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Linear Analysis of reduced-round CAST-128 and CAST-256

Linear Analysis of reduced-round CAST-128 and CAST-256. Jorge Nakahara Jr 1 Mads Rasmussen 2 1 UNISANTOS, Brazil 2 LSI-TEC, PKI Certification department. Summary. The CAST-128 and CAST-256 Block Ciphers Linear Cryptanalysis: brief overview Linear Analysis of CAST-128 and CAST-256

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Linear Analysis of reduced-round CAST-128 and CAST-256

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  1. Linear Analysis of reduced-round CAST-128 and CAST-256 Jorge Nakahara Jr1 Mads Rasmussen2 1 UNISANTOS, Brazil 2 LSI-TEC, PKI Certification department

  2. Summary • The CAST-128 and CAST-256 Block Ciphers • Linear Cryptanalysis: brief overview • Linear Analysis of CAST-128 and CAST-256 • Attack Details • Conclusions and Open Problems

  3. CAST-128 • 64-bit iterated block cipher • key: 40 bits up to 128 bits (increments of 8 bits) • 12 up to 16 rounds • Feistel Network structure • designed by C. Adams and S.Tavares (1996) • S-box design procedure patented by Entrust Technologies Inc: U.S. patent 5,511,123, filed Aug. 4, 1994, issued Apr. 3, 1996

  4. CAST-128 • CAST-128 is part of the GnuPG suite of cryptographic algorithms (nicknamed CAST-5) • CAST-128 uses fixed 8x32-bit S-boxes: for encryption and decryption (S1, S2, S3, S4) and for the key schedule (S5, S6, S7, S8) • round operations: +, -, <<<,  • three round functions: f1, f2 and f3 • An official algorithm for use with the Canadian Government: http://www.cse-cst.gc.ca/services/crypto-services/crypto-algorithms-e.html

  5. CAST-128 f1 f2 Round functions f3

  6. CAST-256 • a former candidate to the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Development Process (1997) • 128-bit iterated block cipher • 128-, 192- and 256-bit key • 48 rounds for all key sizes • generalized Feistel Network structure • S-box design procedure patented by Entrust Technologies Inc: U.S. patent 5,511,123, filed Aug. 4, 1994, issued Apr. 3, 1996

  7. CAST-256 one quad-round f2 f3 f1 f1

  8. CAST-256 • full CAST-256: six quad-rounds + six inverse quad-rounds f1 one inverse quad-round = one quad-round upside down f3 f2 f1

  9. Linear Cryptanalysis • developed by Mitsuru Matsui (Mitsubishi Corp) • first ideas: Adi Shamir (DES S-boxes’ parity), 1994 • applied to FEAL-4 cipher (Sean Murphy, 1989), then to FEAL-8, DES (Matsui, 1991-1993) • known-plaintext (KP) attack (sometimes, can also work in a ciphertext-only setting) • general cryptanalytic technique: used against block ciphers, stream ciphers, and other crypto algorithms

  10. Linear Cryptanalysis • basic tool: (some notions) • linear relation, a linear combination of bits of plaintext, ciphertext and key • linear approximation: Boolean function holding with non-uniform parity (away from ½) • bias: difference between 0-parity and ½ • the higher the bias, the more effective the linear approximation • number of KP for a high success attack:  bias-2

  11. Linear Cryptanalysis • strategy: derive linear approximations for each individual cipher components • non-linear components are the main targets • combine linear approximations of consecutive components, until reach a full round • for multiple rounds, use Matsui’s Piling-Up Lemma • this Lemma assumes all round approximations are independent, which is not always true (but is usually good enough for practical purposes, e.g. DES)

  12. Linear Analysis of CAST-128 • 8x32-bit S-boxes are always non-surjective mappings • Modular addition and substraction in round function F • motivation for linear approximations of the form 08 32, across the S-box, where 32 is a nonzero bit mask • bias for all S-boxes S1,...,S4 with mask 32=1 is 2-5 • we use32=1 (least significant bit) to bypass the modular addition and subtraction after the S-boxes in the round function

  13. Linear Analysis of CAST-128 f1

  14. Linear Analysis of CAST-128 • iterative linear relations: input and output bit masks are identical, so that it can be concatenated to itself, with a fixed decrease in the bias • for CAST-128: 2-round iterative linear relations w 1 active F

  15. Linear Analysis of CAST-128 • iterative linear relations: input and output bit masks are identical, so that it can be concatenated to itself, with a fixed decrease in the bias • for CAST-128: 2-round iterative linear relations w 1 active F

  16. Linear Analysis of CAST-256 • CAST-256 S-boxes are the same as for CAST-128 • thus, the same bit masks are used: 0  1 • similarly, we look for iterative linear relations • result: 4-round iterative linear relations, or one quad-round iterative linear relations.

  17. Linear Analysis of CAST-256

  18. Linear Analysis of CAST-256 1 active F per quad-round

  19. Linear Analysis of CAST-256 Other combinations

  20. Linear Analysis of CAST-256 Bit mask controls active F

  21. Attack Results on reduced-round CAST-128

  22. Attack Results on reduced-round CAST-256

  23. Conclusions • first known-plaintext attack reported on (reduced-round) CAST-128 and CAST-256 • attacks exploit non-surjectivity of 8x32-bit S- boxes (happens for any such mappings)

  24. Open Problems • we found quadratic equations for all four S-boxes S1,...,S4 of CAST-128/CAST-256. The question is: can we use them in a (pure) algebraic attack? • what about combining linear and quadratic equations??

  25. Linear Analysis of reduced-round CAST-128 and CAST-256 Jorge Nakahara Jr1 Mads Rasmussen2 1 UNISANTOS, Brazil 2 LSI-TEC, PKI Certification department

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