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QUANTITATIVE METHOD. MALALIGNMENT INDEX [VANKIRK AND PENNELL]. MEASURE TOOTH DISPLACEMENT AND ROTATIONS [<1.5mm or > 1.5mm] and [<45° or >45 °]. Handicapping labiolingual deviation index by Braker. Measure Cleft palate [all or none] Traumatic deviations [all or none] Overjet [mm]

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  3. Handicapping labiolingual deviation index by Braker • Measure • Cleft palate[all or none] • Traumatic deviations [all or none] • Overjet[mm] • Overbite[mm] • Mand protrusion [mm] • AOB [mm] • Labiolingual spread [measure tooth displacement by mm]

  4. Occlusal feature index by Poulton an Aaronson • Measurement include lower anterior crowding, cuspalinterdigitation, vertical overbite and horizontal overjet

  5. Malocclusion severity estimate by Grainger • Seven weigted and defined measurement [1] overjet, [2] overbite,[3] AOB, [4] congenitally missing maxillary incisors, [5] first permanent molar relationship,[6] posterior crossbite and [7] tooth displacement [actual or potential] • Six maloccl syndromes were defined as follows • Positive OJ and AOB • Postive OJ, positive overbite, distal molar relationship and posterior crossbite with maxillary teeth buccal to mand teeth • Negative overjet, mesial molar relationship and post crossbite with maxillary teeth lingual to mandtteth • Congenitally missing max inc • Tooth displacement • Potential tooth displacement

  6. Occlusal index by Summers • Nine weighted and defined measurement : [1] molar relation [2] overbite [3] OJ, [4] post crossbite [5] post opent bite [6] tooth displacement [7] midline relation [8] max median diastema [9] congenitally missing max inc • Seven malooclusion syndrome were defined as follows • OJ + open bite • Distal molar relation, OJ, overbite, post crossbites, midline diastema and midline shift • Congenitally missing max inc • Tooth displacement [actual + potential] • Post open bite • Mesial molar reation, OJ overbite post crossbite midline diastema midline shift • Mesial molar relation mixed dentition analysis [potential tooth displacement] and tooth displacement

  7. Treatment priority index Grainger • Eleven weighted and definded measurement • Upper ant segment OJ • Lower ant segment OJ • Overbite of upper ant over lower ant • Ant openbite • Cingenital absence of in • Distal molar relation • Mesial molar rotation • Post crossbite • Post crossbite • Tooth displacement • Gross anomalies

  8. contd • Seven maloccsyndrones • Max expansion syndrome • Overbite • Retrognathism • Open bite • Prognatism • Max collapse syndrome • Congenitally mssinginc

  9. Dental Aesthtic Index • No of visible missing teeth[inc canine and premolar in max and mand arch] • Inc segment crowding • Inc segment spacing • Midline diastema • Max ant irregularity • Mand ant irregularity • Max OJ • Mand OJ • Vertical AOB • Anteropost molar relationship

  10. PAR index • Upper Rt segment • Upper ant segment • Upper Lt segment • Lower Rt segment • Lower ant segment • Lower Lt segment • Rt buccal occlusion • OJ • Overbite • Centreline • Lt Buccal occl

  11. ICON • The occlusal traits scored • Upper and lower segment alignment • Ant vertical r/ship, centerline, impacted teeth, upper and lower buccal segment alignment [Lt and Rt added together], buccal segment anteroposterior r/ship, buccal segment vertical r/ship, crossbite, mssing teeth for any reason [excluding 3rd molar] • Aestheic assessment based on IOTN aesthetic component, OJ in mm, reverse in mm, upper and lower incisor inclination relative to the occlusal plane, overall upper arch crowding/spacing, lip competency

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