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How Much Water Do I Consume In A Week ?. We all use water in our daily life. It can be; For cleaning purposes , e.g.: for taking a shower , washing the dishes etc . Or for nutritional uses , e.g.: boiling water for tea , or to just drink water etc .
Weallusewater in ourdaily life. It can be; • Forcleaningpurposes, e.g.: fortaking a shower, washingthedishesetc. • Orfornutritionaluses, e.g.: boilingwaterfortea, ortojustdrinkwateretc.
Wellweneveractuallythinkhowmuchweareusing, orhowmuch it costs. • InthispresentationI’mgoingtosharetheresults I have, withyou.
Howmuch? • I startedwithourwaterbill, since I can’tactuallycalculatehowmucheachperson in myfamilyuses, I havetocalculateapproximatelyhowmucheveryoneusesfromthebill. • Accordingtothebill, in Decemberweused 24 m3 of waterand it costed 100 lira.
Since weare 5 people in myfamily; • Amount: • I divide 24 m3 to 4, tofindhowmuchwatereachperson has approximatelyusedfor a weekandthen I divide it to 5 tofindouthowmucheachpersonused: • 24 ÷ 4 = 6 m3 a week • 6 ÷ 5 = 1,2 perperson • Soeachperson in thehouseuses 1,2 m3 of watereachweekaproximately .
Cost: • I divide 100 lira to 4, tocalculatehowmucheachpersonuses a week, then I divide it to 5 tofindouthowmuch it costedperperson. • 100 ÷ 4 = 25 lira • 25 ÷ 5 = 5 lira perperson • Soeveryperson in thehouseusesup 5 lira a week .
So in theend , thatmeans I use1,2 m3 of watereveryweekandthatcost5 liraperweek.