1. Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys By: Swestha, Danielle, and Tarralyn
2. Ethan Allen Ethan Allen, son of Joseph and Mary Allen, born in Jan. 1738 (oldest of 8 kids)
Joseph dies, leaving Ethan to take care of family
When other siblings got older, he left to pursue his career
In 1769, moved to New Hampshire Lands Grants, now known as Vermont
3. Green Mountain Boys Flag The leader of the Green Mountain Boys was Ethan Allen.
The green part of the flag represents their name and the stars represent the thirteen colonies.
4. The Green Mountain Boys Used Threats, intimidation, and violence to keep Hew Hampshire Land Grants from becoming property of New York
5. Fort Ticonderoga On May 10, 1775 during morning, the Green Mountain Boys under Ethan Allen’s command silently invaded the British held Fort Ticonderoga.
6. Fort Ticonderoga
7. Canada Invasion General Schuyler and General Mongomery asked Ethan Allen to invade Canada, but the Green Mountain Boys refused to go.
Ethan Allen left the Green Mountain Boys and went to Montreal with the two generals.
The British captured/imprisoned Ethan Allen until his release in 1778.
8. Ira Allen Ira Allen (Ethan’s brother) took up fight against New York’s governor while Ethan was in jail.
9. Ethan Allen’s Death Ethan Allen was elected as colonel commandant of the Green Mountain Boys at Catamount Tavern in Bennington.
Ethan Allen died on Feb. 12, 1789.
10. Timeline Jan. 1738-Ethan Allen born in Litchfield county, Connecticut
April 1755 -Ethan’s father dies, facing Ethan to give up dreams of attending college
Summer 1757 -Ethan Allen joins Litchfield county militia
11. Timeline April 4, 1760 -Fanny Montresor is born
Jan. 1762 -Ethan becomes part owner of the iron works near Salisbury
1766-1767 - Ethan travels to the New Hampshire grants to trap and explore
12. Timeline Feb. 1770 -Ethan Allen chosen as agent for the New Hampshire title folders
Summer 1771 -Green Mountain Boys organized at Catamount tavern in Bennington. Ethan is elected colonel commandant
13. Timeline Jan. 1772-Ethan Allen, Remember Baker, (two Green Mountain Boys’ leaders) & Robert Cochran (A Grant Settler) issue "counter reward to New York Governor Tyron's Bloody Act.”
Aug. 1772 -Remember Baker died near Lake Champlain
Mar. 9 1774 -New York Governor Tyron raises reward on Ethan Allen to $250
Jan. 1775-Ethan publishes “A Brief Narrative of the Proceedings of the Government of New York”
May 10, 1775-Ethan Allen, with Benedict Arnold at his side, leads Green Mountain Boys to capture of Fort Ticonderoga
14. Timeline June 22 1775-Ethan Allen & Seth Warner appear before Continental Congress in Philadelphia
July 4, 1775-New York Assembly hears Ethan and Seth Warner and authorizes a Green Mountain Regiment at New York expense
July 26, 1775-Seth Warner elected the Colonel of Green Mountain Regiment
Summer 1775-General Schuyler and Gen. Mongomery ask Green Mountain Boys to help invade Canada, Ethan Allen leaves group since they didn’t want to go
Sept. 24, 1775-Ethan Allen captured while invading Canada
15. Timeline August 16, 1777-the Green Mountain Boys fought under General Stark at the Battle of Bennington
May 6, 1778-Prisoner exchange involving Ethan Allen is arranged
May 31, 1778-Ethan Allen is set free
Sept. 1778-Ethan presents Vermont claims for statehood to Congress in Philadelphia
16. Timeline July 1780-Ethan Allen receives first letter from Loyalist John Beverly Robinson leading Haldimand Negotiation
March 1781-Ethan forwards Beverly Robinson’s letters to Congress
Feb. 9, 1784- Ethan marries Fanny Montresor
Summer 1784-Ethan moves to Burlington
17. Timeline May 1, 1787-Letter detailing exchange of lands (Homestead)
Feb. 12, 1789-Ethan Allen dies
18. 5 Key Points Ethan Allen was a patriot who had loyalty of the Green Mountain Boys
The Green Mountain Boys were rebels that were using threats, intimidation, and violence to keep New Hampshire Land Grants from becoming New York property
The Green Mountain Boys were originally organized by Allen before the revolution.
19. 5 Key Points Ethan Allen spent a considerable portion of his life in the effort to achieve independence for what is now Vermont
At the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, Ethan Allen led the expedition that captured Fort Ticonderoga in the first colonial victory of the war