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Finding sustainability data on the Web. David Leal CAESAR Systems Limited david.leal@caesarsystems.co.uk. Using emerging technologies. Identifying things by HTTP URIs getting data about them by “ dereferencing ” Data as RDF statements readable RDF as N3
Finding sustainability data on the Web David Leal CAESAR Systems Limited david.leal@caesarsystems.co.uk
Using emerging technologies • Identifying things by HTTP URIs • getting data about them by “dereferencing” • Data as RDF statements • readable RDF as N3 • a little bit of formality from OWL • The importance of standard RDF vocabularies • This is what will make it work • This is our task
About URIs • a URI is just a string of characters • They are unique identifiers for things, which are used on the web • A thing can have more than one URI, but a URI identifies only one thing • HTTP URI • formerly called a URL • The use of an HTTP URI implies that an HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) access, e.g. from a browser, is valid • But you may be disappointed and get “error 404” – no answer was the stern reply • a URN • A URI which does not imply any form of access • used by some organisations – e.g. ISO, ISBN • urn:iso:std:iso:15926:-2 The Web is based upon HTTP URIs – don’t worry about URNs
What a URI identifies Uniform Resource Identifier • a web page • http://www.iom3.org/index.htm • You can open it with your browser – data is downloaded • You can follow links to other web pages • an object • http://www.iom3.org/ • This is the organisation Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining • It has a Royal Charter – it cannot be downloaded to a browser • a formula • http://www.iom3.org/formula.n3 • This is a computer interpretable file of RDF statements about the IoM3 • It can be process by Semantic Web browser or by an application
Dereferencing a URI “dereferencing” means attempting to get some data. You can only dereference an HTTP URI. • If the URI identifies a web page – you get it • If the URI identifies an RDF formula – you get it • It the URI identifies an object .... • The object could be the Eiffel Tower, or the Institute of Materials – neither can be downloaded to your browser • either you get nothing (error 404), or you are redirected to a “representation” access to http://www.iom3.org/ is redirected to http://www.iom3.org/index.htm
Semantic Web technologies • RDF (Resource Description Framework) • making statements on the Web • http://www.w3.org/RDF/ • N3 (Notation 3) • a simple way of writing down an RDF statement • http://www.w3.org/TeamSubmission/n3/ An opportunity to: • record information more simply • enable others to use our concepts • use the concepts of others
believes Jane N3 :Janet :loves :John . Getting started RDF diagram John Janet loves :Jane :believes { }
identify the people identify the human relationships Getting started namespaces @prefix people: <http://www.friends-are-us.com/registry/> . @prefix relationships: <http://www.institute-of_relationships.org/vocabulary#> . people:Janet relationship:loves people:John .
….. or as XML <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF [ <!ENTITY rdf "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"> <!ENTITY people "http://www.friends-are-us.com/registry/"> <!ENTITY relationships "http://www.institute-of_relationships.org/vocabulary#"> ]> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="&rdf;" xmlns:relationships="&relationships;"> <rdf:Description rdf:about="&people;Janet"> <relationships:loves rdf:resource="&people;John“/> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> no more precise – and not as readable
Clever browsers http://www.iom3.org/index.htm The IoM3 has not implemented this – yet click to view the formula
Suppose you want a formula • Usually redirection takes you to an HTML web page • This is good, because a person may need to know what a URI identifies – the web page can tell him or her • If an application want the formula, then there are two options: • content negotiation – the HTTP protocol allows the GET request to specify the required format – RDF can be specified • link from the HTML file – this is hidden in the header and is used by applications when required
link to the formula Suppose you want a formula http://www.iom3.org/index.htm <html> <head> <title>IOM3 - Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining</title> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rdf+xml" title="RDF Representation" href="http://www.iom3.org/formula.n3" /> <meta name="description" content="Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining“/> <meta name="keywords" content="IOM3, IOM, IMM, materials, world, academy, profession, science, engineering, metals, ceramics, polymers, glass, rubber, minerals, mining, plastics, institute, careers, jobs, journals, education"/> ......
