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Primary Mentor Induction Training. July 12, 2011. Agenda. Introduction to Induction/Onboarding Overview of District Induction Program Responsibilities of Induction Leaders Nuts and Bolts of the Induction Program Tips for Mentors. Chalk talk.
Primary Mentor Induction Training July 12, 2011
Agenda • Introduction to Induction/Onboarding • Overview of District Induction Program • Responsibilities of Induction Leaders • Nuts and Bolts of the Induction Program • Tips for Mentors
Chalk talk • Think back to your first year of teaching, what support did you need that you did not get?
What is Induction? • Cultivation (Before School Starts) • Orientation (During the first days of School) • Support (During the first months of School)
Cultivation • Think about strategies you have used or could use to cultivate teachers before the start of school.
School Site Orientation • During the orientation phase we want to capitalize on teachers’ anticipation and prepare them for the survival period… • The most frequently cited reason why new teachers leave the classroom is unclear expectations
During the First Week… • Pop in on the first day to check on how things are going • Share encouragement about their teaching • Give support
During the First Month… Help with day-to-day tasks • Routines and Procedures • Classroom management skills • Diagnose/Assess Student Performance • Begin regular Communication with parents • Teach with limited resources
What New Teachers Want To Know… • Logistics • Instructional Support • Administrator Expectations
Overview of B.E.S.T. Two Basic Purposes of OUR EBRPSS Induction Program • To provide new teachers in the EBRPSS with a planned program of coaching, mentoring, and professional development from experienced educators during the most formative stages of teacher development. • To provide assurance that prior to the issuance of an upgraded teacher certificate, the new teacher demonstrates competency in the understanding and use of the Louisiana Components of Effective Teaching (LCET), which are determined as the basis for effective professional performance. Goals of OUR EBRPSS Induction Program • New Teacher Induction will 1) provide support for new teachers, 2) provide formal and informal interactions to establish a working relationship between peers, 3) develop learning environments that maximize student learning, 4) develop teachers who use effective strategies for instruction and assessment to maximize student learning, and 5) develop a culture of learning and active inquiry.
Beginning Educator’s Success Track B.E.S.T Induction Program (a three-year mandatory program), designed to support all new teachers with less than one year of teaching experience. The B.E.S.T. program is designed to support and allow educators the opportunity to make decisions about the type of professional development that will best meet their needs, and ensure that they are successful in the classroom. Some activities are mandatory and others are optional.
Responsibilities of Induction Leaders • Conduct/facilitate and document weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly meetings with new teachers with two hours of monthly minimum interactions • Conduct or facilitate informal pre conferences, observations, and debriefing post conferences so that feedback through professional growth opportunities, action plans, early interventions, and other forms of assistance can be given to target the weaknesses and enhance the strengths. • Welcome observation and shadowing by the new teachers and will facilitate such of other experienced educators. • Assist in reviewing, interpreting, and using achievement test results and other data in instructional planning, delivery, and classroom assessment. • Facilitate the new teacher’s professional growth and build the capacity to modify beliefs and behaviors through reflection and examples as a coach, model, and professional growth specialist
Nuts and Bolts of EBR Induction Overview of Induction Activities To Be Conducted between July 2011-May 2012 • Conduct site based orientation for first year teachers at school site • Schools submit Induction Plans to OHR • Initiate EBR Professional Growth Plan (PGP) by October 3rd • Receive Induction Site Leader Assignments • Sign Induction Site Leader/New Teacher Agreement • Complete Needs Assessment Form • Conduct Walkthroughs and Observations • Develop Action Improvement Plan (s) and Focused Coaching • Weekly, Bi-Monthly, or Monthly Meetings (two hours) of Topics Selected by the Induction Leader and Principal/AP • B.E.S.T Checklist Activities (Ex. Needs Assessment, Teacher Page, Professional Development Workshops, Meetings, and Survey) • Reflect on PGP accomplishments with self-evaluation
Tips for Mentors • Your role is important. Take it seriously. • MODEL, MODEL, MODEL!!! • Dress appropriately. • Model an appropriate attitude in the classroom, in the “lounge,” and in the community. • Act professionally at all times. • Maintain your “cool” at all costs. • Remain positive and supportive with the new teacher. • Never intimidate the new teacher. • Model a variety of teaching techniques in your classroom, and keep your students actively involved in all lessons. • Caution the new teacher to stay away from any negative influences in your school. • Be sure that the new teacher knows that there is no such thing as a “stupid” question. • Maintain confidentiality. • In other words, be thebest teacheryou know and the most positive person you know!
