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District 4 Sign Assessment and Replacement Design-Build Project

Mn/DOT design- build Program. District 4 Sign Assessment and Replacement Design-Build Project. Pre-Proposal Information Meeting June 4 th , 2007. Meeting Agenda. Instruction to Proposers (ITP) Book 1 Book 2 Book 3 Question and Answers. Instructions to Proposers.

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District 4 Sign Assessment and Replacement Design-Build Project

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  1. Mn/DOT design-build Program District 4 Sign Assessment and Replacement Design-Build Project Pre-Proposal Information MeetingJune 4th , 2007

  2. Meeting Agenda Instruction to Proposers (ITP) Book 1 Book 2 Book 3 Question and Answers

  3. Instructions to Proposers Only Short-Listed Teams can submit Estimated Cost - $1,000,000 Procurement Schedule ATC Submittal Due Date June 22 Deadline for Mn/DOT’s Response June 29 Clarification Submittal Deadline June 29 Proposal Due Date July 10 Public Opening Date July 20 Anticipated NTP August 13 Substantial Completion June 15, 2008 Final Acceptance July 15, 2008

  4. ITP – General Info Trudy Kordosky – Single Point of Contact Addendums and Clarifications Posted on Mn/DOT Design-Build Website http://www.dot.state.mn.us/designbuild/d4signs.html Stipends $7,500 Must have a passing technical score of at least 50 Only paid to unsuccessful teams

  5. ITP – ATC’s Must be “equal or better” No ATC’s on: Changes to pre-qualified products list Changes to the materials control schedule ATC’s are kept confidential Proposal Info Option to submit an approved ATC in the Proposal Executive Summary must identify ATC’s being included

  6. ITP - Criteria Pass/Fail Criteria Project Management – 20% Project Approach – 50% Proposed breakdown of design and assessment submittals Proposed coordination with Mn/DOT during design and assessment Understanding of design quality process in RFP Proposed RFC document sequencing Proposed field staking and installation sequence Understanding of the construction quality process in RFP Process used to track, approve, and document changes required in the field Procedure for tracking non-conforming work, developing resolutions

  7. ITP - Criteria Design and Assessment Approach (25%) Proposed breakdown of packages Coordination with Mn/DOT Understanding the quality requirements RFC sequencing impact on Mn/DOT Construction Approach (25%) Field staking and sequencing Understanding of quality requirements Procedure to track and document field changes Approach to accommodate Mn/DOT progress and oversight Procedure for tracking non-conforming work

  8. ITP - Criteria Maintenance of Traffic (20%) Understanding of work zone conditions Work zone traffic control approaches Worker safety approach Motorist safety approach Approach to minimize lane closures Schedule (10%) Schedule and process for tracking work performed and planned Approach to informing Mn/DOT on the progression of work

  9. ITP - Forms Technical Proposal Forms Form 1 Form 2 Form 3 Form 4 Form 5 Form 7 Form 8 Form 9 Form 10 Price Proposal Forms Form 14 Form 16 Letter from a surety committing to provide Form 17 and Form 18 After “Best-Value” Award Form 17 Form 18

  10. ITP - Review Process July 10th to July 20th Mn/DOT Review and Score Technical Proposals Public Opening Date Technical Score will be posted Price Proposals will be opened Apparent Best Value = Price / Technical Score Award Process 5 Working Days to execute the contract

  11. ITP - Format Due at 1:00 PM on July 10, 2007 Deliver to: Jay Hietpas Minnesota DOT MS 650 395 John Ireland Blvd St. Paul, MN 55155 651-366-4210 Size and Number 22 Pages 15 Hardcopies

  12. Contract Books Book #1 – General Contract RequirementsBook #2 – Project Specifics RequirementsBook #3 – Standards, References, Special Provisions

  13. Book #1 Highlights What is Book #1 General Contract Requirements Replaces much of Standard Spec Division I Also see Spec Book Modifications in Book 3. Section 1.3 – Order of Precedence Change Orders / Amendments Book 1 Book 2 Book 3 Proposal

