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Grace: The Incomparable Character of God

Explore the grace of God through biblical passages and reflections on its beauty and impact in our lives. Discover the contrast between sin and grace, and how grace brings life and salvation through Jesus Christ.

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Grace: The Incomparable Character of God

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Presentation Transcript

  1. INCOMPARABLE The Character of God The Grace of GOD Romans 5:15-21 Luke 2:36-40

  2. GRACEis when we get what we don’t deserve MERCYis when we don’t get what we do deserve

  3. GRACE God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense

  4. GRACE apparently effortless beauty

  5. “The whole Bible is about grace” “Grace is everywhere!” ANDREW WILSON Only once in Matthew, Mark and Luke ….

  6. “Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ” “The child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him.” “full of grace and truth …”

  7. “Grace … came through Jesus Christ” John 1:17 “They were amazed at the gracious words that came from his lips!” Luke 4:22

  8. What you see is not always what you get

  9. INNER BEAUTY OUTER BEAUTY “What a lovely man!”

  10. BEAUTY on the outside + GOODNESS on the inside = JESUS - ‘full of GRACE’ ‘- the word made flesh’

  11. QUESTION Now that He’s gone … where do we see GRACE? ANSWER (in Romans 5) In the lives of people being saved through Jesus Christ (‘those who have received the gift of righteousness’) REALLY??!! SIN GRACE Spot the difference …

  12. THE SAME … 1 They both begin with one man (12,18,19) 2 They affect everyone (15) 3 They enslave everyone (17) - BUT DIFFERENT 1 One leads to death; the other leads to life (21) 2 One starts with disobedience; the other starts with obedience (19) 3 Grace is infinitely better in every way! (20,21) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SIN and GRACE in Romans 5

  13. “Still God’s pride and joy”

  14. “Still God’s pride and joy” Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me - all His wondrous compassion and purity; O thou Spirit divine, all my nature refine ‘till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me!

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