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2 Thessalonians (Introduction). The History: Additional troubling facts were uncovered and reported to Paul either by the bearer of the first epistle to Thessalonica or by some other source.
2 Thessalonians(Introduction) • The History: • Additional troubling facts were uncovered and reported to Paul either by the bearer of the first epistle to Thessalonica or by some other source. • It was important for Paul to write this second letter without delay and to try his hand again at some needed clarification and correction.
2 Thessalonians(Introduction) • The Letter: • It was urgent that he respond promptly and firmly to protect the faith of these new converts about fundamental truths of the gospel. • It was also important that their confidence in him as an inspired and dependable preacher of that gospel not be diminished.
2 Thessalonians(Introduction) • The Problems: • Some members were entertaining serious erroneous perceptions of the Lord’s return. • It is supposed by some that certain members had stopped working and caring for their personal property because they thought that such things were no longer of much importance in a world soon to be destroyed.
2 Thessalonians(Introduction) • The Problems: • Misconduct was being tolerated in the church, apparently because doubts about Paul’s integrity as a prophet had led to other doubts about his authority to determine a lifestyle for the Thessalonian Christians (2Thess. 3:6,14). • Growing weary in doing good was always a threat to the stability of disciples waiting for the second advent of Jesus (2Thess. 3:13).
2 Thessalonians(Introduction) • The Time and Place: • The purpose for which this letter was written to the young saints at Thessalonica is strong evidence for Second Thessalonians having been written from the same place and soon after the first epistle was sent to the church. • Therefore, most scholars agree that the second letter was sent from Corinth within a few months of the first, sometime in A.D. 51 or 52.
2 Thessalonians(Lesson 2) • 2 Thess. 1:1-2... • 1 Paul and Silvanus and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: • 2 Grace to you and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
2 Thessalonians(Lesson 2) • The Greeting: 2 Thess. 1:1-2... • Paul begins this letter with his customary greeting. • Paul’s consistency of address in his letters was perhaps one of the “seals of authenticity” used by the apostle to lend authority to his messages. • He includes Timothy and Silvanus [Silas] in his greeting to the Thessalonians.
2 Thessalonians(Lesson 2) • 2 Thess. 1:3-4... • 3 We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brethren, as is only fitting, because your faith is greatly enlarged, and the love of each one of you toward one another grows ever greater; • 4 therefore, we ourselves speak proudly of you among the churches of God for your perseverance and faith in the midst of all your persecutions and afflictions which you endure.
2 Thessalonians(Lesson 2) • Encouragement and Recognition: 2 Thess. 1:3-4... • It seems clear that Paul had received additional information about the faith and love of the Christians at Thessalonica since he had sent the first letter to them. • The young Christians at Thessalonica had begun their new life in the Lord by having to suffer persecutions from their countrymen. • Persecutions were continuing for the Thessalonians, and they were continuing to endure them without faltering.
2 Thessalonians(Lesson 2) • Encouragement and Recognition: 2 Thess. 1:3-4... • Even though the faithfulness of these new Christians was so well known that there had been no need for Paul to “say anything” to others about it (1Thes. 1:8), he evidently could not refrain from singing their praises to others churches anyhow.
2 Thessalonians(Lesson 2) • 2 Thess. 1:5-6... • 5 This is a plain indication of God’s righteous judgment so that you will be considered worthy of the kingdom of God, for which indeed you are suffering. • 6 For after all it is only just for God to repay with affliction those who afflict you,
2 Thessalonians(Lesson 2) • The Righteousness of God’s Judgement: 2 Thess. 1:5-6... • The endurance of these disciples through persecutions and tribulations served as “manifest evidence” that the righteousness of God requires a judgment by which the final disposition of all things might be accomplished in fairness to all men. • It was proof to God that His plans for terminating the physical world were indeed righteous and just for every creature. • It would not be just [fair] for saints who had suffered and endured for the sake of the truth to go unrewarded for their righteous deeds.
2 Thessalonians(Lesson 2) • The Righteousness of God’s Judgement: 2 Thess. 1:5-6... • It was important that persecuted Christians at Thessalonica be assured that the Lord would do exactly what He had pledged. • Their uninterrupted devotion to the Lord would be further “manifest evidence” to God that they were worthy of His kingdom. • Righteous judgment will be extended to the bad as well as to the good.
2 Thessalonians(Lesson 2) • 2 Thess. 1:7-10... • 7 and to give relief to you who are afflicted and to us as well when the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire, • 8 dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. • 9 These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power,
2 Thessalonians(Lesson 2) • 2 Thess. 1:7-10... • when He comes to be glorified in His saints on that day, and to be marveled at among all who have believed—for our testimony to you was believed.
2 Thessalonians(Lesson 2) • The Manifestations of God’s Righteous Judgement: 2 Thess. 1:7-10... • The Thessalonians had been confused and deceived about various details of the Lord’s coming again. • The Lord would return, but not so soon as they had been led to believe. • Relief would come to the “troubled” Thessalonian disciples at the same time that Paul and other faithful preachers would receive “rest” from the problems they faced for teaching the truths of the gospel.
2 Thessalonians(Lesson 2) • The Manifestations of God’s Righteous Judgement: 2 Thess. 1:7-10... • The righteousness of God’s dealings with unrighteous people will be manifested: • In the employment of Jesus. • In the proclamation of God’s power. • In the participation of “mighty” angels. • In the “flaming fire.”
2 Thessalonians(Lesson 2) • The Manifestations of God’s Righteous Judgement: 2 Thess. 1:7-10... • The righteousness of God’s dealings with unrighteous people will be manifested: • In the nature of the punishment. • In the glorification of Jesus. • In the vindication of the gospel.
2 Thessalonians(Lesson 2) • 2 Thess. 1:11-12... • 11 To this end also we pray for you always, that our God will count you worthy of your calling, and fulfill every desire for goodness and the work of faith with power, • 12 so that the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
2 Thessalonians(Lesson 2) • The Realization of Their Reward: 2 Thess. 1:11-12... • The marvelous blessings of the second coming described by the apostle in the previous verses belonged to Christians only in prospect. • The good pleasure of God’s goodness. • The work of faith by God’s faithful people. • Only the “glory of His power” could accomplish what Paul prayed for.
2 Thessalonians(Lesson 2) • The Realization of Their Reward: 2 Thess. 1:11-12... • The “name” of Jesus as “Lord” [Ruler over all things] will be firmly established in the minds of all when the awesome events described by Paul in this chapter have taken place.