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Perkins CIP Budget Narrative Guidance 2013-14

Perkins CIP Budget Narrative Guidance 2013-14. Reynold Gardner Oregon Department of Education April 24, 2013. Objectives. Identify the 2013-14 Perkins Budget Narrative Timeline Provide an overview & expectations concerning the Budget Narrative

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Perkins CIP Budget Narrative Guidance 2013-14

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  1. Perkins CIP Budget Narrative Guidance 2013-14 Reynold Gardner Oregon Department of Education April 24, 2013

  2. Objectives • Identify the 2013-14 Perkins Budget Narrative Timeline • Provide an overview & expectations concerning the Budget Narrative • List the expectations of the Budget Revision Process • Explain the parameters around us of professional development funds • Provide a better understanding of Administration vs Program Coordination / Leadership • Receive an understanding concerning allowable expenses and supplanting. • Allocable Cost (Dec 1st timeline) • Supplanting • Some Yes’s and Some No No’s • Provide guidance around Language used in developing your Perkins Budget Narrative

  3. 2013-14 Perkins Timeline • Application Timeline • CIP Budget Narrative will go live on June 6, 2013 • Due Friday, June 28, 2013 • Basic Grant Application • Due Friday, June 28, 2013 • Budget Narrative Approval Process • End of July & First Part of August • Conversation with Gardner (specifics and clarification) • Reject / Re-submit process Oregon Department of Education

  4. Access to the Budget Narrative • Log in to the ODE District Site • Click on application • Click on CIP Budget Narrative • District security administrator • Permissions for: “submit-revise” and “edit everything” • Load the 2013-2014 year to be current. • Prerequisites • Perkins assurances • Contacts entered – submit • Consolidated spending page – submit Oregon Department of Education

  5. Perkins Expectations… Where you spend the $ • Four (5) Core Elements • Standards & Content • Alignment & Articulation Visual • Technical Skill Assessment • Student Support Services (5) Professional Development

  6. Budget Narrative • Equipment items over $5000 require ODE Approval • Budget Narrative – format/structure same as the last 2 years. • Basic & Reserve Grants have the same structure & format. Oregon Department of Education

  7. Oregon Department of Education

  8. Budget Narrative Expectations • Required in your narrative: • School & Program of Study (POS) • Core Element • Object Code • Describe the expense item in detail • Purpose • Calculation made to reach your item total Oregon Department of Education

  9. Spending Workbook Oregon Department of Education

  10. Object Codes This document will be sent out and posted on the Web….. Oregon Department of Education

  11. Oregon Department of Education

  12. Budget Changes / Revisions • EDGAR 80.30(d) Grantees or subgrantees must obtain prior approval of the awarding agency whenever any of the following actions is anticipated: • Any revision of the scope or objectives of the project (regardless of whether there is an associated budget revision requiring prior approval). • EDGAR 80.30(f) a request by a subgrantee for prior approval will be addressed in writing to the grantee.

  13. Budget Changes / Revisions This document will be sent out and posted on the Web…..

  14. Professional Development • Long term sustained effort that leads to a higher level of student engagement and program improvement   • Not the one day workshops that have spotted our past •  If XYZ Conference is an event that you want to fund Perkins with you need to tie your professional development plan to the deliverables that are associated with that conference.

  15. Professional Development • Fund budgeted towards professional development are required to stay in the professional development • Professional development is a sign of leadership

  16. Administration Direct and Indirect Administration – 5% limit EDGAR 80.3 - Administration Matters common to grants in general: • Financial Managements • Reports • Retention of Records Oregon Department of Education

  17. Program Coordination & Leadership vs Admin Activities that support the specific intents and purpose of the grant. • Curriculum development • Leadership to develop CTE Program of Study • Program quality review • Professional development • Facilitation of professional development activities • Research activities • Performance and program data analysis • Research on promising practices Oregon Department of Education

  18. Allowable expenses and supplanting • Intents/purposes • Reasonable/necessary • Local Leadership – local decisions • There is no Dichotomous (yes / no) chart. • Some items are allowed within your decision making process while some are not. • Perkins IV is not Perkin III Oregon Department of Education

  19. Perkins allowable expenses conversation…. • If / then analysis • Focus of Perkins: • Improving • Enhancing • Expanding • Modernize • Elevate the program • Aligns to current industry standards • Taking the program in a new direction

  20. Allocable Cost • Must provide a benefit to the program in proportion to the amount of expenditure • (Dec 1st for Equipment purchases) • Costs are allocated over the period of the grant • Goods may be charged to the program in accordance with the relative benefit received

  21. Supplanting • Funds made available under this Act for career and technical education activities shall supplement, and shall not supplant, non-Federal funds expended to carry out career and technical education activities. [Section 311(a)] Oregon Department of Education