  14. Book #1, Section 3 & 4 RID Documents (3.3) Documents in the RID are for Information Only Mn/DOT Provided Database is NOT a RID Document NTP 1 – Issuing Contract (4.2.1) NTP 2 – Work in the Field (4.2.2) Schedule Traffic Plan Payment Breakdown Safety Management Plan Procedures for Field Changes and non-Conforming Work

  15. Book #1, Section 5 & 7 Obligation to Uncover Finished Work (5.5) Also see Book 2, Section No DBE or OJT Requirements Need to meet EEO Requirements Prevailing Wage State Rates Apply Note Surveyor Requirements in 7.3 Anyone advancing construction activities is subject to prevailing wage rates.

  16. Book #1, Section 8 Payment and Performance Bonds as per Forms in ITP $100,000 Warranty Bond submitted with other bond requirements prior to contract approval (Form 18).

  17. Book #1, Section 9 & 10 Revised Insurance requirements for this project. Mn/DOT accepts maintenance liability for the signs after they are installed in accordance with Book 1, Section 10.2.3.

  18. Book #1, Section 12 & 13 Consolidated Sections 12 and 13 No Value-Engineering Provisions All changes are negotiated changes Change order costs negotiated in accordance with Mn/DOT 1904. Risk provision up to 5%. Design-Build uses all Change Orders (no Work Orders, SA’s)

  19. Book #1, Section 17 & 19 Liquidated Damages are shown in 17.1.1 Additional monetary deductions shown in the Special Provisions (DBS – 1807) in Book 3. Disputes follow Mn/DOT 1517 Process and Mediation/Arbitration Special Provisions on DBS-1517 in Book 3.

  20. Book #1, Section 20 Substantial Completion Section 20.1.1 notes items needed to obtain substantial completion Warranty starts at Substantial Completion Contractor responsibility for providing notice to Mn/DOT of Substantial Completion and Final Acceptance.

  21. Book #1, Section 21 Warranty Three Years Starts at Substantial Completion Thresholds in 21.1.3 Follows Spec 3352.2 & Improperly installed signs Corrective Action Work One required walk through Note other warranty requirements

  22. Book #1, Section 22 Escrow Proposal Documents (EPD) Only the team selected needs to submit EPD Procedure similar to normal Mn/DOT Escrow Bid Documents. Retain records for 7 years (22.4)

  23. Book #2 Highlights • What is Book #2 • Project Specific Requirements • Section 1 – Project Management • Section 2 – Signing • Exhibits • Existing Sign Inventory • Sign Data Spreadsheet

  24. Book #2, Section 1 • Project Management • Contractor shall schedule and conduct a Project Start-up Conference within 8 days of NTP1

  25. Project Management • Cost Management • Original Payment Breakdown shall be developed following the activities on Form 14 (minimum) • Incorporate Approved changes to Payment Breakdown and Form 14 • Mobilization: 5% of the Contract Price • Include item for Final Acceptance in the amount of 5% of the contract price • Payment Breakdown shall total up to the Contract Price

  26. Cost Management • The Contractor shall meet with Mn/DOT on a monthly basis to review the following: • % Complete of each activity • Incorporation of Approved Change Orders • Verification of any unit price items • Status of outstanding Nonconforming Work and Warranties

  27. Cost Management • Invoice Calculations • Monthly Payments based on % Complete of the Work • Mobilization • 25% following NTP1 • 25% at NTP 2 • 50% when 25% of the original Contract has been earned

  28. Cost Management • Payment Schedule for Assessment & Design • A maximum of 75% for each package following the assessment meeting with Mn/DOT • A maximum of 95% for each package when all construction work is complete • A maximum of 100% when all As-Built Documents have been accepted

  29. Cost Management • Payment for Additional Sign Panels and/or Structures for certain cases will be based on established unit prices. See Handout. • Case A • $12/s.f. • Case B • $20/s.f. • Case C • $30/s.f. • Case D • $30/s.f. (for the increased area only)

