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Child Welfare/Mental Health Learning Collaborative First Statewide Leadership Convening Sacramento, CA October 28 th , 2013. Building Child Welfare and Mental Health Partnerships to Improve Well-Being. Agenda for Today. Welcome by CDSS and DHCS
Child Welfare/Mental Health Learning CollaborativeFirst Statewide Leadership ConveningSacramento, CA October 28th, 2013 Building Child Welfare and Mental Health Partnerships to Improve Well-Being
Agenda for Today • Welcome by CDSS and DHCS • Overview of Core Practice Model foundations and components • The Learning Collaborative: Participants, Roles, Structure, Goals and Values • Key findings from the Readiness Assessments and Service Delivery Plans • Report on Semi-Annual Progress Reports
Agenda for Today (Cont.) • Keynote Address: Dr. John Stirling • Beginning and/or Continuing Regional Work (Breakout Sessions) • Synthesis of the Breakouts: Identifying Statewide Themes and Technical Assistance/Training Needs
Welcome and Charge for Collaboration • Pete Cervinka & Mary Sheppard CDSS • Dina Kokkos-Gonzales & Troy Konarski DHCS
Vision of the Katie A. Core Practice Model • Improve the safety, stability, well-being, and permanency of our children, youth, and families • Application of the Core Practice Model will create a process by which communication is strength-based, culturally competent, collaborative, empowering, and goal-focused. This model will result in the use of timely, effective services in the most natural setting possible in order to achieve each child, youth, and family’s individualized goals.
Values and Principles of Core Practice Model • Children are first and foremost protected from abuse and neglect, and maintained safely in their homes • Services are needs driven, strength-based, and family focused from the first conversation with or about the family • Services are individualized and tailored to the strengths and needs of each child and family • Services are delivered through a multi-agency collaborative approach that is grounded in a strong community base
Values and Principles of Core Practice Model (Cont.) • Parent/Family voice, choice, and preference are assured throughout the process • Services incorporate a blend of formal and informal resources designed to assist families with successful transitions that ensure long-term success • Services are culturally competent and respectful of the culture of children and their families • Services and supports are provided in the child and family's community • Children have permanency and stability in their living situation
It’s about changing practice within and across both child welfare and mental health systems so that the work we do is integrated and collaborative among children, families, administrations and service providers in both mental health and child welfare. • It’s about joint responsibility and accountability for outcomes for child welfare children and families • It’s about collaboratively planning, developing and implementing policies and practices, as well as services, that are guided by the Katie A values and principles, and developed and endorsed by both systems as well as by families and children
It’s about moving from working with children and families in an individual system, agency or practice to working within a team environment. • It’s about delivering all the services we provide, both current and new Katie A services, within a comprehensive collaborative model. • It’s about alwaysworking as part of a cross-agency team of people when children and families need any services from both systems, whether they are current or new Katie A services.
How we will get there. . . Participants, Roles, Structure, Goals and Values of the Learning Collaborative
Learning Collaborative Goals • Create an environment for shared learning within and amongst county child welfare and mental health agencies and their key partners. • Facilitate peer-to-peer learning • Identify shared needs and solutions to meet those needs • Connect counties to experts in other counties and in the field.
