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8 th EIONET workshop on climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation (24 June 2014). EEA activities. André Jol H ead of group vulnerability and adaptation, EEA. EEA multi annual work programme 2014-2018.
8th EIONET workshop on climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation (24 June 2014) EEA activities • André Jol • Head of group vulnerability and adaptation, EEA
EEA multi annual work programme 2014-2018 • To be the prime source of knowledge at European level informing the implementation of European and national environment and climate policies; • To be a leading knowledge centre on the knowledge needed to support long term transition challenges and objectives; • To be the lead organisation at European level facilitating knowledge-sharing and capacity -building in the field of environment and climate change. See: http://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/multiannual-work-programme-2014-2018
a crucial moment for Europe Assessing systemic challenges Sustainability assessments and state of the environment reporting Environment, human health and well-being Megatrends and transitions Resource-efficient economy and the environment Goal - To be a centre of knowledge creation, exchange and use on long term systemic challenges and societal transitions Achieve by 2018 - Prompt delivery of SOER2015 and annual indicator reports, and measurable recognition in the 7EAP evaluation process.
European policies recognise the challengeand embrace ambitious visions for a sustainable society “In 2050, we live well, within the planet's ecological limits. Our prosperity and healthy environment stem from an innovative, circular economy where nothing is wasted and where natural resources are managed sustainably, and biodiversity is protected, valued and restored in ways that enhance our society's resilience. Our low-carbon growth has long been decoupled from resource use, setting the pace for a global safe and sustainable society.” Source: 7th Environmental Action Programme Other EU policies offer similar perspectives: Europe 2020 Strategy, EU Energy Roadmap 2050, Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe, Roadmap for a competative low carbon economy in 2050, etc.
SOER 2015A suite of product(s): short briefs + up-to-date indicators SYN A B C Synthesis & Derivatives Thematic SOE information Country-levelSOE information Global Megatrends (Europe in global context) Synthesis report country fiches & cross-country comparison fiches GMT fiches thematic fiches SOER 2015 In Print SOER 2015 Online FLISindicators EEA indicators EEA & country indicators 2012 2013 2014 3 indicator reports & stakeholder workshop Related (flanking) activities SENSE FLIS IMS SENSE CDR GMES SENSE GEMET IMS ? ? SENSE SENSE Reportnet Data Centres GCI ROD EyeonEarth ETDS SDI SERIS AoA Signals 2015 and other derivatives Discomap SOE online
SOER 2015The path from SOER 2010 to SOER 2015 Draft selection of Part B and Part C topics (incl. Eionet consultation) SOER 2015 Implementation Plan SOER 2015 Project Plan Publication of SOER 2015 Final selection of focus for all parts (by Dec) - Phase 1 First Draft Part B & Part C (by Mar), Part A & Synthesis (by May) - Phase 2 Quality assurance and Eionet consultation (including MB Seminar ) - Phase 3 Second Draft Part B & Part C (by Jul), Part A & Synthesis (by Sep) - Phase 4 Final quality assurance, final updates, SOER 2015 Online finalisation (by Nov) - Phase 5
SOER 2015Part B – Thematic fiches B • Focus: A series of brief summaries of state and trend in key environmental themes, guide through EEA knowledge base. • Progress: First draft of 25 thematic fiches by end of March; feedback from 25 countries, Commission Services, Scientific Com. • Next steps: Second (internal) draft fiches to be developed by Jul 2014; final draft fiches to be developed by Oct/Nov 2014. • Next for Eionet: Factual check of final draft fiches Oct/Nov 2014.
SOER 2015Next steps: Eionet involvement requested • Feedback on draft SOER 2015 Synthesis (Chapters 1 to 5) • Please send comments by email using review template; by 15 July 2014 • Please reserve time for review of full draft Synthesis; in September 2014 • (2) Eionet consultation 10 global megatrend fiches (Part A) • Using the online fiche management commenting system; by 11 July 2014 • (3) Eionet revision of country fiches (Part C) • Using the online fiche management system; by end of July 2014 • Editorial (language) support provided by EEA throughout the month of August • (4) Country perspectives to cross-country comparison fiches (Part C) • Based on second draft fiches, EEA will provide guidance on this during summer
a crucial moment for Europe Informing policy implementation Air pollution, transport and noise Climate change mitigation and energy Industrial Pollution Climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation Urban, land use and soil Waste and material resources Marine and maritime, fisheries and coastal Water management, resources and ecosystems Biodiversity, ecosystems, agriculture and forests Goal - Improve content, accessibility and use of European-level environmental information. Achieve by 2018 - Measurable uptake of EEA findings, and the timely and reliable delivery of outputs.
Priority 1: Promotingactionby Member States The EU CC adaptation strategy (2013) • Action 1. Encourage MS to adopt Adaptation Strategies and action plans • Action 2. LIFE funding, including adaptation priority areas • Action 3. Promoting adaptation action by cities along the Covenant of Mayors initiative Priority 2: Better informed decision-making • Action 4. Knowledge-gap strategy • Action 5. Climate-ADAPT Priority 3: Key vulnerable sectors • Action 6. Climate proofing the Common Agricultural Policy, Cohesion Policy, and the Common Fisheries Policy • Action 7. Making infrastructure more resilient • Action 8. Promote products & services by insurance and finance markets
Climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation (2014-2018) • Objective • To support and inform policy development and implementation in the area of climate change impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation by means of data, information/indicators, and assessments. • Specifically: • to provide up-to-date information and indicators on impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation to climate change (including disaster risk reduction), and to provide access to Copernicus climate change information services in the European Climate Adaptation Platform, Climate‑ADAPT; • to support the implementation of the EU Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, including maintaining Climate-ADAPT and steering its development together with the European Commission; • to support countries with the reporting of data to the European Commission and the EEA; • to help policymakers plan and implement transnational, national, and sub-national (in particular cities) adaptation policies, and also to help monitor their implementation; • to support the development and monitoring of adaptation policies in the EU by addressing, with appropriate partners where needed, topics such as costs and benefits of adaptation; green infrastructure and spatial planning, transport and energy systems; and indicators for monitoring and evaluating adaptation actions implemented by the private sector.
Climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation (2014) Assessment reports • Report ‘National adaptation policy processes across European countries’ (EIONET consultation until 2 July, publication autumn 2014) • Report ‘Adapting Transport Systems to Changes in Climate’ (EIONET consultation in July, publication autumn 2014) • Chapter published in CIRCLE2 book ‘Adapting to an Uncertain Climate Lessons From Practice’ (How Is Uncertainty Addressed in the Knowledge Base For National Adaptation Planning?) Indicators • Updated on EEA web site (including changes due to IPCC AR5) • New EEA core set being implemented • Urban vulnerability maps (publication autumn 2014) Workshops/conferences • Open European Day at the global Resilient Cities conference, with ICLEI (Bonn, 28 May) • Expert meeting on adaptation platforms and EIONET workshop (Copenhagen, 23/24 June) Information systems • Climate-ADAPT continuously being updated EIONET review • Roles and tasks for NRCs clarified
European Topic Centre on CC IVA See: http://cca.eionet.europa.eu/
Objectives of the EIONET workshop • Update of work by EEA, European Commission, international organizations and member countries • Parallel group discussions (background papers and guiding questions available) • Indicators for monitoring and evaluation of adaptation at national level • National, sectoral and transnational vulnerability and risk assessments • Eionet evaluation survey (at/after the workshop) http://forum.eionet.europa.eu/nrc-climate-change-adaptation/library/workshops-meetings/2014-eionet-workshop-climate-change-impacts-vulnerability-and-adaptation/eionet-survey