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ACING FINAL EXAMS: It’s Not Over ‘til It’s Over!

ACING FINAL EXAMS: It’s Not Over ‘til It’s Over!. Dr. Saundra Y. McGuire Center for Academic Success B-31 Coates Hall www.cas.lsu.edu. 2004 National College Learning Center Association Frank L. Christ Outstanding Learning Center Award. Prof. Isiah Warner Fall 2005.

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ACING FINAL EXAMS: It’s Not Over ‘til It’s Over!

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  1. ACING FINAL EXAMS:It’s Not Over ‘til It’s Over! Dr. Saundra Y. McGuire Center for Academic Success B-31 Coates Hall www.cas.lsu.edu

  2. 2004 National College Learning Center AssociationFrank L. Christ Outstanding Learning Center Award

  3. Prof. Isiah Warner Fall 2005 Date of Final Exam: December 14, 2005 Meeting with Student No. 1: December 12, 2005 Meeting with Student Nos. 2 & 4: December 2, 2005 Meeting with Student No. 3: December 8, 2005 The final was worth 100 points with a 10 bonus question.

  4. Al’s Cumulative Exam Record Pursuing Ph.D. in Chemistry 2004 – 2005 9/04 Failed 10/04 Failed 11/04 Failed 12/04 Failed 1/05 Passed 2/05 Failed 3/05 Failed 4/05 Failed 2005 – 2006 10/05 Passed 11/05 Failed 12/05 Passed best in group 1/06 Passed 2/06 Passed 3/06 Failed 4/06 Passed last one! 5/06 N/A Began work with CAS in October 2005

  5. Reflection Questions • Are any of your final grades already determined before you take the final exam? • Why is the final exam so important? • What study strategies have worked for you?

  6. Prerequisites for Success • Mastery of all Concepts (not rote memorization!) • Realistic Study Schedule • Effective Use of Resources (office hours, tutorial room, etc.) • Managing Anxiety

  7. This pyramid depicts the different levels of thinking we use when learning. Notice how each level builds on the foundation that precedes it. It is required that we learn the lower levels before we can effectively use the skills above. Bloom’s Taxonomy Evaluation Graduate School Making decisions and supporting views; requires understanding of values. Combining information to form a unique product; requires creativity and originality. Synthesis Identifying components; determining arrangement, logic, and semantics. Analysis Undergraduate Using information to solve problems; transferring abstract or theoretical ideas to practical situations. Identifying connections and relationships and how they apply. Application Restating in your own words; paraphrasing, summarizing, translating. Comprehension High School Memorizing verbatim information. Being able to remember, but not necessarily fully understanding the material. Knowledge Louisiana State University  Center for Academic Success  B-31 Coates Hall  225-578-2872  www.cas.lsu.edu

  8. So, What Can You Do for Finals? • Spend enough time reviewing and mastering the material • Aim for 100% mastery • Use office hours for clarification • Use the Study Cycle with Intense Study Sessions

  9. The Study Cycle Phase One: Read or preview chapters to be covered in class… before class (Create chapter maps) Phase Two: Go to Class. Listen actively, take notes, participate in class Phase Three: Review and process class notes as soon as possible after class Phase Four: Incorporate Intense Study Sessions Repeat

  10. Intense Study Sessions • 5 minutes: Set goals for next 40 min. • 40 minutes: Read text more selectively/highlight • Make doodles/notes in margins • Create mnemonics, work examples • Create maps • 5 minutes Review what you have just studied • 10 minutes Take a break • Repeat

  11. Get the Most Out of Lecture • Arrive early • Actively participate • Review notes soon after class • Rethink all examples covered in class

  12. Cornell Note Format Notes on Taking Notes, 9/14/98 Recall Column: Uses of notes • identify major points • identify minor points There are 4 Kinds of Notes: • Running Text • Formal Outline • Informal Outline • Cornell Note system Reduce ideas and facts to concise summaries and cues for reciting, reviewing and reflecting over here.

  13. Exam Preparation Stage I • Before the Exam • Use The Study Cycle • Utilize Intensive Study Sessions • Frequent Reviews

  14. Exam Preparation Stage II • 1 – 2 Weeks Before the Exam • Plan Final Exam Review • Aim for 100% Mastery!!! • Construct Practice Exam with Friends • Locate Exam Room • Double check time of exam • Eat Well, Sleep Well, and Exercise • Visualize Success!

  15. Survey the Task Gather Information from... instructor text lecture notes to answer the following questions: 1. What will the test cover? 2. Is it comprehensive or non-comprehensive? 3. What kinds of questions will be used? 4. How many questions (of each type)? 5. Where/when will the test be given? 6. Will I need any special test materials?

