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Arts Attendance in Ireland 2012 Key facts about audiences for the arts in Ireland

Arts Attendance in Ireland 2012 Key facts about audiences for the arts in Ireland. 2 million adults (or 57% of the population) attend the arts – this has not changed in the last two years. 1.5 million attend once a year or more often.

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Arts Attendance in Ireland 2012 Key facts about audiences for the arts in Ireland

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  1. Arts Attendance in Ireland 2012 Key facts about audiences for the arts in Ireland

  2. 2 million adults (or 57% of the population) attend the arts – this has not changed in the last two years. 1.5 million attend once a year or more often. To put this into context, attenders at music gigs in stadiums or arenas dropped by 11% in the last year. All data ROI TGI 2012 (c) Kantar Media UK Ltd. Produced by Arts Audiences: www.artsaudiences.ie

  3. For the first time, we can report that 12% of arts attenders also attended at least one event outside of Ireland. All data ROI TGI 2012 (c) Kantar Media UK Ltd. Produced by Arts Audiences: www.artsaudiences.ie

  4. All art forms have a higher percentage of female attenders compared to the population, except folk concerts. All data ROI TGI 2012 (c) Kantar Media UK Ltd. Produced by Arts Audiences: www.artsaudiences.ie

  5. 471,000 people in Ireland are on Twitter, and about two thirds of those are regular users. 153,000 arts attenders are on Twitter (or 10% of all arts attenders). All data ROI TGI 2012 (c) Kantar Media UK Ltd. Produced by Arts Audiences: www.artsaudiences.ie

  6. 149,000 or 10% of arts attenders own an iPhone All data ROI TGI 2012 (c) Kantar Media UK Ltd. Produced by Arts Audiences: www.artsaudiences.ie

  7. For the first time we are able to report on tablet computer ownership. 160,000 or 11% of arts attenders own a tablet computer (e.g. an iPad). All data ROI TGI 2012 (c) Kantar Media UK Ltd. Produced by Arts Audiences: www.artsaudiences.ie

  8. About a third of arts attenders are in full time employment. A further quarter are retired. The balance is made up of students, those in part time employment, etc. All data ROI TGI 2012 (c) Kantar Media UK Ltd. Produced by Arts Audiences: www.artsaudiences.ie

  9. People from the highest social class (ABC1) are making up a smaller percentage of the attendance in every artform this year than last year. All data ROI TGI 2012 (c) Kantar Media UK Ltd. Produced by Arts Audiences: www.artsaudiences.ie

  10. Contemporary dance has the youngest age profile of attenders than any other artform. In contrast, people over 65 form 46% of opera goers. All data ROI TGI 2012 (c) Kantar Media UK Ltd. Produced by Arts Audiences: www.artsaudiences.ie

  11. A significant number of people attend the arts less than once a year. For example more than 350,000 people say they attend at art galleries less often than once a year. This represents an opportunity to increase audience numbers. All data ROI TGI 2012 (c) Kantar Media UK Ltd. Produced by Arts Audiences: www.artsaudiences.ie

  12. 3 things you should know about Dublin arts audiences All data ROI TGI 2012 (c) Kantar Media UK Ltd. Produced by Arts Audiences: www.artsaudiences.ie

  13. Only 16% of arts attenders in Dublin say that they are very interested in reading about Theatre and the Performing Arts in newspapers. The arts in Dublin is attracting more people in the 25-34 age group than the other regions. Dublin attenders are more likely to purchase online than arts attenders in the rest of Ireland, and to purchase more frequently than the general population. All data ROI TGI 2012 (c) Kantar Media UK Ltd. Produced by Arts Audiences: www.artsaudiences.ie

  14. 3 things you should know about Leinster attenders (outside Dublin) All data ROI TGI 2012 (c) Kantar Media UK Ltd. Produced by Arts Audiences: www.artsaudiences.ie

  15. The Irish Independent is the most widely read newspaper (by attenders) in Leinster (outside Dublin). Here 44% of attenders almost always or quite often read the Irish Independent, versus 33% the Irish Times. Outside Dublin, arts attenders in Leinster read the books pages in newspapers, with more than a quarter saying they are very interested in these. The most widely read Sunday newspaper in this region is the Sunday Independent. All data ROI TGI 2012 (c) Kantar Media UK Ltd. Produced by Arts Audiences: www.artsaudiences.ie

  16. 3 things you should know about Munster attenders All data ROI TGI 2012 (c) Kantar Media UK Ltd. Produced by Arts Audiences: www.artsaudiences.ie

  17. Arts attenders in Munster are the most likely to respond to direct mail. More than 40% of attenders in Munster say they almost always or quite often read the Irish Examiner. The Sunday Independent is almost always read by 30% of Munster attenders, followed by the British quality Sundays (15%) and the Sunday Times (14%). 10% of Munster attenders read the Irish Mail on Sunday. All data ROI TGI 2012 (c) Kantar Media UK Ltd. Produced by Arts Audiences: www.artsaudiences.ie

  18. 3 things you should know about attenders in Connaught / Ulster All data ROI TGI 2012 (c) Kantar Media UK Ltd. Produced by Arts Audiences: www.artsaudiences.ie

  19. Almost half of all the regular arts attenders in Connaught / Ulster are Irish Independent readers. Arts attenders in Connaught / Ulster, like all arts attenders in Ireland, are most interested in reading the Irish news pages. Arts related pages about film and video, books, etc. are read by large numbers of attenders in this region. This region attracts more of the 15-24 age group than any other region – 18%. All data ROI TGI 2012 (c) Kantar Media UK Ltd. Produced by Arts Audiences: www.artsaudiences.ie

  20. Arts Attendance in Ireland 2012 HowDublin attenders use newspapers and other media

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