Learning Collaborative Goals (Cont.) • Provide Implementation Teams with work time to establish and refine work plans with goals, actions, and a timeline • Provide new knowledge and skills related to collaboration and the CPM that empower local county implementation to do the work • Identify training needs for line staff, supervisors and community partners
Learning Collaborative: Structure and Sequencing • A 3-tiered structure is designed to facilitate implementation at the local, regional and statewide level; • Tier 1: Statewide Leadership Team • Tier 2: Regional Learning Sessions • Tier 3: Local Implementation Teams
Tier 1: Statewide Leadership Team: US!State & County Leaders in Child Welfare & Mental Health;State-level Stakeholders; Training Partners; Subject Experts ROLE: • Articulate state-level priorities for the LC • Guide the planning of the LC process • Share regional perspectives with the state • Identify common barriers to implementation around the state, in order to generate solutions
Tier 1: Statewide Leadership TeamObjectives • Identify needed resources and supports for training and implementation across the state • Identify training and implementation tools to assist with statewide implementation • Establish a communication plan that coordinates statewide and county-level training implementation • Establish a plan for data collection
Tier 1: Statewide Leadership TeamToday’s Objectives: • Learn about common themes that counties identified as part of their Katie A. Readiness Assessments and Service Delivery Plans including the identification of common barriers to implementation • Begin (or continue) your regional planning process, including identifying themes, barriers and needs that may be common across regions • Share regional perspectives with the state • Articulate state-level priorities for the LC
Tier 2: Regional Learning Sessions • Regional events and activities facilitated by the Regional Training Academies, with assistance by content experts, CDSS and DHCS representatives, and key stakeholders • Role: • Guide local implementation teams • Identify barriers to implementation and possible solutions • Share regional resources, tools and ideas • Identify areas that may benefit from statewide training or technical assistance, and communicate them to the Statewide Leadership Team.
Tier 3: Local County Implementation Teams • Cross-agency, cross-system teams with multi-level county staff, tribes, parent/youth reps and other stakeholders identified by the county • Role: • Guide county implementation of new practice philosophy and services. • Identify county-level barriers to implementation and potential solutions. • Determine county-specific training and technical assistance needs. • Identify areas of inquiry for the Regional Learning Sessions.
Sequencing of the LC process • 1st Statewide Leadership Team Oct 28th, 2013 • Regional Learning sessions occur Dec 2013 – February 2014 • Regional Learning sessions occur March 2014 – June 2014 • 2nd Statewide Leadership Team July, 2014 • Regional Learning sessions occur Oct 2014 – Feb 2015 • 3rd Statewide Leadership Team between Feb – April 2015
The Learning Collaborative Participants and Roles
Roles: Initial Cohort Counties • Form a Leadership Team to guide statewide implementation and participate in the Statewide Leadership Team • Participate in Regional Learning Sessions to guide regional implementation • Form a county-level Implementation Team to guide local implementation and to direct and monitor training and implementation efforts
County Implementation Teams • Comprised of a broad – based membership from the fields of child welfare and mental health, with collaborators such as: • Training and facilitation partners (e.g., RTAs, Chadwick); • Stakeholders (e.g., parents, youth, and Tribal representatives); • Subject matter experts (e.g., Implementation Science, Collective Impact; trauma-informed practice); and • Fiscal and legal consultants
Roles: CDSS and DHCS • Provide leadership, assistance, and coordination with other State agencies to support local collaboration and full implementation of the CPM, ICC and IHBS. • Accountable for implementation of the CPM, ICC, IHBS and TFC as identified by the Katie A. settlement agreement and the court-approved implementation plan • Identify emerging themes of implementation reports provided to the State in order to pinpoint areas of promising practice, training and technical assistance needs, and peer-to-peer learning opportunities. • Provide guidance on resource allocation and other strategies for the entities supporting the LC. • Identify and facilitate stakeholder involvement in the Statewide Leadership Team and other applicable LC activities • Support communication of statewide implementation of promising practices that emerge from LC activities.
