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Chapter 15

Chapter 15. Objective and Truthful Manner. Matt Johnson Jeff Marsh Joey Luen Dave Gostomski Kyle Niblo. Sunday, September 15. Chris is sitting in his yard when he hears the phone ring, it’s Sarah Sarah tells Chris he is right about the overhang and tells him to put on CNN

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Chapter 15

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 15 Objective and Truthful Manner Matt Johnson Jeff Marsh Joey Luen Dave Gostomski Kyle Niblo

  2. Sunday, September 15 Chris is sitting in his yard when he hears the phone ring, it’s Sarah Sarah tells Chris he is right about the overhang and tells him to put on CNN A reporter is standing in front of a pile of rubble and announces that there are four definite fatalities and at least 20 hurt The reporter continues to say that there is no evidence of foul play and the collapse may be due to a construction error

  3. The reporter then talks with the governor who solemnly swears to bring the culprit of this disaster to justice • Then, the reporter talks with a structural engineering expert that looks as though he just graduated from engineering school • The engineer is prodded by the reporter and eventually says there must have been a mistake somewhere • He then states that if the contractor is not at fault then the design must have been wrong

  4. The reporter explains that Pines Engineering did the design and asks the young engineer his opinion of the company to which the engineer responds “OK” • The reporter asks him to explain why Pines Engineering is only OK and he says that he heard foremen on another job talking about how Pines messed up a design

  5. The reporter then sums up the interview by saying that although why the building collapsed is undetermined, Pines Engineering seems to be at fault because of a shoddy history

  6. Ethical Issues • According to the Code of Ethics, it is unethical to speak badly of fellow engineers • The Engineer that was interviewed should not have spoken to the media about the situation in the manner that he did

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