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World War II: Rise of Militarism. 1939-1945. Mussolini in Italy. Fascist Party – 1921 Military dominated gov’t Blackshirts K ing appointed him prime minister & granted him dictatorial powers!!. Mussolini in Italy. High unemployment Widespread opposition to Socialists & Communists
World War II:Rise of Militarism 1939-1945
Mussolini in Italy • Fascist Party – 1921 • Military dominated gov’t • Blackshirts • King appointed him prime minister & granted him dictatorial powers!!
Mussolini in Italy • High unemployment • Widespread opposition to Socialists & Communists • Fascists beat Communists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7lw30qKFLw
Mussolini in Italy • Pledged an imperial power= sent forces to Ethiopia in 1935 • U.S. passed a neutrality act banning arm shipments • Only hurt Ethiopia • Showed other fascist countries aggression= unpunished https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7lw30qKFLw
Stalin in the Soviet Union • Communist nation • Joseph Stalin totalitarian state • 1927, Controlled private land organized into state-run farms • food & widespread famine • Protesters sent to labor camps= 15 million, 1933 • Gulag
http://www.history.com/topics/joseph-stalin/videos/stalins-purgeshttp://www.history.com/topics/joseph-stalin/videos/stalins-purges Stalin in the Soviet Union • Late 1930s, Paranoid purged all possible enemies (Communist party & Red Army) =The Great Purge • Approx. 30 million died as a result of his policies
Hitler in Germany • 1932, Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist Party= Nazi Party • Chancellor of Germany • Blamed Jews, Communists, and intellectuals for German’s decline • Won supporters
Third Reich • Hitler’s gov’t claimed dictatorial powers • Prohibited Jews from holding gov’t positions, outlawed strikes, made military service mandatory • Used industry to rearm= violating the Treaty of Versailles • Troops move into Rhineland, Austria, then demanded Sudetenland- region of western Czechoslovakia and was refused
Anti-Semitism • Official gov’t policy= 1935 Nuremberg Laws- lost citizenship & allowed the destruction of Jewish property • Nov. 9, 1938, Kristallnacht “the night of broken glass” • Majority had no where to go strict immigration laws
Franco in Spain • Fascism spread to Spain • 1936, Gen. Francisco Franco led Fascists to overthrow the gov’t Spanish Civil War= Fascists vs. Loyalists • Fascists won • U.S. stayed out, volunteers joined Ernest Hemingway • Loyalists were bitter
Militarists in Japan • 1920’s – Military grew & didn’t want to rely on imports, & reduce western influence & expand in Eastern Asia & the Pacific • 1931 – Invaded Manchuria • 1934/1935 – Naval build-up
Militarists in Japan • 7/7/1937, Japanese & Chinese troops clashed near Beijing= War • 12/1937, troops brutally assaulted & occupied Nanjing • Rape of Nanjing • U.S. condemned these actions, but did nothing
Quick Review • Why did Italy become a fascist state? • What are some examples that Joseph Stalin was a dictator? • How did Adolf Hitler gain power in Germany? • Why did Japan’s military promote expansion? • How did America respond to all the different acts of aggression?