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Friends & Colleagues For the Center for Entrepreneurship Development at Universidad Icesi, 2009 was a very special year, not only for celebrating our 25 th working year but also because many good events happen and we would like to share with you some of them in this Christmas letter.
Friends & Colleagues For the Center for Entrepreneurship Development at Universidad Icesi, 2009 was a very special year, not only for celebrating our 25th working year but also because many good events happen and we would like to share with you some of them in this Christmas letter.
Successful execution of the 20th Latin American Congress on Entrepreneurship. • White L. Wilford Fellow’s distinction by ICSB to Dr. Rodrigo Varela. • Universidad de Monterrey’s distinction to Dr. Melquicedec Lozano for Best Doctoral Family Business research. • Development of GEM Colombia 2009 • Summer Camp on Entrepreneurship with 114 participants. • Expansion of Start-Up Cafe to 15 workstations and 150 students involved in the development of their business. • Publication by Mc Graw Hill of the seventh edition of the Rodrigo Varela’s textbook “Evaluación Económica de Proyectos de Inversión”.
Publication of the research based book “GEM Colombia 2008”. • Increase of the entrepreneurial support services we provide in a joint venture with BANCOLDEX. • Execution of the “Entrepreneurship Development for the Jewish’s Community”. • Execution of the “Teacher’s Training in Entrepreneurship for Potrero Grande-High School”. • Execution of 3 sessions of the Entrepreneurship Seminars for University Students with excellent attendance. The subjects were: Women Entrepreneur, Cultural Industries, Decision to become Entrepreneur. • 55 courses at the undergraduate level with 1.168 students • 6 courses at the graduate level with 116 students.
Participation with articles in several congresses, conferences, seminars, workshops done in: Colombia, Ecuador, USA, Spain, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Peru, México, Korea. • Execution of four “Competencias Empresariales” on the subjects: Time, Ecotourism, Personal Security, Cultural Industry. • Participation in the Regional Entrepreneurship Network and in the CISCO Network Programs. • Participation in the Business Plan Contests: Venture 2009, Destapa Futuro, Universia, Banco Santander, Idea tu empresa. • Consultancy to FINBATEC’S project in the evaluation of technology based business plan.
Consultancy to the project “Desarrollo de la Industria Cultural en Cali” developed by COMFANDI with the support of IDB. • Launching with the Interamerican Investment Corporation of the FINPYME’S project. • Development of five entrepreneurial networks: Snacks & Bakery, Tourism, Apparel Industry, Egg-industry and metal mechanics with PROEXPORT support. • Execution of two EXPOPYME’S program with PROEXPORT support. • Execution of the “Integral Management Program for PyME” with the Snack & Bakery entrepreneurs.
Research activities oriented to: “Longitudinal Analysis of the entrepreneurial activities of ICESI ‘s alumni graduate between 1984-1999, “Determinant’s factors in the dynamism of Colombian SME’s”, “Evaluation of internship in creating your own business and working in the family business of ICESI’s students”, “Design of Curricula and environment required to develop technology based enterprises”. • Starting of the “Entrepreneurship for Native Indians Program” • Cooperation agreement between Start-Up café and Microsoft BIZ Spark.
Development of several meeting of our series “Tomemos un café con …..”. • Strengthening of the ICESI’s entrepreneurs Network (REDE) and execution of two meeting of the series “….. a la carta” • Execution of EXPOICESI, our entrepreneurial fair with excellent participation. • Contest “Pon a volar tu creatividad” • Two sessions of our “Outdoor training seminar” • Support to COLEMPRESARIAS
For more details about our activities, please visit our electronic newsletter Innovando (40, 41) in www.icesi.edu.co/cdee/innovando(The # 41 will be available at the end of December 2009)
All CDEE’s members wish you and your associates a Christmas Season full of peace and happiness and a 2010 full of entrepreneurial achievements that will bring to our countries social and economical development. Alba Tatiana, Álvaro Rafael, Ana Carolina, Ana Lucía, Andrés Felipe, Carlos Fernando, Carolina, Claudia, Diana Carolina, Helder, Isabel, Jose Matías, Liliana Andrea, Luís Fernando, Luis Miguel, Luz Ángela, María del Pilar, María Isabel, María Jimena, Melquicedec, Mónica, Rodrigo, Sandra y Zelde.