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G R E E C E 希腊. Cover of Natural Catastrophes 自然灾害保障. The background 背景. Greece often faces natural catastrophes, mainly due to earthquakes and to a much lesser degree floods, forest fires, storms e.t.c. (Typhoons are not a problem).
G R E E C E希腊 Cover of Natural Catastrophes 自然灾害保障
The background背景 • Greece often faces natural catastrophes, mainly due to earthquakes and to a much lesser degree floods, forest fires, storms e.t.c. (Typhoons are not a problem). • 希腊经常发生自然灾害,这些灾害主要是由于地震引起的,其他一些更为次要原因还包括洪水、森林火灾、暴风雨等(台风不是问题)。
Natural catastrophes remain unpredictable, in spite of huge technical and scientific advances. • 尽管科技取得了巨大的进步,自然灾害仍然是不可预测的。
Greece is the European country with the highest seismic risk and very often it has to face earthquakes that leave behind hundreds of victims and huge material damages. • 希腊是欧洲地震风险最高的国家,这里经常会发生一些地震,它们不仅会带来成百上千的灾民,而且还会造成巨大的物质损失。
Current System现有制度 • Private insurance cover is provided by insurance companies in the form of an extension to fire policies and may include risks as : flood, storm, earthquake, subside. • 保险公司采取火险保单扩展条款的形式提供的私人保险保障,主要保障洪水、暴风雨、地震和地面下沉等风险。
Current System现有制度 • These covers, despite the serious risk e.g. for earthquake are not so much widespread (mandatory only when bank loans appear) as citizens tend to prefer up to now the State support, instead of paying extra money for premia. • 由于直到现在人们还是更希望得到国家支持,而不愿多付保费,因此,尽管存在像地震这样的重大风险,这些保险保障并不是很普及(只有在涉及银行贷款时才是强制性的)。
Current System现有制度 • Insurance companies on the other hand do not actively promote these covers which in any case are not sold as stand alone covers, but they are mostly included in several household insurance packages. • 另一方面,保险公司在推广这些险种时也不是很积极,他们并没有将这些险种作为独立保单出售,多数情况下是将它们包括几种一揽子家居保险中。
The state supports the citizens when a natural catastrophe appears. This support comes in 2 ways : • As an immediate support and an allowance to help people overcome the immediate difficulties. • In the case of serious earthquakes or other catastrophes which leave severe damages to buildings, in the form of a cash amount to repair the building (1/3 as donation, 2/3 as a 0 interest loan). 自然灾害发生时,国家会向人们提供支持。该支持通常采取以下两种方式: • 提供即时的支持和补助来帮助人们克服当前的困难。 • 在发生严重地震或其他巨灾给建筑物造成重大损失时,提供一定金额的现金用以修复该建筑物(1/3作为捐赠,另2/3作为零息贷款)。
What is the current system like ?现有制度是一个什么样的制度? • Limited private Insurance cover. • 有限的私人保险保障 • Support of the victims by the state budget, whose available margins define the extent of the support provided. This support which is estimated to more than 200 mil € annually (on average) comes from all taxed citizens and costs a lot to the State. Consequently the state would like to see the involvement of the insurance market in this area. • 国家预算对灾民提供的支持,预算的可用余额决定了所提供的支持范围。该支持,估计每年(平均起来)超过2亿德拉克马(译者注:希腊货币),来自所有纳税人,对国家而言是一项巨大的支出。因此,国家希望保险市场能够介入该一领域。
A Draft Law for the cover of Natural Catastrophe’s有关自然灾害保障的法律草案 • 3 years ago the Government introduced a draft law on “compulsory” natural catastrophe insurance for all buildings in the country. • 三年前,希腊政府出台了一个对国内所有建筑物实行“强制”自然灾害保险的法律草案。 • The basic points of this Draft Law are as follows : • 该法律草案的基本要点如下:
