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The UNC Grading System

The UNC Grading System. Grades. Graduate (CS only) H H+ H- P P+ P- L L+ L- F AB FA IN NG S. Undergraduate A A- B B+ B- C C+ C- D D+ F AB FA IN NG (PS W). GPA.

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The UNC Grading System

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  1. The UNC Grading System

  2. Grades • Graduate (CS only) • H H+ H- • P P+ P- • L L+ L- • F • AB FA • IN NG • S • Undergraduate • A A- • B B+ B- • C C+ C- • D D+ • F • AB FA • IN NG • (PS W)

  3. GPA If you take a course more than once, all count in your gpa, but only one counts for graduation hours. That’s not true at all schools.

  4. UNC grade requirements • You need a 2.0 gpa to move from one year to the next. • You need a 2.0 gpa to graduate. • You can take more than 18 hours in one semester only if you received at least 3.0 the previous semester and 2.5 overall, except for second semester seniors who can take up to 20 hours if they have 2.0 or better.

  5. CS grade requirementsfor undergraduates • You need a C or better in the 9 introductory courses (COMP, Math, Physics) to be admitted to the major (no requirement for COMP 110 or 116). • You need a C- or better and a C average in courses that count toward the CS major.

  6. UNC grade requirementsfor graduates • Get an F or 9 hours of L and you get kicked out! (Readmission the first time is generally easy).

  7. CS grade requirementsfor graduates • We expect our Ph.D. student to receive at least half H’s. We compute this using the Calingaert Number.

  8. Undergraduate Classifications Classifications FR, SO, JR, SR, FYR (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, fifth-year) indicate undergraduate students. Additional codes are: • SPU Special Undergraduate Non-Degree • II Inter-Institutional • SDS Special Degree Seeking and Off-Campus Nursing Program • FX Foreign Exchange • FYR Fifth Year (Pharmacy) • VS Visiting Student • These students get undergrad grades, except…

  9. Graduate and Professional Classifications • GD Grad Doctoral • GM Grad Masters • GPM Grad Post Masters • GMD Grad Masters then Doctoral • GPD Grad Post Doctoral • SPG Special Graduate Non-Degree • 1ST First Year MBA or Professional • II Inter-Institutional • FX Foreign Exchange • SPP Professional Non-Degree • SDS Currently used for Off-Campus Professional Pharmacy • Grad students taking courses under 400 get undergrad grades.

  10. Grade reporting

  11. Grade reporting

  12. Grade reporting • Write neatly. Someone has to read the grade. • Department keeps a copy. • You keep a copy. • There’s no feedback (other than students’ complaints) that the grade you wrote is the grade that was recorded. • We can check individual grades.

  13. In the future… We will access a web page showing a list of our students and for each, just the grades for which they are eligible and a set of radio buttons. We will be able to bring up a web page showing the grades that were actually recorded. Maybe, starting fall 2010.

  14. Changing a grade • Changing a temporary grade is easy. • Changing a permanent grade is harder. Only valid reason is clerical error. • Student can appeal a grade.

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