  30. Schedule Management • NTP 1 to Final Acceptance • Original Baseline Schedule • Prior to NTP 2 • Revised Baseline Schedule • Updated schedule based on Approved Changes • Bi-Weekly Progress Updates • Actual Progress for previous 2 weeks • 2-week look ahead

  31. Schedule Management • Detailed Scheduling Requirements • Activities coincide with activities on Form 14 • Cost allocation for each activity • Graphic representation of all activities • Order of work and logical links • Activities in Working Days • Identify Holidays and non-Working Days • Maximum duration of 20 days • Show Mn/DOT review periods

  32. Human Resources Management • Safety Management Plan • Submitted within 10 days of NTP1 • Key Personnel • Except for Design Manager and Traffic Engineer, key personnel may perform work in more than one position in the organization • Project Manager, Traffic Engineer, Design Manager, Construction Manager, Lead Forman/Field Supervisor, Traffic Control Supervisor

  33. Quality Management • The Contractor shall ensure that Deliverables meet the requirements as listed in the table (Book #2, Section • Project Management • Signage Administration and Design • Signage Installation

  34. Quality Management • Design Control • No construction work shall take place without Released for Construction Documents including field changes. • Procedure for Field Design Changes is required prior to NTP 2. • Assessment packages shall be certified by the Contractor’s Traffic Engineer, audited by the Contractor’s Design Manager and then submitted to Mn/DOT for Acceptance.

  35. Quality Management • Document and Data Control • Contractor shall establish its own document control system (DCS) • Document and Data Approval and Issue • All deliverables include a signed and dated certification by the originator • Document and Data Changes • Provide documents in a format that tracks changes

  36. Quality Management • Approval of sign locations • 3 working days in advance of installation • Demonstration of sign installation • At start of installation for each crew • Mn/DOT reserves the right to pull out up to 10 posts per segment to verify embedment depth at no cost to Mn/DOT Control of Nonconforming Product • Procedures Required prior to NTP2 • Documentation - Nonconformances identified are recorded • Design Manager shall approve all resolutions of nonconformances that require design changes, repair or rework

  37. Book #2, Section 2Signing • Order of Precedence has been established in the event of a conflict • Software • SignCAD • design guide signs and Adopt A Highway Signs • Excel XP or Excel 2000 • Sign Data Spreadsheet

  38. Meeting Requirements • Meeting Requirements following the Project Start-up Conference • Pre-assessment • Over-the-shoulder assessment • Review Assessment package • Pre-RFC • Over-the-shoulder RFC • Review RFC package at completion • Review of Sign panel designs in SignCAD • May be able to combine certain meetings

  39. Traffic Management Plan • The Contractor shall develop, implement, and maintain a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) that addresses traffic management during all phases of the Project, including assessment, installation, and inventory. • Shall Include: • Procedures for obtaining Acceptance of and implementing road and lane closures. This shall include notifying Mn/DOT of any lane closures at least 24 hours in advance. • No lane closures are allowed on weekends or holidays. • Holiday Weekends start at Noon on Fridays • Weekend starts at noon on Fridays in Alexandria • Methods and frequency of inspection and maintenance of all traffic control throughout the Project’s limits. • Descriptions of contact methods, personnel available, and response times for responses to any conditions needing attention during off-hours, if any. • The procedures developed in the TMP shall be followed throughout the duration of the Project. Any deviations from the TMP must be Approved by Mn/DOT prior to implementation. The Traffic Engineer shall sign and certify the TMP.

  40. Design Requirements Assessment Package required for each roadway • Engineering field assessment to identify signs that need to be replaced, added, removed and/or relocated to meet Project Requirements • Pre-Defined Actions • All posts, including stub posts, shall be replaced. • All sign panels installed prior to 1999 shall be replaced. • All deer crossing signs shall be removed and not replaced. • All mast arm sign mounting hardware shall be replaced.

  41. Sign Data Spreadsheet • Assessment for each roadway shall be documented using the Sign Data Spreadsheet shown in Exhibit 2. • Latitude and Longitude information shall be recorded in the World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS 84), 1996 Adjustment, to the nearest 0.01 second. This information is only required in the inventory phase.

