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Practice various attacking methods in hurling to enhance skills like hitting targets, spreading play, and improving team coordination. Develop strategic gameplay with these fun and challenging drills.
Shooting Target Practice Opposed Attacking Play Purpose: Shooting Practice / Defending Description: Both players leave their cone at the same time. A is the defender and B is the attacker. Both go around the cones as shown and once the forward rounds the last cone they must try to score while defender tries to stop them.
Attacking Play Hitting the Target Purpose: Switching from Attack to Defence / Developing Concentration Description: Player A shoots at opposite goal. After s/he shoots player B with a sliotar leaves to attempt to score at the opposite goals. After shooting player immediately runs to tackle the other player and prevent them from scoring.
Attacking Play Diagonal Ball Purpose: Spreading the Play / Creating Space Description: Yellow player solos to inside cone and at the same time blue player runs to outside cone and takes diagonal ball from yellow player who catches or picks ball and strikes over the bar. Variation: As above but player shoots for goal. Ask players to swap sides.
Attacking Play Strike off Hurl without catching Purpose: Increase Shooting Options Description: Set up drill as shown in diagram. Players line up with sliotar each on 13m line. Player solos to inside cone and without catching attempts to score goal by striking off the hurl. Player looks to hit the net without the Sliotar hitting the ground. Variations: Add in goalie Add in defender who tries to hook attacker Change sides
Attacking Play Inside Score Purpose: Changing the Point of Attack Quickly Description: Divide players into 3 groups. Sliotars start at group 1. Group 1 strikes the sliotar to group 2 who strikes on the run to group 3. Group 3 gains possession and shoots for a score. Follow the ball. Variations: (1) Low ball to players (2) Strike to the hand (3) Do both of the above from the opposite side
Attacking Play Two Team Scoring Game Purpose: Adding Pressure to the Shot Description: P1 from each group solo’s into grid 1 and shoots for a point. They retrieve ball and go back to 45m line. When all players shoot from grid 1 they move to grid 2 and then grid 3. Variations: Players may shoot from any grid. Score from grid 1=1pt, grid 2=2pts & grid 3=3pts. First group to 20pts win.
Attacking Play All Out Attack Purpose: Improve Team Work & Concentration Description: Divide group into 4 teams. On coaches call Blue attack goal which will be defended by Red. Should the blue team score a goal, Yellow attack Blue straight away and Red go back to red Cone and retrieve Sliotars at each corner. Goals only can be scored. Should the Sliotar go wide the game will restart by coach throwing in Sliotar between same two teams.
Attacking Play Big Hitters Purpose: Creating Space & Avoiding the Tackle Description: Defenders line up with tackle bags and number 1-6. Attackers are in groups of 3 on 20m line with 1 Sliotar between each group. Coach will call one number (1-6) and that defender must get a hit on the attacking player who is in possession of the sliotar before s/he crosses the end line. Coach calls two numbers to increase difficulty for attackers.
Attacking Play Coloured Pole/Cone Attack Purpose: Improve Movement On and Off the Ball to Create Space Description: 2 Teams – 1 attacks and 1 defends. Set coloured poles up as shown. Have 3 sliotars at each pole/cone. Coach calls a colour attacking player takes a sliotar from that coloured pole/cone. Attackers try to work a score, if defenders dispossess them they work the ball out through any of the outer gates. Coach calls a different colour after ball goes dead. After all 12 sliotars are used swap roles.
Attacking Play Attacking from Angles Purpose: Creating Space & Movement on and Off the Ball Description: 2 teams-1 attacks, 1 defends. Coach places sliotars as in diagram. Attacking team members are numbered 1-10. Coach calls a number and that player retrieves a sliotar and tries to work a score. If defenders dispossess they must work the sliotar out through any of the gates. Coach calls another number when sliotar goes dead. Swap roles.
