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District Literacy Leaders. Wiki : http:// districtliteracyleaders.wikispaces.com Wireless: PSESD Guest. March 12, 2013. Wiki. PowerPoints Handouts Events – please add! Resources – please email your favorites to add! http :// districtliteracyleaders.wikispaces.com.
District Literacy Leaders Wiki: http://districtliteracyleaders.wikispaces.comWireless: PSESD Guest March 12, 2013
Wiki • PowerPoints • Handouts • Events – please add! • Resources – please email your favorites to add! http://districtliteracyleaders.wikispaces.com
Welcome and Introductions • Name • District • Role • First word that comes to mind when you think about teaching literacy in science
Literacy Design Collaborative • Cohort up to 70 teachers to design units • 4th – 12th grade (ELA, Content area literacy -Science, Social Studies, Art, CTE) • PSESD • Beginning Summer 2013 (Aug 5 and 6) • Follow Up in December 10 & 11 and February 11 • Cost: $550 • Register at www.psesd.org • Optional User Group PLC
CCSS Overview • April 17 or June 20 (choose one date) • Puget Sound ESD • 8:30 – 3:30 • $75 Registration Fee (includes lunch)
What makes a good scientific explanation? • Create a list of elements • http://youtu.be/JO0ZF85yUjs
What makes a good scientific explanation? • Another perspective – Student Explanation Liquid 1 and 4 are indeed the same substance. Looking at this data, the properties include Density, Color and Melting Point. Mass is not a property. Density, color and M.P. are all the same for the liquid 1 and 4. Since all of these are properties are the same, 1 and 4 are the same substance.
How do we support student science explanations? • Revisit your initial thoughts on qualities of a student scientific explanation • Consider the perspective • My Dad is an Alien
How do we support student science explanations? Apply the framework Liquid 1 and 4 are indeed the same substance. Looking at this data, the properties include Density, Color and Melting Point. Mass is not a property. Density, color and M.P. are all the same for the liquid 1 and 4. Since all of these properties are the same, 1 and 4 are the same substance.
Quick Write • Take a few minutes to jot down how you define the following terms • Claims • Evidence • Reasoning
District Sharing Tom Hathorn Science and Math Specialist Bethel School District Claims, Evidence and Reasoning in Science thathorn@bethelsd.org
Three Levels of Text • Work in groups of 3-4 • Select a facilitator and time keeper • One person shares their passage and implications for their work (2 minutes each) • The group takes up to 2 minutes to respond to the passage • Repeat until all participants have shared their passage and the group has had an opportunity to respond
Discussion: ELA Standards in Science • With you district partners, peruse the ELA standards for content areas for one grade band (Secondary focus) OR peruse the standards for informational text for one grade band (elementary) • With your group, discuss your responses to these questions. Recorder take notes at http://meetingwords.com/ScienceLiteracy • Which standards are currently addressed in most science classrooms? • What professional development would science teachers need to effectively address those standards? • How can science and literacy district leaders work together to address these needs?
Wrap Up • Next meeting • May 3, 2013 • PSESD • 9:00 – Noon • District Presentation: Angie Neville, Federal Way School District – Depth of Knowledge (DOK) • Feedback on today’s session • https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DLLMarch