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Ron Peck President & COO

Ron Peck President & COO. Air Visitors. Thousands. * ATIA Estimate. Source: AVSP 2011 . Highway & Ferry Visitors. Source: AVSP 2011 . *ATIA Estimate. Cruise Visitors. * ATIA Estimate. Source: AVSP 2011 . Total Summer Visi tors. Millions. * ATIA Estimate.

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Ron Peck President & COO

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ron Peck President & COO

  2. Air Visitors Thousands * ATIA Estimate Source: AVSP 2011

  3. Highway & Ferry Visitors Source: AVSP 2011 *ATIA Estimate

  4. Cruise Visitors * ATIA Estimate Source: AVSP 2011

  5. Total Summer Visitors Millions * ATIA Estimate Source: AVSP 2011

  6. Summer Visitors By Transportation Market 2012 Air 609,000 38% 2012 Highway/Ferry 65,000 4% 2012 Cruise 935,000 58% Total 2012 = 1,609,000


  8. 2011-2012 ATIA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Ken Dole, Chair Kirk Hoessle, Vice Chair Bill Pedlar, Treasurer/Finance Chair Paul Goodwin, Secretary Ann Campbell, Tourism Planning Chair Scott Habberstad, Marketing Chair Deb Hickok, Past Chair Julie Saupe, Gov’t Relations Chair Ron Peck, President, Ex-Officio

  9. 2011-2012 ATIA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Charlie Ball John Binkley Roark Brown Janet Buckingham Brett Carlson Peter Grunwaldt Deb Hansen Al Koch Patti Mackey Tim McDonnell Bonnie Quill Scott Reisland Catherine Schultz Colleen Stephens Ethan Tyler

  10. 2012 ADVOCACY ISSUES • Denali National Park • Vehicle Management Plan • Winter Recreation/Road Plan • Flightseeing Issues • Denali Over-Flight Committee • JPARC Military Operations Expansion • Air Tour Management of National Parks S.AMDT 1779 • FAA Reauthorization Bill-Elimination of Tax Exemption for Tour Flights • Grand Canyon Tourism Protection Act HR 4198 • Alaska Forward • Workforce Development • Cultural Sensitivity & Awareness • Winter Tourism • Tourism Benefits / Conflicts • Tourism Marketing Funding • Adventure Tourism

  11. 2012 ADVOCACY ISSUES • Cruise Issues • Emissions Control Area Fuel Standards • Waste Water Discharge Standards • Cruise Ship Disclosure Law • Highway Safety Improvements • Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center • Mile 231 Bridge Parks Highway • Fisheries • Halibut Limited Entry Permits • Halibut Catch Share Plan • Sport Fishing Guide Board & Regulations SB 34 & 91

  12. 2012 ADVOCACY ISSUES • Other Issues Followed • Invasive Species • RV Rental Issues in Canada • Glen Alps Parking Improvements • Roadless Rule Legislation • Adventure Green Alaska • Bicycle Program HR 57 • Federal Car Rental Tax HB 271 • Motor Coach Enhanced Safety Act HR 873 • Motor Fuel Tax Suspension HB 102 • T.R.I.P. Act HR 3484 (Tourism Marketing Grants) • J.O.L.T. Act (Visa Process Improvements) S 3199 • J-1 Visa Summer Work Exchange Program • Federal Meeting Amendment SA 2060

  13. 2013 ADVOCACY ISSUES CONTINUE TO FOLLOW Cruise Vessel Restrictions Charter Sport Fishing Issues South Denali Project National Petroleum Reserve Plan Alaska Forward NEW ISSUES Wolf Buffer Zone- Denali Park Federal Ground Transportation Permits Susitna Hydro Project Bear Snaring


  15. FY2013 Marketing Budget $16 million


  17. 2012 ROOTS • Emily Bolling • Laurie Booyse • Steve Bowhay • Cindy Bowhay • Charles Bowman • Rod Bradley • Kendra Bradley • Paul Brown • Roark Brown • Bill Bubble • Dee Buchanon • Janet Buckingham • Rosie Burgess • Bruce Bustamante • Dustin Adams • Sherry Aitken • Natasha Ala • Mike Allen • Greg Allison • Mike Anderson • Peggy Anderson • John Archambeau • Elizabeth Arnett • Kathleen Ashton • Matt Atkinson • Mark Austin • Jen Avery • Marsha Barton • Theresa Bayer • Christy Belanger • Tim Bell • Josh Bell • Kelly Bender • Richard Beneville • Maria Benner • Sharlene Berg • Carolyn Bettes • John Binkley • Ryan Binkley • Mary Binkley • Wade Binkley • Chris Block

