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DREAM Developing Reading Education with Arts Methods

DREAM Developing Reading Education with Arts Methods. March 14, 2012. Project Overview: Following the DREAM. Brenda Hall North County Professional Development Federation. 3 rd and 4 th grade teachers received training to integrate visual and theatre arts into their reading instruction.

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DREAM Developing Reading Education with Arts Methods

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  1. DREAMDeveloping Reading Education with Arts Methods March 14, 2012

  2. Project Overview: Following the DREAM Brenda HallNorth County Professional Development Federation

  3. 3rdand 4th grade teachers received training to integrate visual and theatre arts into their reading instruction. • 10 north San Diego County school districts in collaboration with CSUSM, NCPDF and the SDCOE • 141 teachers and approximately 3,000 students

  4. DREAM Video

  5. Project Evaluation Patti SaranieroMoxie Research

  6. Evaluation Questions • Which professional development model increases teacher proficiencies in arts integration? How does it increase proficiency? • Which professional development model improves student academic performance in reading? How does it improve performance in reading?

  7. Study Design Random assignment to one group: • Two treatment groups • Institute-only teachers: Institute (n=25) • Coached teachers: Institute & in-school coach (n=25) • One comparison group

  8. Quantitative Data Qualitative Data Teacher pre-test/post-test on arts integration Institute observation Post-institute survey Arts coach assessment Focus group/interviews with teacher participants and art coaches • Teacher demographics • Teacher pre-test/post-test on arts integration • Institute observation • Post-institute survey • Student arts vocabulary assessment • Arts coach assessment • Lesson plan rubric • Mid-year teacher survey • Standardized test scores

  9. Impact on teacher learning & teaching

  10. Coached teachers… • Integrated more frequently (particularly theatre) than institute-only or comparison teachers; • Integrated the arts into more areas of the reading curriculum than institute-only or comparison teachers; • Were more confident integrating the arts than institute-only or comparison teachers.

  11. Teacher Work Samples • Coached teachers were better able to demonstrate their learning. • Teachers in both treatment groups improved in the quality of their lesson plan work samples over the course of the intervention year. • However, coached teachers made greater improvement than did institute-only teachers.

  12. How Teachers are Using Integration • Character analysis & development • Reading comprehension • Inference • Vocabulary acquisition • Plot • Setting

  13. Teacher Engagement • Greater satisfaction and engagement with teaching; • Recognition of need for alternative teaching strategies and assessments; • Greater enthusiasm for and use of arts integration.

  14. Impact on Student Learning

  15. Students with teachers in both treatment groups: • Greater student engagement and enthusiasm for learning; • Deeper learning in and retention of reading curriculum; and, • Improved participation and greater focus in class.

  16. Standardized Test Scores Year 1: Modest to little impact Year 2: Notable impact on 3rd grade

  17. Standardized Test Scores Year 1: Modest to little impact Year 2: Notable impact on 3rd grade Below Basic Proficient Basic Basic

  18. Impact on Standardized Test Scores Year 2: Impact on 4th grade

  19. Project Analysis Merryl GoldbergCalifornia State University San Marcos

  20. Capability and Test Scores Students Teachers

  21. DREAM Team Approach Infrastructure Evaluator

  22. Planning & Reflective Practice Approach to Institute Coaches’ meeting

  23. Engaging Teachers as Professionals • Respect • Reflection – blogging • Setting the context for learning • Engaging with authors and artists

  24. Building and Maintaining Partnerships Brenda HallNorth County Professional Development Federation

  25. Maintaining project leadership throughout the four years of the grant. • Looking for ways to build relationships beyond the grant between CSUSM, the districts, and the county. • Communicating continually with our district partners through our DREAM blog, emails, and meetings with site and district leaders.

  26. Reminding teachers about lesson plans, surveys and focus group participation through clear and repeated communication. • Providing incentives and recognizing those individuals who provide data in a timely way. • Connecting with teachers in person when possible through art coaches who are working at the school sites.

  27. Working with key district data administrators to preview our requests to ensure efficient data collection. • Simplifying data collection as much as possible by providing reasonable timelines and creating formatted spreadsheets.

  28. Ensuring that teachers receive excellent training and coaching. Their engagement and enthusiasm is critical for ongoing district support and commitment. • Informing teachers throughout the course of the project about the importance of the research in helping to educate others about the importance of arts integration.

  29. Dissemination Merryl GoldbergCalifornia State University San Marcos

  30. Dissemination • Press Conference • Dissemination Website http://dream.sdcoe.net • Conferences/Presentations

  31. Press Conference Planning Getting the word out The “who” of the messaging counts

  32. Dissemination Website • Video • Scholarly Papers • Newspaper Articles/Press • Nuts and bolts • (Teachers’ blog)

  33. Conferences & Papers & Presentations – Oh My! • NCPDF/County Office of Education • University research Colloquium • Community College presentations • AERA 2011 • Denver, Colorado & India

  34. Questions & Discussion

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