BEST- Beginning Educator Support Track • Mentor Contact Hours-New teachers will complete a minimum of 16contact hours with their assigned mentor M • Two Content Specific Professional Development WorkshopsM • Technology the EBR Way - Teachers will create a teacher webpage M • Completion of B.E.S.T. SurveyM
Beginning Educator’s Success Track (B.E.S.T.) Summary ChecklistYear 1 Mandatory • ____ Teacher Web Page • ____ Professional Development Workshops (2) certificate of completion or attendance print out from ERO • ____ Mentor contact hours (minimum of 16 hours), mentor contact log • ____ Completion BEST/InVEST Survey Optional • _____ Master Teacher Observation signed observationform • _____ Teachers Networking Together (TNT) attendance certificate attendance print out from ERO
INVEST- Incoming Veteran Educators Support Track • Intended for all teachers new to EBR. • Includes both optional and mandatory items • Teachers receive a $100 completion stipend at the end of the school year when they submit evidence that they have completed all mandatory components
INVEST- Incoming Veteran Educators Support Track • Demonstration Classrooms- New teachers will have the opportunity to visit the classrooms of veteran EBR teachers to gain insight as to how to prepare for the first days of school. O • Master Teacher Observations- New teachers will have an opportunity to take a half-day to observe a master teacher to help improve their practice. A list of all master teachers will be available on the New Teacher Central webpage of EBR’s website . O • Teachers Networking Together (TNT) groups- Teachers will participate in a Professional Learning Community (PLC) to look at student work and discuss best practices. O
INVEST- Incoming Veteran Educators Support Track • Technology the EBR Way - Teachers will be trained to create their own web pages M • Book study- Teachers will read a selected text which best fits their own professional development needs. Teachers will keep a reflective journal on their readings. Teachers will be responsible for securing a copy of this book; however we will have some copies of these books available for check-out through the New Teacher Induction office. M • Completion of BEST/InVEST SurveyM
Incoming Veteran Educators Support Track (In.V.E.S.T.)Summary Checklist1 year program Mandatory: • ____ Book Study reflection journal • ____ Technology the EBR Way completed webpage • ____ Completion of BEST/InVest Survey Optional: • ____ Professional Development Workshop certificate of completion, or attendance printout from ERO • ____ Master Teacher Observation signed observation form • ____ Teachers Networking Together (TNT) attendance certificate or attendance print-out from ERO
Book Study • Select a book which best fits your own professional development needs • Read the book • Implement what you learned from the book in your teaching practice • Submit a typed report on your findings: what you learned and how you implemented it in the classroom.
Books Available to Check Out • Literacy With An Attitude • Classroom Instruction That Works • The First Days Of School • “And Don’t Call Me Racist” • Differentiated Instructional Strategies
Master Teacher Observation • Research indicates that one of the best ways to improve instructional practice is to observe excellent teachers. As a part of the FIRST Steps program, new teachers will be given the opportunity to conduct ½ day observations in identified Master Teachers’ classrooms in EBRPSS. The cost of your substitute will be covered by Title II. • These opportunities will be available to new teachers on a first-come, first-serve basis beginning in August 2011. • To set up a master teacher observation, look at the master teacher list at newteachers.ebrschools.org and select your top three choices • Email this information to Beanka Williams, BWilliams12@ebrschools.org. You will be sent detailed information about how to set up your observation.
Master Teacher Observation Master List • http://newteachers.ebrschools.org
Teachers Networking Together • Program GoalTo support new teachers and their students’ academic achievement by providing them with an opportunity to engage in on-going discussions about instructional strategies and student work with their peers and a trained facilitator
Teachers Networking Together Program Overview • Each coach has been trained in the facilitation of structured dialogues known as Critical Friends Protocols. • The TNT program is a joint effort sponsored by the Academic Distinction Fund (ADF) & EBR Parish School System. EBR and ADF will co-sponsor 10-15 TNT groups. TNT groups will consist of 8-12 teachers and will be led by a coach. • The time and location of team meetings will be determined by the coach and team members. • TNT groups will meet 8-10 times during the 2011-12 school year. Each meeting will last for 2-3 hours. The first meeting will be held in August, and approximately once a month thereafter. • During their meetings, TNT groups will become a professional learning community. Teams will discuss instructional strategies, and use the Critical Friends protocol to guide discussions around lesson plans, assessments and student work. • Peer observations are encouraged. If classroom visits are not possible, videotaping a lesson to share with the group is highly encouraged.
MicrolabQuestion 1 • What brought you to the teaching profession?
MicrolabQuestion 2 • What will keep you in the teaching profession?
MicrolabQuestion 3 • What are your hopes and dreams for the upcoming year?
Teachers Networking Together • To sign up for a group send your name, school, grade/subject area to Beanka Williams at BWilliams12@ebrschools.org. Or complete the information slip at the bottom of the flyer and turn it in today. • You will be contacted by your coach once school starts to let you know the date, time, and location of the first meeting.
Questions • Contact the Coordinator of Alternate Certification & Induction • Beanka Williams • 225-922-5488 • BWilliams12@ebrschools.org