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Extrasolar planets. Emre I şı k (MPS, Lindau) S 3 lecture Origin of solar systems 14 February 2006. Outline. Planet detection methods Methodology Some recent results Statistical properties of exoplanets Future prospects. Struve, O. 1952 Obs ., 870, 199. to observer. to observer.
Extrasolar planets Emre Işık (MPS, Lindau) S3 lecture Origin of solar systems 14 February 2006
Outline • Planet detection methods • Methodology • Some recent results • Statistical properties of exoplanets • Future prospects
to observer to observer N. Strobel Detection techniques IPrecise stellar radial velocities N. Strobel N. Strobel
Detection techniques IITransit photometry Df / f = (Rp / R)2 pa = (PorbR) / Dt
Planets around binary stars Reflection effect Deeg (1998) Detection techniques IITransit photometry • Advantages • Easy (if automated!), small telescopes with good sites/detectors • Possibility to detect low-mass planets, especially from space (Kepler mission, 2008) • Disadvantages • Transit probability low; simultaneous observations of many stars • Confusion with starspots, multiple stars
HST light curve of HD 209458 b Brown et al.(2001) • Stellar radius and limb-darkening profile • Planet's mass and radius • No rings around the planet • No moons with M > 3 ME (repeated obs.)
Detection techniques IIIMicrolensing events OGLE 2003-BLG-235/MOA 2003-BLG-53 Discovered planet: 1.5 MJ @ 3 AU Bondet al.2004, Astroph. J. Letters , 606 , L155
Detection techniques IIIMicrolensing events Discovery of a Cool Planet of 5.5 Earth Masses. OGLE-2005-BLG-390 Discovered planet: 5.5 ME @ 2.6 AU Beaulieu et al., 2006, Nature, 439, 437
Detection techniques IVAstrometry “Celestial” motion of the Sun due mainly to Jupiter & Saturn, as seen from 33 light years away…
Astrometry A Jupiter analog orbiting 5 AU from a solar-type star produces an astrometric amplitude of 0.5 milliarcsec (mas). A star with planet close to (about 1 arcmin) to a star without planet is needed. Direct, short CCD exposure at Palomar 5m and Keck telescopes may yield 0.1 mas. Palomar test-bed interferometer yields 60-70 μas, VLTI should allow 20 μas. Space missions may do better as interference from terrestrial atmosphere is eliminated. As of 1998, no object has been found. Technique is in its infancy. Big telescope resources are needed.
Detection techniques VDirect imaging ! Visible light Infrared light
Detection techniques VDirect imaging ! • Name:2M1207 b • Msini:5 ± 1MJ • Radius:1.5RJ • Temperature1240 ± 60 K • Semi-major axis: (projected dist.)~ 55 AU • Orbital period:> 2450 yr • Mass (star/M_sun): 0.025 NACO/VLT image, Chauvin et al. 2005
Substellar companion to GQ Lupi • IR image (NACO/VLT) GQ Lupi (A) orbited by a planet (b) at a distance of ~20xJupiter-Sun. • GQ Lupi: 400 ly, 0.7 M • Mass: 1-42 MJ
Detection techniques VI [reflection/absorption] spectroscopy
Detection techniques VI [reflection/absorption] spectroscopy
Detection techniques VI [reflection/absorption] spectroscopy
Caution: “planet occurrence” is biased by RV sensitivity!
Properties of the detected planets Lineweaver & Grether 2003
Properties of the detected planets Lineweaver & Grether 2003
Extrapolations Lineweaver & Grether 2003
Evolutionary models Fig.: Collier Cameron (2002) • Different assumptions on the inhibition of cooling by irradiation from the parent star, and the planet's internal structure (Burrows et al. [2000], Bodenheimer et al. [2001] and Guillot and Showman [2002])
O3 CO2 The future: Future of future: 2015 - 2025