISSV, DSNY, DSW – 300 € / month)
Where are our first GISSV Alumni (1)? Class of 2009Class of 2010 • US UC Berkeley (2 x) UC Berkeley Boulder Univ. Colorado • Germany University of Munich University of Munich (2 x) University of Berlin University of Hamburg University of Stuttgart University of Jena • Austria University of Vienna
Whereareourfirst GISSV Alumni (2)? Class of 2011Class of 2012 • US work in a start-up 1 x internship; 2 x NYU; SCU; Tufts; Stanford; Menlo College of Business • Germany University of Hamburg 6 x universities in University of Heidelberg Germany (amongst University of Hannover others: Karlsruhe, University of Munich Cologne, Aachen) University of Frankfurt/M. • France Marseille
Whereareourfirst GISSV Alumni (3)? Class of 2013Class of 2014 • US 1 x SCU ??? 1 x UC Davis • Germany/ 1 x University of Cologne Europe 1 x TU Munich 1 x Internships and plan to launch into dual studies in 2014
Students Information channels @ GISSV (1) • Thomas Leitheiser & Jennifer KrejcikHead of High School & High School College Counselor • DAAD and German universities information nightOctober 7th 2013, 7.00 pm • German universitiescounselor: Hanni Geist, DAAD San Francisco: appointments on requestandat GISSV, starting in the fall 2013 • Experts in the classroom (E.i.U.) every week
Students Information channels @ GISSV (2) Publications College fairs Visitcolleges/universitiesduringyourvacationeither in the US or in Germany/Europe TU9-Studies Week in Germany in August
Thank You! Dankeschön! www.gissv.org
Paving the way to the DIAP (=Deutsches Internationales Abitur) and to High School Diploma Thomas Leitheiser Head of High School Sept 2011