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ACE Automated Real-Time Shock Solutions for Space Weather Applications

ACE Automated Real-Time Shock Solutions for Space Weather Applications. Charles W. Smith University of New Hampshire Charles.Smith@unh.edu. Real-Time Shock Analysis. Vorotnikov et al.:

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ACE Automated Real-Time Shock Solutions for Space Weather Applications

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  1. ACE Automated Real-Time Shock Solutions for Space Weather Applications Charles W. Smith University of New Hampshire Charles.Smith@unh.edu NESSC October 14, 2009

  2. Real-Time Shock Analysis • Vorotnikov et al.: • “Automated Shock Detection and Analysis Algorithm for Space Weather Application,” Space Weather, 6, S03002, doi:10.1029/2007SW000358 (2008). • Develops the basic idea of real-time shock detection and analysis. • Vorotnikov et al.: • “On-Line, Real-Time Shock Detection and Analysis Program for Space Weather Applications,” Space Weather, in preparation. • Extends basic idea to ACE data where only 1 component (Radial) of solar wind velocity is available. • V. S. Vorotnikov was an undergraduate at UNH and is now a graduate student at Univ. Delaware studying chemical engineering and renewable energy. NESSC October 14, 2009

  3. Shock Detection and Analysis(Comparison with Interactive Analysis) Algorithm proceeds as follows: 1. Find shock candidates based on apparent jumps in data. 2. Apply R-H conditions. 3. Omit candidates with poor solutions. (left) Shock speed in plasma frame Comparison of automated and interactive solution for library of shocks observed by ACE. Taken from Vorotnikov et al., Space Weather, 6, S03002, 2008. NESSC October 14, 2009

  4. Application to ACE RTSW Data (left) Shock speed in plasma frame Same algorithm as before, but adapted to use only radial component of the solar wind velocity when computing R-H solution. Compared with automated solutions using all 3 components. We don’t claim perfection, and hope to improve the method, but at present the technique works well for strong shocks when a real-time solution is required for space weather. Taken from Vorotnikov et al., Space Weather, in preparation. NESSC October 14, 2009

  5. Real-Time Shock Web Page http://www.srl.caltech.edu/ACE/ASC/DATA/Shocks/Draft11.htm Web page programming performed by David Isenberg (Phil’s son). NESSC October 14, 2009

  6. Previous Page • We have a working web page running the real-time algorithm using ACE/NOAA real-time data. • Provides solutions to shocks within 10 min of shock passage at L1. • Provides graphs of data (MHD + energetic particles) for 24hrs or 7days for reference. • We are preparing “widget” that can be downloaded to the desktop of your computer to alert you when a shock is encountered. • We are preparing for solar maximum  NESSC October 14, 2009

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