  42. Assessment continued • The Assessment Package shall include a recommendation for each sign and justification for the decision. • Sign Location • If a sign cannot be located in accordance with the project requirements, the condition shall be documented and acceptance obtained from Mn/DOT • Sign Panel Size • The sign panels in the field shall not be reduced even if it exceeds project standards

  43. Sign Replacement • Requester Pays Signs • Panels do NOT require replacement • Posts shall be replaced • May require relocation based on assessment • Adopt-a-Highway Signing • Do NOT use sequencing shown in Figure 6.24 of the Mn/DOT Traffic Engineering Manual • Bypass Lane Signing • Contact John Benson for sign panel designs

  44. Sign Replacement • Turn Lane Signing • Replace all Right Turn Lane and Left Turn Lane signs with Right Lane Must Turn Right and Left Lane Must Turn Left • Speed Reduction Signing • Replace all Reduced Speed Ahead, Reduced Speed XX, Speed Zone Ahead and Begin Speed Limit XX x/x Mile with W3-5 advance warning speed reduction signs

  45. Material Requirements • Sign Facing Materials • Traffic signs shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of Standard Specification 2564, with the following modification: • Sign face material for all permanent regulatory signs, guide signs, markers and delineators shall be fabricated with high performance Type HP sheeting. In addition, all warning signs, yellow delineators and yellow markers shall use fluorescent yellow Type HP FLY sheeting except: • Warning signs W11-1, W11-2 and S1-1, (and W16-7P, W20-100P and W13-1 when used with these signs), shall use fluorescent yellow-green Type HP FLYG sheeting. • White cylinder style delineators shall use flexible ASTM Type IX sheeting. • Yellow cylinder style delineators shall use either flexible ASTM Type IX or ASTM Type V sheeting.

  46. Material Requirements • Structural Details • Flange channel sign posts shall be constructed in accordance with Standard Specification 3401, with the following modification: • Ribbed-back or bulbed-flange posts shall NOT be used. • Nuts, Bolts, Washers, etc.. • Signing Design Detail Sheets (see Book #3, Section 1) • Modified for District 4 Requirements

  47. Released for Construction (RFC) Documents • Updated Sign Data Spreadsheet for each roadway, certified by Contractor’s Traffic Engineer, audited by Contractor’s Design Manager and submitted to Mn/DOT for Acceptance

  48. Mn/DOT Sign Shop • Signs Manufactured by Mn/DOT Sign Shop • SignCAD Designs submitted to Mn/DOT District Office for acceptance • Contractor submits accepted SignCAD Designs to Mn/DOT Sign Shop • Contractor shall submit shipping request to Mn/DOT for each Trunk Highway • Identify packaging order for installation • Designate contact person and delivery location • Contractor shall allow 28 days in their schedule for manufacture and shipping sign panels

  49. Mn/DOT Sign Shop • Spliced Signs • Signs manufactured by the Mn/DOT Sign Shop with a dimension greater than 48 inches on the smallest side will be spliced. Signs requiring splicing will be shipped in pieces. Splice plates will be attached to one side of the panel and predrilled holes will be provided for the other panel. The pieces will be banded together for shipping. The Contractor shall fasten panels together using fasteners furnished by the Mn/DOT Sign Shop.

  50. Sign Panel Design • Guide Sign Panels • All new or replacement guide signs shall be designed by the Contractor • Adopt-a-Highway Sign Panels • Consists of 2 panels, Adopt-a-Highway message and overlay panel with adopting group name • The Contractor is responsible for providing the Adopt-a-Highway message panel, designing the overlay panel, and attaching the overlay panel to the Adopt-a-Highway sign panel. Mn/DOT will provide the names of the adopting group for the overlay panel and will manufacture the overlay panel based on the Contractor’s Accepted design. The individual overlay panels will be provided by Mn/DOT and are not to be included in the Contractor’s bid price.

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