Perils covered保障的危险 • Earthquake • 地震 • Flood resulting from natural causes • 自然原因引起的洪水 • Forest fire • 森林火灾 • Landslide • 山体滑坡 • Storms • 暴风雨 • Thunderstorms • 雷暴 • Volcano explosions • 火山爆发
Who should be insured ?哪些人应当投保? The owner of the building (and in case of co ownership, each one of the co owners) must insure his building either to : 建筑物的所有人(在该建筑物为共有时,各共有人)必须向以下任一机构为其建筑物购买保险: • A state organization called “Natural Catastrophe Insurance Organization” (O.I.N.C.) or to • 一家名为“自然灾害保险组织(O.I.N.C.)”的国家机构或 A private insurance company. • 一家私有保险公司。 This obligation includes state owned buildings as well as buildings of legal persons of public law or Organizations of local Administration. 该规定适用于国有建筑物,以及公法意义上的法人或地方行政机构拥有的建筑物。
Owners can avoid insurance altogether by signing a statement that they forego their rights to any governmental aid for damage from natural catastrophes. 如果不想参加任何保险,业主们还可以签署一个声明,放弃其对于自然灾害造成的损失享有任何政府救助的权利。
What is O.I.N.C. ?什么是O.I.N.C.? • It is a non-profit State Organization set up to manage the scheme. It is a “Societe Anonyme” with full administrative and economic independence. The only shareholder is the Greek State, represented by the Ministers of • 它是设立用来管理该计划的一个非赢利性国家机构。它是一个 “自主经营、自负盈亏”的“有限公司”。它的唯一股东是希腊政府,由以下各部部长出任代表: • Economy and • 经济部,及 • Physical Planning – Public Works Housing and Environment (PP – PW – H – E ). • 环境规划与公众事务部(PP – PW – H – E )。
What is O.I.N.C. ?什么是O.I.N.C. ? • O.I.N.C. is supervised by the ministries of Economy, Development and (PP – PW – H – E ). • O.I.N.C. 接受经济部、发展部和环境规划与公众事务部的监管。 • O.I.N.C. can be reinsured to insurance or reinsurance companies and its payments are guaranteed by the State. • O.I.N.C. 可向保险或再保险公司安排分保,其支付能力由国家提供保证。 • O.I.N.C. can, in extreme cases, conduct loans with the Greek State or Credit institutions provided there is a prior approval by Ministerial Decision. • 在极个别情况下,经部长决议的事先批准,O.I.N.C.可向希腊政府或信贷机构申请贷款。
The board of O.I.N.C. consists of 9 persons. It includes, among others : • O.I.N.C.的董事会由 9名成员组成。它们中的: • 2 persons proposed by the Insurance Association • 2人由保险协会提名 • 1 person proposed by the Hellenic Association of Building owners. • 1人由希腊建筑物业主协会提名。
Insurance by O.I.N.C. is verified by a written certification which includes : • O.I.N.C.为其保险出具一份书面证明,它包括以下内容: • The building insured • 受保的建筑物 • The beneficiary • 受益人 • The “conventional value of Insurance” • “约定保险价值” • Risks covered • 保障的风险 • Possible deductibles and exclusions. • 可能的免赔额和除外条款。
If the insured does not object in writing within a month from receipt of the certification, he is considered to be insured. • 如果被保险人在收到保险证后1个月内未提出书面异议,他将会被认为已接受保险。
Sum Assured保险金额 The minimum sum Assured cannot be less than the Conventional Value of Insurance (CVI) calculated according to the formula CVI = (E) x (ACC) x (FX) x (FA) 最小保险金额不得低于根据下列公式计算的约定保险价值 (CVI) CVI = (E) x (ACC) x (FX) x (FA)
Where :其中: E : is the insured building’s actual area in square metres, up to the maximum limit of 130 m2. E :是指受保建筑物的实际面积(平方米),最高不得超过130平方米。 ACC : is the building’s average cost of construction per square meter. ACC :是指该建筑物每方米的平均建筑成本 FX : is the factor used to classify the building either as a house or a building for professional occupancy or in common (divided) property, etc. FX :是指用来将建筑物区分为住房、专用建筑物或公共(分割所有的)财产等不同类别的因子。 FA : is the building’s age factor. FA :是指该建筑物的使用期限因子。 ACC, FX and FA are set by the Minister of Physical Planning, Public Works, Housing and the Environment pursuant to proposals submitted by the Board of Directors of O.I.N.C. ACC、FX和 FA由环境规划与公众事务部部长根据O.I.N.C.董事会提出的建议制订。
