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First Century Ephesus

First Century Ephesus. Religious Cults. The Roman City. The Ephesus of St. Paul & Associates Sheila E. McGinn, Ph.D. Paul’s Activities in Ephesus. Capital of Asia. Trade Routes. Ephesus after Paul. Select Bibliography. Instructions:

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First Century Ephesus

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  1. First Century Ephesus Religious Cults The Roman City The Ephesus of St. Paul & Associates Sheila E. McGinn, Ph.D. Paul’s Activities in Ephesus Capital of Asia Trade Routes Ephesus after Paul Select Bibliography

  2. Instructions: • Delete sample document icon and replace with working document icons as follows: • Create document in Word. • Return to PowerPoint. • From Insert Menu, select Object… • Click “Create from File” • Locate File name in “File” box • Make sure “Display as Icon” is checked. • Click OK • Select icon • From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings. • Click “Object Action” and select “Edit” • Click OK Ephesus, The Roman City • Founded in the Second Century BCE • Deforestation for cultivation • City grew by leaps and bounds • Apartments for the wealthy • Surrounded by estates and villas • all the amenities of Roman urban life: luxuries, leisure, comfort, slaves

  3. Instructions: • Delete sample document icon and replace with working document icons as follows: • Create document in Word. • Return to PowerPoint. • From Insert Menu, select Object… • Click “Create from File” • Locate File name in “File” box • Make sure “Display as Icon” is checked. • Click OK • Select icon • From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings. • Click “Object Action” and select “Edit” • Click OK Capital of Roman Asia • Third-largest city in the Empire • Population 250,000 - 500,000 or more • Theater holds 25,000 at once • Aristocratic families gaining influence in Rome through links with Senatorial class

  4. Instructions: • Delete sample document icon and replace with working document icons as follows: • Create document in Word. • Return to PowerPoint. • From Insert Menu, select Object… • Click “Create from File” • Locate File name in “File” box • Make sure “Display as Icon” is checked. • Click OK • Select icon • From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings. • Click “Object Action” and select “Edit” • Click OK Trade Routes • Great port on the Mediterranean • Near Greece and North Africa, the “bread basket” of the Empire • Central land routes, inluding the Via Egnatia

  5. Instructions: • Delete sample document icon and replace with working document icons as follows: • Create document in Word. • Return to PowerPoint. • From Insert Menu, select Object… • Click “Create from File” • Locate File name in “File” box • Make sure “Display as Icon” is checked. • Click OK • Select icon • From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings. • Click “Object Action” and select “Edit” • Click OK Religious Cults • Temple to Diana one of the seven wonders of the ancient world • Traditional Mother-Goddess worship found throughout Asia • “Oriental” cults gaining influence, especially those of Isis, Mithras, and Judaism

  6. Instructions: • Delete sample document icon and replace with working document icons as follows: • Create document in Word. • Return to PowerPoint. • From Insert Menu, select Object… • Click “Create from File” • Locate File name in “File” box • Make sure “Display as Icon” is checked. • Click OK • Select icon • From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings. • Click “Object Action” and select “Edit” • Click OK Paul’s Activities in Ephesus • First visit ca. AD 48 during second missionary journey • Second visit, beginning ca. 52, lasts several years • three-year imprisonment ca. 54-56 • writes “imprisonment letters” to Corinth -- and probably also those to Philippi & Philemon

  7. Ephesus after Paul • Continues as center of Christian movement in Asia • John the Seer leads churches there • Made first collection of Paul’s letters • Increase in significance of imperial cult and anti-Christian antagonism • Problems with harbor

  8. Instructions: • Delete sample document icon and replace with working document icons as follows: • Create document in Word. • Return to PowerPoint. • From Insert Menu, select Object… • Click “Create from File” • Locate File name in “File” box • Make sure “Display as Icon” is checked. • Click OK • Select icon • From Slide Show Menu, Select Action Settings. • Click “Object Action” and select “Edit” • Click OK Select Bibliography • Ephesos: Metropolis of Asia. An interdisciplinary approach to its archaeology, religion and culture, ed. Helmut Koester. (Harvard Theological Studies 41; Valley Forge, PA: Trinity Press International, c1995). • McGinn links on Paul, accessible from my homepage at http://www.jcu.edu/bible/mcginn/index.htm • Excavation reports by University of Austria

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