  16. Schedule Enough Time • Make a “Master To Do” list List specific details (chapters to read, study exercises, etc.) How much time do I need to study for each class? • Create a study schedule How much time do I have before the exam? Where and what kinds of time-blocks do I have available? How will I distribute my study time? • Create intermediate deadlines • Schedule time for fun • Schedule time for consolidation

  17. Study Schedule - Task Oriented Monday Thursday French Ch. 6,7 *French Exam at 2 p.m.. Johnson article Math Assignment Math assignment Comm. articles Tuesday Friday French Ch. 8, 9 Comm. Ch. 10, 11 Lab assignment Make weekend study Comm. Ch. 9 schedule Wednesday Study Group Review/Self-test Saturday Math assignment Review/Self-test

  18. Organize The Information • Prepare charts or summary sheets • Integrate notes with text information • Make concept maps • Predict test questions • Memorize, create mnemonics • Aim for 100% mastery!

  19. Memorize Thoroughly • Intend to remember • Overlearn • Preview/review frequently • RECITE and WRITE! • Learn in as many ways/modalities as possible Visually, kinesthetically, by association, organization (e.g. outline or map), study group… • Focus attention – lose the cell phone dependency! • Schedule time for assimilation • Learn a variety of ways to trigger memory

  20. Review • Lecture notes and textbook notes • Study Sheets and study group notes • Self-tests • Flash Cards • Old exams (retake them!)

  21. Tips for Science and Math Exams • Develop a list of types of problems • Develop problem solving protocols (steps for solving types of problems • Develop a practice test with randomly arranged problems • Practice solving problems quickly

  22. Exam Preparation Stage III • Day of the Exam • Calmly rehearse facts, formulas, ideas • Perform deep breathing to relax • Use positive self-talk • Arrive at the exam room a few minutes early; not too early! • Visualize success!

  23. Exam Preparation Stage IV • During the Exam • Perform deep breathing to relax; use positive self-talk • Write down formulas on exam before you begin • Read the directions VERY carefully; listen for additional directions; ask for clarification • Survey the exam and budget your time • Share what you know! And you know it all!!! • Expect memory blocks • Visualize success!

  24. Tips for Multiple Choice Tests • Try to answer the question WITHOUT looking at the choices • Look at one option at a time, and treat each answer as a true or false question • Note that the longest choice is often correct • Make sure the answer is grammatically correct • Read all choices before settling on one • Note answers with “all of the above” etc.

  25. Tips for True False Tests • Watch for words such as always, never. These are usually false; but not always! • Watch for words such as seldom and usually. These are often true; but not always! • Use the rest of the test for information • If in doubt; go with your intuition • Don’t change an answer unless you’re absolutely sure you should!

  26. Tips for Essay Tests • Examine the question and organize your thoughts before you start to write • Outline or map your response before you write • Have a beginning, middle, and end • If you run out of time, outline the remaining questions for partial credit • Proofread your answers; make sure all are grammatically correct!

  27. Exam Preparation Stage V • After the Exam Plan • Leave the area promptly; don’t talk about the test • Let it go! • Reward yourself for your hard work • Resume preparation for next examination or celebrate that all your exams are over! • If your final grade is lower than you expected, ask to see your final exam at beginning of the next term. There may have been a grading mistake.

  28. Use Concept Mapping for Preparation and for Essay Exams

  29. Create a Chapter Map Title of Chapter Primary Headings Subheadings Secondary Subheadings

  30. Ideas... (Comments go Here.) (Comments go Here.) (Comments go Here.) Cause and Effect:

  31. Persuasive Writing Thesis Viewpoint Viewpoint Details Details Reasons, Facts, Examples Reasons, Facts, Examples Conclusion

  32. Compare and Contrast Concept#1 Concept #2 How are they similar? How are they different?

  33. Test Preparation Use Study Techniques Balance Life Get Organized Class Material Time Continuous Process of Learning Intense Study Sessions Concept Mapping Physical Spiritual Emotional Intellectual Social 1.goal 2.50 minutes 3.break 4.REVIEW 1.preview 2.Class 3.Review 4Intense Study Session REPEAT

  34. Mistakes to Avoid! • Letting the time “sneak up” on you • Basing your judgment of knowledge on your short term memory • Letting others derail your study schedule • Aiming for less than 100% mastery • Failing to believe in yourself!!!

  35. A Tale of Two More LSU Students • Amy, junior organic chemistry student 54, 82, 76, 78 • Michael, senior pre-medical organic student 30, 28, 80, 91

  36. If you think you can, you will! If you think you can’t, you’re right. I KNOW you can!

  37. The Center for Academic SuccessB-31 Coates Hallwww.cas.lsu.edu Unlock your excellence!!!

  38. Please write the following: One study strategy you plan to implement to increase your mastery of course concepts and/or study for final exams. (Copy this for yourself as a constant reminder.)

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