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A Comprehensive Review of the Uganda National Development Strategy (PEAP)*. by Wilson Turinawe Blasio Musisi Johnson Nkuuhe Alexander Aboagye UNDP RBA MDG-Based National Development Planning Training Workshop, Dar, Tz, 27 February – 3 March 2006
A Comprehensive Review of the Uganda National Development Strategy (PEAP)* by Wilson Turinawe Blasio Musisi Johnson Nkuuhe Alexander Aboagye UNDP RBA MDG-Based National Development Planning Training Workshop, Dar, Tz, 27 February – 3 March 2006 * PEAP = Poverty Eradication Action Plan (equivalent of PRSP)
PEAP and MDGs: PEAP pillars explained 1 – Economic Management 2 – Enhancing Production, competitiveness and income 3 - Security, conflict resolution and disaster management 4 - Good governance (Justice, law and order, democratization, public sector management) 5 - Human development (Health, education, water & sanitation, social development) * PEAP = Poverty Eradication Action Plan (equivalent of PRSP)
2. ScopeInvestment clusters: comparison between Uganda’s PEAP and MDGs
3. Rigor of Uganda’s PEAP • Plan rigorous in some aspects, but not in others. Examples: free bed nets for 4 m pregnant women; increase of per capita expenditure on drugs from $ 1.2 per capita to $2.5, Analysis rigorous in the following sectors: • Education (especially primary education) see Table 7.1 page 155 of the PEAP document) • Health (see Table 7.5 page 167) • Water and sanitation (especially the water component) (See Figure 7.1 page 169) • Works, housing and communication (infrastructure) • Not rigorous enough in remaining sectors
4. Timeframe • Uganda’s PEAP is a 3-year rolling planning framework. • Does not relate to Vision 2025, which is being transformed into Vision 2035. • Not aligned to MDGs and it is not consistent with short- long term goals and Vision 2025. • This is the last PEAP under Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. • The next PEAP will be under the National Planning Authority, and it will be aligned to Vision 2035, cascaded into three 10-year strategic plans each with two- 5year development.
5. Costing of Uganda’s PEAP • Sectors with investment plans have costed them, e.g.: • $ 951 million for rural water for 2001-2015; • about $ 481 million for urban water development; • Most interventions are not costed and budgeting is not aligned to the MDGs-based assessment.
Challenges in Uganda • Timeframe looks too short • Financial and human resources • Resistance from MTEF implementing institutions. • Lack of enthusiasm and cooperation from other stakeholders. • Resistance based on not understanding the distinction between MDG-based planning and PRSP /PEAP
Expectations • Resource persons • Financial resources • Assistance with high level negotiations • At NY, regional and national levels • With Donors, the UN system, bureaucrats, CSO • Assistance with coordination
This process needs determination, Fortunately Uganda has lots of it!
A Comprehensive Review of the Uganda National Development Strategy (PEAP)* by Wilson Turinawe Blasio Musisi Johnson Nkuuhe Alexander Aboagye Thank you, may God bless your journey