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Teachers Stories

Teachers Stories. Eygló R. Sigurðardóttir Teacher and M.Ed. Student KHÍ. Teachers Stories. PEEL (Project for enhancing effective learning) Action research My project - the website: teachers stories ( www.kennarasogur.is ). Theachers Stories. Database on the web Stories from teachers

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Teachers Stories

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  1. Teachers Stories Eygló R. Sigurðardóttir Teacher and M.Ed. Student KHÍ

  2. Teachers Stories • PEEL (Project for enhancing effective learning) • Action research • My project - the website: teachers stories (www.kennarasogur.is) Eygló R. Sigurðardóttir

  3. Theachers Stories • Database on the web • Stories from teachers • Enhancing effective learning • Teachers share their knowledge • Teachers document their practice Eygló R. Sigurðardóttir

  4. The idea • From PEEL (Poject for enhancing effective learning) • Australia 1985 • A group of teachers and academics who shared concerns about students learning Eygló R. Sigurðardóttir

  5. PEEL-Teacher Concerns (1) • Students rarely contribute ideas • Students don't think about the meaning of what they read or hear • Students don't link different lessons • Students don't think about why or how they are doing a task • Teachers find negotiations difficult • Students keep making the same mistakes • Students don't read instructions carefully • Students don't learn from mistakes in assessment tasks Eygló R. Sigurðardóttir

  6. PEEL-Teacher Concerns (2) • Students won't take responsibility for their learning • Students dive into tasks without planning • Students have no strategies when stuck • Students don't link school work with outside life • Dealing with mixed ability classes • Students don't believe that their own beliefs are relevant • Students are reluctant to take risks in creative tasks • Students are reluctant to edit or check their work • Students' existing beliefs are not easy to change • Classroom management Eygló R. Sigurðardóttir

  7. PEELPoor Learning Tendencies • Superficial attention to content • Impulsive attention • Inappropriate application • Superficial attention to instructions • Staying stuck • Non - retrieval • Ineffective restructuring • Lack of Reflective Thinking - within the subject boundaries • Lack of External Reflective thinking Eygló R. Sigurðardóttir

  8. PEEL Good learning behaviours • Checks personal comprehension for instruction and material • Plans a general strategy before starting • Offers or seeks links between: • different activities and ideas • different topics or subjects • schoolwork and personal life • Searches for weaknesses in their own understandings • Suggests new activities and alternative procedures • Offers ideas, new insights and alternative explanations • Justifies opinions • Reacts and refers to comments of other students Eygló R. Sigurðardóttir

  9. PEELPrinciples of teaching for quality learning • Share intellectual control with students • Provide opportunities for choice and independent decision-making • Promote talk which is exploratory, tentative and hypothetical • Encourage students to learn from other students' questions and comments • Build a classroom environment that supports risk-taking • Teach student how to learn • Promote assessment as part of the learning process Eygló R. Sigurðardóttir

  10. Action Research • What is action research? • Why doing action Research? • How can I help my student to improve their learning? • How can I improve what I am doing? • How can I link theory and practice? Eygló R. Sigurðardóttir

  11. Action Research • “Action research is practical. It is so practical that when people first meet the idea they often say, ´That’s what I do in any case. What’s the different?’ ” • “...action research insist on teachers justifying their claims to knowledge by the production of authenticated and validated evidence, and then making their claims public...” Jean McNiff and Jack Whitehead Eygló R. Sigurðardóttir

  12. Action Research • “We all have theories about how things work.” • “We all have theories about the way things should be, and these guide our action.” • “Action research is part of your everyday practice, something you do, not only something you read and write about.” Jean McNiff and Jack Whitehead Eygló R. Sigurðardóttir

  13. www.kennarasogur.is (teacher stories) • Database on the web contains teacher stories/ideas • Action research/teacher research • What teachers can do to research their everyday practice • Enhance effective learning Eygló R. Sigurðardóttir

  14. www.kennarasogur.isThe database • The users of the database are teachers and/or school employees • They document their new idea/story and publish on the web • Other users can read the stories Eygló R. Sigurðardóttir

  15. www.kennarasogur.isThe database • Search for: • Students age (kindergarten, primary school etc.) • Subject (english, math, ...) • Teachers concerns • A word in the text or in the headline Eygló R. Sigurðardóttir

  16. Who will use the website? • Teachers, principals and others school employees who want to: • enhance their teaching and projects in the school • present their new ideas • read others ideas • enhance effective learning for their student Eygló R. Sigurðardóttir

  17. www.kennarasogur.is Tell other people what you are doing in your classroom ! Write down – make notes ! Share your new idea on the web! Eygló R. Sigurðardóttir

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