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Expert Mis s ion on ATEX Implementation

Expert Mis s ion on ATEX Implementation. I nternal M arket 65344. Workshop ATEX Preparation of Explosion Protection Document TAIEX Expert Mission IM-63544. 1. Introduction 2. Lesson-7: Requirements for Explosion Protection Document (EPD)

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Expert Mis s ion on ATEX Implementation

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  1. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Workshop ATEX Preparation of Explosion Protection Document TAIEX Expert Mission IM-63544 1. Introduction 2. Lesson-7: Requirements for Explosion Protection Document (EPD) 3. Lesson-8: Importance of Zone Determination for potentially Explosive Atmospheres 4. Example Explosion Protection Document 5. Some practical examples Turkey, Istanbul, 26 - 27 May 2014 Presented by Jan SLIJPEN TAIEX Experts

  2. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Where do I come from? The Netherlands

  3. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Kocaeli 3.635 km2 Konya - 40.824 km2 NL: total area: 41.526 km2water: 7.643 km2land: 33.883 km2 !7 million inhabtants

  4. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Ing. Jan Slijpen • Education: Chemical Engineering • Additional: Risk Management, Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), Process Safety (Seveso), Product Safety, Lead Auditor, • Experience: • Chemical Industry: Environmental + Safety Engineer (5 years) • National Government (DLI): OSH Inspector, Specialist Occupational Hygiene, Specialist Process Safety, Team Head (10 years in total) • International Experience (ILO, OPCW, EC, UNEP): Project Leadership (8 years) • Current Position: Project Leader Market Surveillance for Product Safety • Project leader for Process Safety • Special Task: International Trainer on OSH, Seveso, Implementation, Market Surveillance, Process Safety

  5. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 ATEX Directives 2 Directives applicable in the EU for Explosive Atmospheres (ATmosphéresEXplosibles): ATEX 95 Economic (Product) Directive 94/9/EC, 23-03-1994ADDRESSED at MANUFACTURER ATEX 137 Social (Workplace) Directive 1999/92/EC, 16-12-1999ADDRESSED at USER (Employer)

  6. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Scope ATEX 95 (Product Directive) • Requirements for Equipment for use in potentially Explosive Atmospheres • Focus on the elimination of trade barriers • Free movement of goods • Creation of level-playing field in EAA • Applicable to all places where explosive atmospheres may occur (ALSO inside equipment and apparatus) • Only equipment and preventive systems that comply with and meet the requirements of ATEX 95 may be brought to the EER market

  7. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Scope ATEX 137 (Workplace Directive) Scope: • Sets out minimum requirements for the safety and health protection of workers potentially at risk from explosive atmospheres in the workplace • Basically NOT applicable inside equipment and apparatus • OSH Framework Directive requires protection against any risk at the workplace, so also against the consequences of an explosion

  8. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Aim ATEX 137 Aim and Focus: • Protection of workers’ health and safety at work against explosions • Obligations are addressed at Employers • The quantity of a flammable gas / liquid or solid determines whether a site comes under the jurisdiction of the ATEX-137 Directive • ATEX-137 containsbroaderobligationsthan ATEX-95

  9. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Conditions for an EXPLOSION

  10. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 ATEX Classifications

  11. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Places where Explosion Risks occur Type of Industry: • Large Companies • Petrochemical Industry: e.g. refineries • Chemical Industry • Pharmaceutical Industry • Food Industry • Small and Medium sized Industry (SME) • Paint Industry • Waste Industry • Parquet laying • Wood processing Industry • Agricultural sector In general: at many unexpected places

  12. Risk Management System ACT PLAN System Check HI+RA PO APP OC PDCA Deming circle MR MoC IA EP SP System-oriented Supervision Measures-oriented Supervision CHECK DO Technical + Organisational Measures Preventive LoDs Repressive LoDs Scenario LoC Workplace Check Workplace Subject Explosive Atmospheres

  13. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Abbrevations RMS Control Elements Management System APP = Accident Prevention Policy IH+RA = Identification Hazards + Risk Assessment PO = Personnel en Organization OC = Operational Control MoC = Management of Change EP = Emergency Preparedness SP = Safety Performance IA = Internal Audits MR = Management Review Explanation other Abbreviations LoC = Loss of Control / Loss of Containment LoD = Line of Defense (Specific: ATEX Control Measures)

  14. RM Verification Process Observations Document review Interviews Workplace Inspection Findings Finding Finding Criteria Documented? Good Moderate Poor Bad Appropriate? Implemented? Assessment + Judgement Conclusions Follow Up: Enforcement?