  22. Supplanting (continued) • Federal funds must be used to augment the regular education program • Supplanting is using federal dollars to provide: • A required program/activity at the State or Local Level • An activity or service that was provide by non-federal funds in the prior year • Services to some students while using local sources to provide the same services to others Oregon Department of Education

  23. Supplanting (continued) • Local Education Agencies must provide all the state and local fund needed to operate in the absence of federal funds. • routine operating expenses • building maintenance and repairs • landscaping • custodial service • basic teacher and student equipment • supplies Oregon Department of Education

  24. Supplanting - Capital Improvement • Construction of a facility is the local educational agencies responsibility • Furnishing of the facility with furniture, operating equipment, teacher computer, black board and etc. • Electrical, plumbing, structural work, heating & cooling Oregon Department of Education

  25. Budget YES – YES’s • Data Driven Activities & Expenditures • Math & CTE, Literacy, Special Pops, Technical Skill Assessment, Measurement Indicators • Program of Study based needs (Improve & Expand) • Industry / Advisory Committee input • Standards based expenditures • Deliverables associated with expenditure • ODE Approved Technical Skill Assessments Oregon Department of Education

  26. Budget NO-NO’s (1) • Vehicles • Text Books • Personal Devices (iPhone, iPad, PDA, Laptop) • Instructional / curriculum vs individual – administrative • Items with a direct one-to-one benefit for a student or a teacher (student USB-drives) • Percentage formula for…….. Oregon Department of Education

  27. Budget NO-NO’s (2) • Membership Dues • Student Leadership (competitions) • Perkins III Elements (School to Work) • Articulation Agreements….. Oregon Department of Education

  28. Budget NO-NO’s (3) • Non-Program of Study expenditures • Program Closure • State Recognized Program (SRP) • Administration • paper work, data, reports, grant applications, fiscal responsibilities, budgets, etc.. • Annual subscriptions • Vague items such as “general or miscellaneous supplies” • Activities for Elementary or Middle School students Oregon Department of Education

  29. Budget NO-NO’s (4) • Safety Items • Local educational agency Obligation • Sorry • Safety Glasses • Lab Coats • Safety Gloves • Air Filters Oregon Department of Education

  30. Budget NO-NO’s (5) • Direct Benefit • Admission • Sports event, OMSI, Wildlife Park, Movie, Broadway theater, and etc. • Tuition, Fees, Books associated with college / university credit. • Dues • T-shirt • For personal use • iPod / iPad / Laptop • Swag or Chotchkie to be given out to students. Oregon Department of Education

  31. Budget NO-NO’s (6) • Misc. supplies / General Supplies • Bits, blades, screw driver • Measuring cups, pots, knives and pans • Pencils • Welding rods, sanders, grinders, hammer • Printer cartridges, toner, resin • Paper, etc. Oregon Department of Education

  32. iPads, Androids, Tablets and Personal Devices • Any portable technology device that is used for personal or administrative use is not approved. • Technology devices to be used for instructional (student focused) and curriculum purposes then it would be allowed. • The devices should not be check out to the student for an extended period of time – personal use. • There needs to be vigilant inventory procedures to safeguard this investment. Oregon Department of Education

  33. This document will be sent out and posted on the Web…..

  34. Equipment Replacement • The question is does the replacement expand or enhance the program? • If the equipment being considered just replaces an old piece that is worn out, then that would not be allowed. • If the piece of equipment is an upgrade to industry standards then it would be allowed. Oregon Department of Education

  35. Equipment Replacement (continued) • You do not need to include the rational within your CIP Budget Narrative, yet it should be part of your local leadership decision. • I need a oven to offer my culinary arts program – local expenditure • I need this oven to meet “x” standard as recommended by industry - Perkins expenditure Oregon Department of Education

  36. Annual Subscriptions • If you have items that requires an annual subscription…….. • Feds are asking the question…… Why is the local educational institution not supporting the subscription beyond the initial Perkins investment? • If the subscription is so vital? Why…… • Times are tight yet the law is still in effect. Oregon Department of Education

  37. Objectives • Identify the 2013-14 Perkins Budget Narrative Timeline • Provide an overview & expectations concerning the Budget Narrative • List the expectations of the Budget Revision Process • Explain the parameters around us of professional development funds • Provide a better understanding of Administration vs Program Coordination / Leadership • Receive an understanding concerning allowable expenses and supplanting. • Allocable Cost (Dec 1st timeline) • Supplanting • Some Yes’s and Some No No’s • Provide guidance around Language used in developing your Perkins Budget Narrative

  38. Questions • Questions? • Please contact Reynold Gardner • Reynold.gardner@state.or.us • 503-947-5615

  39. Thank You • Keep up the good work. • Reynold & Donna

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