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On a piece of paper…. Are governments necessary? Why or why not? Take a stance, and jot down 5 reasons supporting your opinion. Get with a partner (someone sitting near you…do not leave your assigned desk)
On a piece of paper…. Are governments necessary? Why or why not? Take a stance, and jot down 5 reasons supporting your opinion.
Get with a partner (someone sitting near you…do not leave your assigned desk) • Keeping in mind our island activity, come up with 2 reasons we have government in place. • When you have come up with 2 reasons, send one member of your partnership up to the board and record your answers.
Why Do We Have Governments? A government has four main purposes: • Maintain social order • Provide public services • Provide national security • Make economic decisions
4 Essential Features of a State • Population • Territory • Sovereignty – state has supreme or absolute authority within its boundaries • Government
State vs. Nation • A State is a political community that occupies a definite territory, and has an organized government with the power to make and enforce laws. Concrete Systems. • A Nation is a large group of people who are united by a common bond of race, language, customs, tradition, and/or religion. Cultural Connections.
Constitutions and Government • Constitution – plan that provides rules for government • Establishes structure and power of government • Provides supreme law of country
Government Systems- Who has the Power? • Unitary – central government holds most or all of the power and makes most of the government decisions • Most governments throughout the world are unitary • Ex. Great Britain, Italy
Government Systems – Who has the Power? • Confederation – Power is held mainly by the states or local authorities • States make decisions and central government depends on them • Ex. Canada, Switzerland
Government Systems – Who has the Power? • Federal System – sharing of the power between the central and local/state units • Central government and local governments ‘split’ the powers • USA, Mexico
Descriptions of Government can be based on: • Economy- who/what provides the goods and services that are bought and used? • Politics- how is the government run? • Authority- who picks the government?
Governments based on Economy • Capitalism – people own their own businesses and property, the government only exist to maintain order through laws • Ex – Russia
Governments based on Economy • Socialism – a system where the government owns many larger companies, provides education and welfare, but allows citizens limited economic choices • Ex Norway, former USSR
Governments based on Economy • Communism – government owns all business and farms, and provides citizens with education, healthcare, and welfare • Everything is collectively owned – moneyless, classless, and stateless • Ex. Cuba, China
Governments based on Politics Autocracy – power and authority to rule are in the hands of one single person • Ex. North Korea
Governments based on Politics • Dictatorship – rule by a single leader who may use force to keep control • Little or no attention to public opinion or individual rights • Ex. North Korea
Governments based on Politics • Totalitarian – rule by a single political party, people are forced to do what the government tells them to do • Government seeks to control all aspects of your life • Ex. China
Government based on Politics • Theocracy – a form of government where rulers claim to be ruling on behalf of a set of religious ideals, or as a direct agent of a deity • Ex. Iran
Governments based on Politics • Monarchy – king, queen, or emperor has supreme power of government • Ex. Jordan • Absolute monarchs – unlimited power to rule • Constitutional monarchs – monarchs share power with elected legislature, mainly ceremonial leaders (ex. Great Britain, Sweden, Japan)
Governments based on Politics • Parliamentary –executive and legislative powers are both held by an elected assembly or Parliament • Executive branch and legislative branch meet together to create laws • Prime Minister is head of the executive branch
Governments based on Politics • Republic – a republic is led by representatives of the voter • Sovereignty (power) lies in EACH INDIVIDUAL • Ex USA
Governments based on Politics • Anarchy – society without an enforced government OR a violently enforced political government • Ex. Syria, Egypt
Governments based on Authority • Oligarchy – government where small group holds power • Power comes from wealth, education, religion, or political party • Ex. Pakistan
Governments based on Authority • Democracy – rule is by the people • Government is elected by the people • “Government of the people, for the people, by the people” (Abraham Lincoln)
Governments based on Authority • Direct Democracy – people govern themselves by voting on issues individually, meet regularly to discuss key issues • Representative or indirect democracy – people elect representatives and give them power to make laws and conduct government, power lies with MAJORITY
Characteristics of Democracy • Individual liberty • Majority rule- requirement that a majority is required to make a decision • Free elections • Competing political parties • Political Party – group of people with common interests or goals who organize to nominate candidates for office, conduct government, and determine public policy
Warm Up – Fold a sheet of notebook paper in half • On the top half a sheet of paper, define and illustrate the following terms: • Federal System • Unitary • Confederation • On the bottom half: • List the 4 reasons we have government ***No notebooks or books should be out! Do not use a partner for help until directed!