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Motivated To M O T I V A T E!

Learn the importance of self-care and how to avoid burnout by taking intentional actions to nurture your spiritual, emotional, physical, and intellectual well-being. Discover why self-care is crucial, how to recognize compassion fatigue, and practical tips to kickstart your self-care routine. Don't neglect your own needs - implement these strategies today to boost your overall well-being and performance.

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Motivated To M O T I V A T E!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Motivated To M O T I V A T E!

  2. What are the THREE 3 most important tasks of your job?

  3. What is self-care? • Self-care is any intentional actions you take to care for your health: • Spiritually • Emotionally • Physically • Intellectually

  4. Why is self-care so important?

  5. Why don’t we take it more seriously?

  6. How do we get started?

  7. Why is self-care so important?

  8. “In the unlikely event of an emergency, fit your own oxygen mask first, before attending to children and dependents.”

  9. When OUTPUT exceeds INPUT then UPKEEP becomes our DOWNFALL!

  10. Compassion Fatigue: “A state experienced by those helping people or animals in distress; it is an extreme state of tension and preoccupation with the suffering of those being helped to the degree that it can create a secondary traumatic stress for the helper.”

  11. Why don’t we take it more seriously?

  12. FOUR SUGGESTIONS: We don’t believe we need it. We will put it off until later. We will appear weak or inadequate. Lack of knowledge or supervision.

  13. How do we get started?

  14. Four Self-care gauges • Spiritual • Emotional • Physical • Intellectual

  15. Three Tips for Emotional Health 1. Know what puts energy in your tank Learn how to say NO 3. Know when to seek help

  16. Your structure is perfectly designed to produce the results you are currently getting.

  17. What is your ONE big takeaway?

  18. Jeff Perkins Community Education Director Montgomery County Schools Jeff.perkins@montgomery.kyschools.us

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