If the value of the building exceeds the CVI (e.g. buildings over 130 m2 * or buildings of luxurious construction), the owner can insure the excess in an insurance company. 如果建筑物的价值超过约定保险价值(例如,超过130平方米的建筑物或豪华建筑物),业主可以将溢额部分向保险公司投保。 The building can be insured in an insurance company from the beginning, provided the owner informs the O.I.N.C. accordingly. 只要能够即时通知O.I.N.C. ,业主也可以从一开始就该建筑物向保险公司投保。 • Max insurable area per structure 130 m2. It can be extended by an additional 30 m2 for ancillary areas. • 每一建筑物的最大可保面积为130平方米。对于附属地区,可扩展增加30平方米。
TAX REGIME税收制度 Insurance policies by O.I.N.C. and relevant benefits, premia paid and claims paid, are exempted from any tax or levies to the State or any third party (with the exception of Income tax and Stamp Duty Tax). O.I.N.C.的保单和相关的保险金、已付保费和已付赔款免于政府或任何第三方征收的任何赋税或课税(除所得税和印花税外)。 N.B. Insurance policies are charged with a 20% Turnover Tax. 注:保单要征收20%的营业税。
After the catastrophe …巨灾发生后… … When a natural catastrophe event occurs, the Minister of Physical Planning, Public Works, Housing and the Environment officially declare an area “affected”. They determine the affected area’s limits in line with the recommendations of the Secretary General of the prefecture involved and of OINC’s Board of Directors. 在自然灾害发生时,环境规划与公众事务部部长将正式宣布 “受灾”地区。他们根据相关地区的秘书长和OINC董事会的建议确定受灾区域的边界。
OINC indemnifies those who submit an application within four months after the area was declared affected. In order to qualify for indemnity, the insured building must be located within the affected area’s boundaries, it must be surveyed and a survey report issued. The survey must be carried out either by the departments of the Public Works Secretariat of the Ministry of Physical Planning, Public Works, Housing and the Environment or by committees formed by engineers. 对于受灾地区宣告后四个月内提出申请的人们,OINC将会提供补偿。为了获得受偿的资格,受保建筑物必须位于受灾地区范围内,必须经过查勘并且出具有查勘报告。该查勘必须由环境规划与公众事务部公共工程秘书处等部门或由工程师组成的委员会进行。
In specific instances and subject to the special authorisation of OINC’s Board of Directors, damage to buildings situated adjacent to an affected area may be covered as well if the damage is attributable to the same event. The committee of surveyors decides whether a damaged building or any part thereof is repairable. If so, the damage is quantified in per cent. The indemnity payable is proportional to the conventional sum insured and to the percentage of damage set out in the survey report. If the damaged building is found to be beyond repair, the full conventional value of insurance is payable. The mode and criteria of classification and the method used for determining the extent of a building’s damage will be prescribed in a decree to be issued by the Ministry of Physical Planning, Public Works, Housing and the Environment. 在特别情况下,如果损失是由同一事件引起的,根据OINC董事会的特别授权,受灾地区附近的建筑物遭受的损失也可以得到补偿。由查勘师委员会决定受损建筑物或其中任一部分是否可以修复。应付赔偿等于约定保险金额的一定比例或查勘报告所列损失的一定百分比。如果发现受损建筑物不可修复,约定保险金额可以得到全额赔付。分类方式和标准以及确定建筑物损失程度所使用的方法将在环境规划与公众事务部颁布的法令中加以规定。