  18. 2012 ROOTS • John Dunlap • Kathy Dunn • Kory Eberhardt • JoLynnEder • Mark Eliason • Jackie English • Jackie Englund • Duane Epton • Kari Erickson • Frank Flavin • Kathleen Fleming • Lenise Fontenot • Dale Fox • Carol Frasier • Letha Butts • Melinda Calderon • Deb Call • Ann Campbell • Tanya Carlson • Brett Carlson • Jesse Carlstrom • Jan Chatto • Buzzy Chiu • Nicole Church • Richard Cole • Kari Coleman • Tim Cudney • Suzi Curry Kelly • Eleanor Davenport • Monte Davis • Mike Davis • Tina Day • Geri Denkewalter • Lisa Doggett-Stehle • Ken Dole • Scott Doonan • Susan Dowell • Frederic Drake • Jimmie Jack Drath • Heather Dudick • Annie Duffy • Melanie Dufour

  19. 2012 ROOTS • Barbara Fujimoto • Cheryl Fullerton • Charity Gadapee • Marlene Geils • Susan Gilpatrick • Kim Gonski • Lynn Grams • Athena Grimm • KalinkaGuffens • Jara Haas • Scott Habberstad • Christa Hagan • Linda Hall • Tom Hall • Deb Hickok • Ken Hill • Jan Hill • Steve Hites • Kirk Hoessle • Robert Holston • Josh Howes • Darlene Hunter • Lloyd Huskey • Sue Issacs • Lynne Jablonski • Bob Janes • Corinne Jankowski • Crystal Javier • Steve Halloran • Nick Hammond • Shanon Hamrick • Deborah Hansen • Denise Hanson • Karen Harris • Shari Hart • Annette Harter • Kathy Hedges • Sharon Heim Mahay • Glen Hemmingson • Bart Henderson • Todd Heverling • Walter Hickel, Jr.

  20. 2012 ROOTS • Mark Lovegreen • Karen Lynch • Jacob Lyon • Patti Mackey • Steve Mahay • Kris Malecha • Edward Malen • Char McClelland • John McConnochie • Candice McDonald • Tim McDonnell • Dan McDonough • Rick McMahan • Scott McMurren • Park Kriner • Bruce LaLonde • Paul Landis • Kren Lane • Len Laurence • Shauna Lee • Alan LeMaster • Kathy Lenniger • Jamie Letterman • Chris Letterman • Holly Lewis • Rosemary Libert • Tina Lindren • Dragon London • Holly Johnson • Susan Johnson • Lois Juergens • Terese Kaptur • David Kasser • Dee Dee Kay • Peggy Keesecker • Lily Kelly • Gretchen Kinney • Karen King • Karl Klupar • Al Koch • Tory Korn • Jayson Kowalchuk

  21. 2012 ROOTS • Scott Reisland • Ruth Quinlan • Maryann Ray • Rachel Ray • Debbie Reeder • Fred Reeder • George Reifenstein • Edith Reisland • Casey Ressler • Mary Richards • Tonia Rioux • Nina Rivera • Kyle Roberts • Ruth RoseworneKimerer • Pat Melone • Jamie Miller • James Minton • Clark Mishler • Mitzi Mishler • LexieMizeras • Dawn Murphy • Christena O’Connor • Amanda Painter • Lorene Palmer • Ron Peck • Dave Peterson • Jim & Judy Powell • Bonnie Quill • Ned Rozbicki • Craig Saunders • Melissa Saunders • Justin Saunders • Julie Saupe • JuxiaScarpitta • Dake Schmidt • Jerry Scholand • Cathy Schultz • Christopher Schutte • Tami Scime • Alyssa Sensky • Serena Sevener-Byerly • Scott Shaub

  22. 2012 ROOTS • Mary Helen Stephens • Zack Tappan • Travis Taylor • Russell Thomas • Deanna Thomas • Jennifer Thompson • Ethan Tyler • Michael Wald • Wendy Wald • Toni Walker • KadieWalsh • Terry Wanzar • Laura Welsh • Katie Montgomery • Robert Murphy • Dick Wenger • Bonnie Westlund • Joanne Wiita • Evangeline Willard-Hoy • Lois Wirtz • Jeffrey Witt • Trish Shaughnessy • Mary Shields • Jillian Simpson • Erica Simpson • Clarence Skaflestad • Tracy Smith • Sean Smith • Stephanie Smothers • Tim Stallard • Colleen Stephens • Stan Stephens

  23. 2012 - 2013 Grass Roots Volunteers

  24. ATIA MISSION STATEMENT • Promote and facilitate travel to and throughout the State of Alaska. • Provide a broad-based association of individuals and companies with an interest in the visitor industry in Alaska. • Encourage the increase and improvement of quality visitor facilities, services and attractions throughout Alaska. • Plan and execute a statewide marketing campaign promoting Alaska as a visitor destination. • Increase awareness of the economic importance of the visitor industry. • Develop and implement programs beneficial to the travel supplier and consumer, which no other single industry component or organization would be expected to carry out on its own. • Initiate and cooperate with local, state and federal entities in developing and implementing programs, policies and legislation that are responsive to the needs of the industry and to intervene in those issues and initiatives that would directly affect the facilitation and promotion of travel to and within Alaska. • Work cooperatively with the state on tourism development and long-range planning.

  25. Thank you!

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