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Standardized Functioning Information Reporting Using ICF Framework

Enhance decision-making in health system by using ICF as standard for reporting functioning information, ensuring comparability for better interventions and resource allocation.

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Standardized Functioning Information Reporting Using ICF Framework

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  1. Enhanced informed decision-making in the health system: ICF as a standard for reporting functioning information Prodinger B1,2, Tennant A1,2, Brinkhof M1,Bickenbach J1,2,Cieza A1,2,4,5,Stucki G1,2,3 1Swiss Paraplegic Research, Switzerland; 2ICF Research Branch in Cooperation with WHO-FIC Centre (at DIMDI) in Germany, Nottwil, Switzerland; 3Department of Health Sciences & Health Policy, University of Lucerne, Switzerland; 4Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University of Southampton, UK; 5Institute for Public Health and Health Care Research, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Germany.

  2. Background • Optimizing functioning is an important outcome in clinical practice and public health. • Availability of functioning information is essential for planning interventions and allocating resources at individual and population level. • Functioning information is already collected with various methods in health and its related systems.  A system that builds upon existing data collection processes and integrates existing practices of data collection into a unified framework is needed to ensure comparability of functioning information.

  3. Toward standardized reporting of functioning information (Selb et al. 2014) (Cieza et al. 2002; Cieza et al. 2005) (Tennant & Conaghan, 2007)

  4. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Swiss Spinal Cord Injury Cohort Study (SwiSCI) as a case in point Existing health instruments Select ICF Core Set(s) ICF Generic and Disability Set Brief ICF Core Set for SCI – Early post-acute Setting Brief ICF Core Set for SCI – Long-term Setting Link information to the ICF Identify ICF categories Co-calibration of items along a common metric while maintaining structure of ICF Rasch Measurement Model Standardizedunits: Range from 0 to 100 4

  5. Swiss Spinal Cord Injury Cohort Study (SwiSCI) as a case in point Illustration of operationalization of b1 Mental functions by integrating items from various existing instruments

  6. Conclusion We have illustrated one approach toward developing a system for standardized reporting of functioning which • builds upon existing methods for data collection. • enables comparability of functioning information based on the ICF. • enhances comprehensive, reliable and understandable foundation for decision making at all levels of health its related systems. Acknowledgments: The authors would like to acknowledge the extensive support of Carolina Saskia Ballert in this project.

  7. Thankyouforyourattention!

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