The amount payable to the beneficiary is as follows : 应付给受益人的赔偿金额如下: • If the building is beyond repair, the amount is paid in full subject to the building’s demolition. • 如果建筑物是不可修复的,根据建筑物遭受的损失全额赔付。 • If the building is repairable but the insured wishes it to be demolished, the amount equivalent to the building’s repair costs is paid in full as soon as the building has been demolished. • 如果建筑物是可修复的,但被保险人希望拆除该建筑物,建筑物被拆除时立即支付相当于该建筑物修复成本的金额。 • If the building is repairable and the insured decides to proceed with its repair, the amount may be paid either in full or in installments based on the progress of the repair works. • 如果建筑物是可修复的,被保险人决定继续进行修复,赔偿金额可以一次性支付或根据修复工程的进度分期支付。
If multiple ownership rights exist on a damaged building and the owners do not agree on whether to repair or rebuild it, the owners who collectively represent at least 50% of the ownership rights may proceed with the repair or reconstruction, provided that the corresponding percentage of indemnity has been paid to the owners objecting repair or reconstruction. 如果受损建筑物上存在的多个所有权,且业主们未能就修复或重建达成一致意见,合计代表50%以上所有权的业主可以继续进行修复或重建,只要支付相应比例的赔偿给反对修复或重建的业主即可。
The Position of Insurance Companies for the Draft Law法律草案中保险公司的地位
The Position of Insurance Companies for the Draft Law法律草案中保险公司的地位 Positive Points 积极方面 • Recognition that natural catastrophe risks are insurable. • 承认自然灾害风险是可保风险。 • The compulsory character of insurance. • 保险的强制特征 • The positive attitude towards insurers. • 对保险人的积极态度 (e.g. Inclusion of their representatives in the Board of O.I.N.C.) (例如:保险人的代表进入O.I.N.C.董事会)
The Position of Insurance Companies for the Draft Law法律草案中保险公司的地位 Negative Points 消极方面 • The operation of O.I.N.C. as insurer and not as reinsurer as in other European countries. • O.I.N.C.作为保险人,而不像欧洲其他国家一样,作为再保险人运作。
The Position of Insurance Companies for the Draft Law法律草案中保险公司的地位 Negative Points 消极方面 • The distortion of competition between O.I.N.C. and insurance companies which is connected with : • 在以下几个方面,O.I.N.C.与保险公司之间出现了竞争扭曲: • Tax privileges of O.I.N.C. against insurance companies. • 相比保险公司,O.I.N.C. 具有税收优势。 • Cheaper premium form O.I.N.C. as it will be sponsored by the state. • 由于得到国家资助,O.I.N.C. 的保费更便宜。 • Unclear yet, the calculation of T. R/s of O.I.N.C. • O.I.N.C.的T. R/s计算方法尚不确定 • O.I.N.C. can take loans from the State. • O.I.N.C.可从国家取得贷款 • O.I.N.C.’s payments are guaranteed by the State. • O.I.N.C.的支付能力由国家提供保证 • O.I.N.C. can be reinsured by the State. • O.I.N.C.可由国家进行再保险
The Position of Insurance Companies for the Draft Law法律草案中保险公司的地位 Negative Points 消极方面 • In case of parallel insurance to O.I.N.C. and insurance company, there might be a different survey. • 如果存在与O.I.N.C.和保险公司并行的保险,可能会需要进行一次单独的查勘.
This Draft law has not yet become a law due to the wide discussion it caused and political hesitations. Meanwhile we had a change in the Government and we do not know if the new Government will adopt the idea or not. 由于引起了广泛的讨论以及政治上的犹豫不决,该法律草案尚未形成一部法律。同时,由于希腊政府刚刚进行换届,我们不知道新政府是否会采纳这种意见。 Undoubtly, if new severe catastrophes occure, it will come up on the agenda. 毫无疑问,如果有新的巨灾发生,它又会被提上议事日程。
Conclusion结论 For insurance to function efficiently, a close partnership must exist among : 为确保保险的高效运行,以下几个部门之间必须形成密切的合作关系: • insurance companies • 保险公司 • policy holders and • 保单持有人,和 • governments. • 政府