vocabulary about engineering organisations and events Suppose you want a formula http://www.iom3.org/formula.n3 @prefix con: <http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/pim/contact#>. @prefix tabont: <http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2005/ajar/ajaw/ont#> . @prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> . @prefix dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> . <http://www.iom3.org/> a eng-sci:EngineeringInstitution ; dc:title "Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining" ; con:phone <tel:+44 (0)20 7451 7300> ; foaf:webpage <http://www.iom3.org/index.htm> . <http://www.iom3.org/congress-2008> a eng-sci:Conference ; dc:title "Materials Congress 2008 - Materials for the Future" ; tabont:isMentionedIn <http://www.iom3.org/congress-2008/formula.n3> . ......
specified as: – person readable nameplate – bar code – RFID An individual product http://packing-machinery.cn/item/08-12345 Ruian Zhuxin Machinery Co. Ltd. manufactured by item/08-12345 type model/ML1800
dereference to get a formula about the model An individual product http://packing-machinery.cn/item/08-12345 http://packing-machinery.cn/item/08-12345/formula.n3 @prefix rzm: <http://packing-machinery.cn/> . @prefix iso: <http://www.tc184-sc4.org/vocabulary#> . rzm:item/08-12345 iso:manufacturedBy <http://packing-machinery.cn> ; a rzm:model/ML1800 .
who defines the vocabularies? – an ISO or IEC committee – a trade association A class of product http://packing-machinery.cn/model/ML1800 The Ruian Zhuxin Machinery Co has not implemented this – yet – as far as I know http://packing-machinery.cn/model/ML1800/formula.n3 @prefix rzm: <http://packing-machinery.cn/> . @prefix iso: <http://www.tc184-sc4.org/vocabulary#> . @prefix packing <http://www.packing.association.org/vocabulary#> . rzm:model/ML1800 iso:hasMass [ scale:kilogram 14000] ; packing:maximum_rule_length [ scale:metre 50 ] ; packing:speed [ scale:perMinute 16 ] ; packing:motorPower [ scale:kilowatt 11 ] ; ......
LCA data in the formula http://packing-machinery.cn/model/ML1800 • Each item of model ML1800 requires: • emissions of 25 kg CO2 to produce; • emissions of -4 kg CO2 to dispose (negative because recycling displaces mineral extraction); • emission of 0.001kg CO2 per hour to run (European electricity generation mix). http://packing-machinery.cn/model/ML1800/formula.n3
actually it is more complicated LCA data in the formula http://packing-machinery.cn/model/ML1800 http://packing-machinery.cn/model/ML1800/formula.n3 rzm:model/ML1800 lca:unitProductionCO2emission [ scale:kilogram 25 ] ; lca:unitDisposalCO2emission [ scale:kilogram -4 ] ; lca:hourUseCO2emission [ scale:kilogram 0.001 ] .
Actually it is more complicated but not different in principle manufacture of 1 ML1800 item ML1800 reference output output flow output flow output flow flow 3 flow 2 flow 1 material material destination substance destination amount amount substance SO2 0.01 kg 25 kg CO2 atmosphere objects and relationships defined in ISO 14048
vocabulary for LCA from ISO 14048 URI for substances from somewhere? Actually it is more complicated rxm:process/ML1800 lca:hasOutputFlow [ a lca:ReferenceFlow ; lca:destination lca:Technosphere ; lca:material [ lca:loadOf rxm:model/ML1800 ; lca:numberInLoad 1 ] ] ; lca:hasOutputFlow [ lca:destination lca:Atmosphere ; lca:Material [ a iupac:CarbonDioxide ; lca:amount [ scale:kilogram 25 ] ] ] ; lca:hasOutputFlow [ lca:destination lca:Atmosphere ; lca:Material [ a iupac:SulfurDioxide ; lca:amount [ scale:kilogram 0.01 ] ] ] ; ......
Making this work • Material products have HTTP URIs • A new business process • Dereferencing gives: • Web page of information about the product – Web 1.0 • RDF formula about the product – Web 3.0 • Standard vocabularies to use in the formulae • Vocabularies for product properties • Vocabularies for LCA • LCA data published using the same approach • Products have URIs, dereferencing give LCA data
Navigating the supply chain supply x LCA data from analysis of supply supply 1 LCA data from analysis of supply product supply y supply 2 supply z subclass of subclass of subclass of class A class B class C class D class D LCA catalogues (e.g. EU LCA InfoHub) linked to industrial catalogues