Attacking Play Four v Four Purpose: Quick Transition from Attack to Defence Description: Forwards are the only ones that can score. Goals only. No player allowed in no mans land. If a goal is scored or ball goes dead, game restarts with defender picking up sliotar from beside goal. If a sliotar goes over the side line the opposite team start from their goal. Age and ability to be considered for size of pitch.
Attacking Play Goals Only Purpose: Creating and Taking Goal Scoring Opportunities Description: Aim is to score more goals than the opposition. Goals can only be scored inside the 13m line. Size of pitch depends on age and ability. Smaller area will allow players to practice having to break the tackle as well as having support runners.
Attacking Play Forward Efficiency Purpose: Creating Pressure on Forwards to Utilise Each Possession Description: 2 teams-1 attacks, 1 defends. Attackers start with sliotar who have a limited number of passes to create scores (goals-points) Passes depend on ability. If defenders disposes the attackers the game restarts with coach feeding forwards again.
Attacking Play Middle Target Purpose: Improve Decision Making as a Forward Unit & Picking out the Player in a Better Position Description: Set up pitch as in diagram. 6 v 6 game. Teams try to score by striking through the goals. Game continues on far side of goal following a score. Players can pass to team mates in opposite box to create scoring options. Coach can limit no. of passes before shooting or players must pass to teammates in opposite box before score is taken.
Attacking Play Angles of Attack Purpose: Improve Concentration & Increase Ability of forward to switch from Attack to Defence Description: Coach sets up 2 semi circles as shown. 3 player on the inside cones. P1 solos Sliotar around outer cone while P2 shadows him. P1 turns at cone and tries to score a point while P2 tries to prevent the score. When P1 strikes or is blocked P2 gets sliotar off P3 and he becomes the attacker while P3 becomes the defender. P1 is ready to defend P3 who has become the attacker. Rotate players to ensure shooting from all angles.
Attacking Play Square Attack Purpose: Competing for the 50/50 Ball & Dealing with the Outcome Description: Set up area 10x10m as shown. Players are divided into 2 v 2 teams. Sliotar is fed into square where 2 reds and 2 yellows will contest for ball. Winner of possession will become attackers and must complete at least 1 pass before shooting for a score. Coach has other players ready to play when game is over.
Attacking Play Crossing Zones Purpose: Utilising/Dealing with the Overlapping Player Description: Divide pitch into 3 zones. 6 Blue V 6 Red. Coach throws sliotar into zone 2.If player carries sliotar out of zone 1 into zone 2 his marker cannot follow him. Likewise if player clears ball out of zone 1 he is the only player allowed switch zones and support player with ball. Players may switch zones to defend if possession is lost but there cannot be any more than 2 defenders in each zone at any one time.
Attacking Play 6 Zone Game Purpose: Develop Team Play by Making Players Work Together to Achieve a Specific Aim Description: Full game 15v15. Attacking zones of pitches are divided into 6 scoring areas as in diagram. 1st team to score 1 point from each zone win. All 6 forwards have to score from 1 zone each.
Attacking Play Support Play & Target Practice Purpose: Practice Timing of Support Runners Description: 2 groups set up as shown. P1 plays sliotar to P2, who continues his run, to the back of P2 line. P2 moves to control sliotar and hand-passes to P3, who has timed his run and strikes for a goal/point. P2 goes to the back of P3’s line and P3 goes behind the goal to retrieve the sliotar and goes to the back of P1 line. Follow the ball.
Attacking Play Delivery Purpose: Target Practice combined with good delivery from backs Description: Midfield hand-passes sliotar to back, back delivers sliotar into forward who then puts the sliotar over the bar. When midfielder passes sliotar to back they alternate positions. Variation : Strike sliotar cross field. When the forward receives the ball he hand-passes to Player 2, who then strikes sliotar over the bar.
Attacking Play Three Squares one Attack Purpose: Keeping Possession & Quick Attacks Description: Players fight for possession in zones. Coach calls a zone A/B/C whichever team in the group has the ball they attack and go for a goal or a point while the other team defends. Swap roles.