  15. Documented? Appropriate? Main Questions Are the correct RISKS identified? Are the correct MEASURES implemented? Are measures well MAINTAINED? Is Risk Management System (RMS) appropriate as to effectively control all activities? Is the Prevention Policy of sufficient Quality? Implemented? RM Inspection Verification Questions

  16. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 General Control Measures EXPLOSION PREVENTION General: • Prevention of formation of explosive atmospheres • Avoidance of ignition of explosive atmospheres • Mitigation of the effects of an explosion • All preventive + repressive measures operational as to prevent any further propagation of explosions • Review: All technical and organizational measures must be reviewed regularly and in any case after significant changes

  17. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 General Control Measures EXPLOSION PREVENTION General: • Safe design: Safe design of workplaces, also in relation to Explosion Hazards • Safe work: Work can be performed safely at places with explosive atmospheres • Supervision: sufficient and effective • Classification: Hazardous areas to be classified and indicated • Coordination and Cooperation

  18. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Specific Control Measures EXPLOSION PREVENTION Specific: • Safe discharge of hazardous substances • Equipment and protective systems for use in explosive atmospheres meets requirements of ATEX 95 (in EPD) • Equipment requirements: • Hazardous zone 0 of 20: category 1 equipment • Hazardous zone 1 of 21: category 1 of 2 equipment • Hazardous zone 2 of 22: category1, 2 of 3 equipment

  19. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Specific Control Measures EXPLOSION PREVENTION SPECIFIC • Exchange of wrong ATEX equipment be prevented • Special protective clothing for workers in areas with possible explosive atmospheres • An alarm / warning system must be installed and in operation • After a change (MoC) and/or maintenance of equipment in areas with explosion risks an initial check should be carried out by qualified person before the installation is put into operation again

  20. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Specific Control Measures EXPLOSION PREVENTION Specific: • Work Instructions: in writing • Approval of work before start of the it: • Work permit system must be in operation • Equipment must be fail-safe in case of power interruption • Emergency and/or escape equipment provided to workers • Authorized persons may only switch off equipment

  21. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 EXPLOSION PROTECTION DOCUMENT (EPD) Minimum required CONTENT: • Identification of Explosion Hazards at all workplaces • Identification of Ignition Sources at all workplaces • Assessment of Explosion Risks • Classification of Hazardous Zones • zone 0, 1 or 2 for Gas / zone 20, 21 or 22 for Dust • Description of design, construction, operation and maintenance of workplaces, work equipment, process installations and warning devices • Description of preventive and repressive control measures as to Prevent, Eliminate or Reduce / Mitigate the (consequences of) explosion • Description of system for cooperation and coordination of work in areas with explosion risks, e.g. work permit system • Way of training of workers regarding Explosive Risks

  22. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Identification of Explosion Hazards + Assessment of Explosion Risks (in EPD) RISK: in general R = P x E Other: Risk Graph / Fine & Kiney When assessing explosion risks, take into account: • Likelihood that explosive atmospheres will occur and their persistence • Likelihood that ignition sources, including electrostatic discharges, will be present and become active and effective, • Possible interactions between substances in use, processes and installations • Scale of the anticipated effects (Consequences).