Roles: Tribal, parent and youth representatives Statewide-level Representatives • Participate in the planning and implementation of the Statewide Leadership Team events • Provide a perspective from the Tribes, parent partners, and youth Regional-level Representatives • Participate in Regional Learning Sessions to guide regional implementation and provide a stakeholder perspective • Participate as available in local implementation teams to provide a stakeholder perspective
Roles: California Social Work Education Center (CalSWEC) • Lead and coordinate the Inter-Disciplinary Subcommittee that will review training products and tools to support the Learning Collaborative • Collaboratively plan, coordinate and facilitate the Statewide Leadership Team • Develop tools and guides to assist in the implementation of the Regional Learning Sessions • Design and coordinate a communications system to share information and ideas across the state, regional and local levels • Establish a web-based method to share tools, activities and products produced by the Learning Collaborative to share with additional counties • Coordinate Learning Collaborative activities with mental health training partners and other stakeholders
Roles: Regional Training Academies (RTAs) • Coordinate, plan and facilitate Regional Learning Sessions • Collect, analyze and report on the needs of the counties in their region • Identify and develop a plan to meet the needs of the counties in their region, given available resources • Provide technical assistance to accomplish LC goals • Develop a ‘feedback loop’ to the State and other counties that are not participating in the LC • Identify and develop a plan to provide training tools and curricula to support implementation and share these with CalSWEC and other RTAs • Coordinate with other RTAs to ensure consistency across the state
Roles: California Institute of Mental Health (CiMH) • Participate in the statewide planning process • Develop/endorse training materials in collaboration with STEC and statewide agencies • Provide four webinars on topics related to successful Katie A. Settlement services and implementation • Develop resources to ensure the inclusion of mental health promising practices in the activities and goals of the LC
Roles: Chadwick Center, Rady Children’s Hospital, San Diego • Participate as faculty members on the Statewide Leadership Team • Provide assistance and support to CalSWEC through the LC process • Consult with LC counties and regions regarding CWS/MH collaboration, evidence based practices, implementation science, screening, assessment, treatment, and trauma-informed child welfare practice • Assist in the development of tools and resources to support the LC at the state and regional levels • Research and prepare option papers and other decision-making tools regarding screening, assessment and trauma-informed practices
Roles: Child and Family Policy Institute of California (CFPIC) • Participate as faculty focused on CWS/MH collaboration for the Statewide Leadership Team • Guide the planning and implementation of the LC process • Assist with the development of training and implementation tools related to CWS/MH collaboration • Consult with LC counties and regions on issues of CWS/MH collaboration • Provide fiscal support for training and implementation tools, with assistance from Zellerbach Family Foundation
Roles: Resource Center for Family Focused Practice (RCFFP) • Provide support through webinars and informational bulletins to counties that are not participating in the LC • Provide training tools and curricula to support implementation • Provide support to any county or other RTAs for implementation of the Katie A. Core Practice Model • Coordinate with other RTAs to ensure consistency across the state
Table introductions & expectations for the Learning Collaborative • Why did your county decide to participate in this Learning Collaborative? • What do you hope to get out of the Learning Collaborative process? • What do you hope to learn and accomplish today?
What we know so far… Key findings from the Readiness Assessments & Service Delivery Plans Status of the County Progress Reports
Key findings from the Readiness Assessments and Service Delivery Plans
County Semi-Annual Progress Reports • Forty-seven counties have submitted Semi-Annual Progress Reports • CDSS and DHCS will jointly synthesize the information contained in the reports and identify areas of concern and promising practices • That information will then be utilized to inform and guide technical assistance efforts, training, resource activities, and ongoing implementation of the CPM, ICC, and IHBS
Some Inspiration on Child Well-Being. . . Keynote address by Dr. Stirling
Moving into the work. . . Setting the stage for the Regional Breakout Sessions
Setting the stage for the regional planning sessions • Synthesizing all that has been presented today • Current status of local implementation – successes and concerns • Identify high-priority areas of regional concern & begin problem – solving • Identify issues for statewide support and resolution • Identify training and technical assistance needs
Regional Planning Sessions • Please proceed to your break out rooms • Bay – California Room • Central – Salon 1 • Southern – Salon 2 • Northern/Small – Salon 3
Welcome Back! Have a seat for a BRIEF reflection on the regional breakout sessions
Regional Report Out • Identification of common areas of concern across regions • Identification of areas that might benefit from training and technical assistance • Reflections: Ideas for moving the process forward.
Next steps & closure • An online survey will be available for feedback on the sessions, plus further clarification of potential statewide training and technical assistance needs • A workgroup will be formed to establish a communication system for the Learning Collaborative as a whole (statewide, inter-region, intra-region)