  23. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Identification of Ignition sources Type of Ignition Sources • Hot surfaces • Fire and hot gasses • Mechanical sparks • Static discharges • Lightning • Radio waves • Optical radiation • Ionizing radiation • Ultrasonic noise • Shock waves, adiabatic compression • Exothermic reactions including self-ignition

  24. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 ATEX Zoning around Storage Tanks EXAMPLES Fixed Roof Storage Tank Floating Roof Storage Tank

  25. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Fixed Roof Storage Tank

  26. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Flooting Roof Storage Tank

  27. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Example Content Explosion Protection Document General part of the EPD (General Site EPD) • Objectives and Goals of the EPD • Definitions • Cooperation and Coordination • Normal operations • Maintenance • Significant changes • Tasks and Responsibilities with respect to control explosive atmospheres • Composition and Set-up of an ATEX Commission • ATEX Coordinator • Competencies and qualifications of the ATEX Coordinator • Management of Change with respect to ATEX • Training on ATEX

  28. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Example Content Explosion Protection Document Specific part of the EPD (Specific Plant EPD) • Description of the site, plants, installations, processes + substances • PI&D’s • Identification of hazardous substances (explosive prone substances) • Identification of ignition sources • Risk analysis: IH + RA • Classification of hazardous zones (workplaces / work areas) • Explosion Prevention + repression Measures • Technical • Organisational • ATEX Coordinator • Competencies and qualifications of the ATEX Coordinator • Management of Change with respect to ATEX • Training on ATEX

  29. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Explosion Control Measures • Preventive Technical Control Measures • Use of less explosive prone substances, if possible • Use of other chemical and/or physical processes • Reduction in use of explosive prone substances • Avoidance of ignition sources • Application of ATEX-proof equipment (ATEX-95) • Repressive Technical Control Measures • Explosive proof design (intrinsically safe equipment) • Explosion relief systems • Systems for suppression of explosions • Other repressive or emergency control

  30. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Explosion Control Measures • Preventive + repressive Organizational Control Measures • ATEX Training • Inspections • Maintenance • Testing • Supervision • Marking explosion hazardous zones: warning signs • Verification control measures at start-up + after significant changes • Management of Change (MoC) • Work permit system • Emergency procedures • Learning from ATEX accidents and incidents

  31. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Importance of Zone Determinations for potentially Explosive Atmospheres Importance Explosion Zones Classification • Prevention of sever consequences like • Possible fatalities • Injuries • Interruption of production • Economic damage • Image damage • Special Attention for Zone 0

  32. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Zone 0 Situations Zone 0 situations • Inside Storage tanks on top of stored Flammable Liquids • Gas Pipelines • Pomp Pits • Flammable Vapour Return Pipelines • Vapour Recovery (Incineration) Units

  33. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Zone 0 Situations Zone 0 situations • ATEX 137 NOT applicable inside apparatus? • ATEX 137 applicable for workplaces with explosive risks • Prevention of explosions is a general feature of workplace conditions legislation (Framework Directive 89/391/EG) • ATEX 95 applicable for all situations where explosive atmospheres may occur (also inside apparatus)

  34. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Drain System for Flammable Liquids (Pomp Pit)

  35. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Potential Ignitition Source EquipmentNOT EX Proof Category-3Equipment for Zone 2 Category-2 Equipment for zone 1 and 2 Internal Market65344 Explosive Atmosphere Zone 2 Administrative Fine Zone 1 Stoppage of Operation Improvement Notice Zone 0 ATEX Risk Matrix Improvement Notice Improvement Notice Stoppage of Operation

  36. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Zone 0 Category 2 Level Switch ATEX Matrix ? LS Zone 0 PLC Petrol DCS LT

  37. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Zone 1 in Tank Pit Grinding work with Work Permit and continious LEL measuring ATEX Matrix ? Tank Pit Zone 0 Petrol Zone 1 LEL Measurement

  38. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Zone 0 in Pomp Pit Grinding work with Work Permit and continious LEL measuring ATEX Matrix ? Pomp Pit Zone 0 LEL Measurement Ex II 1 G EEX de IIB T5

  39. Expert Mission on ATEX Implementation Internal Market65344 Thanks Questions?

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