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Major World Belief Systems

Major World Belief Systems. Judaism Christianity Islam. Judaism Place of Origin: Land of Canaan. Number of God(s):. These people, believe in one God- the God of Abraham- called Adonai in Hebrew. Creation Story: Jews believe that God made an agreement, or covenant, with Abraham.

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Major World Belief Systems

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  1. Major World Belief Systems Judaism Christianity Islam

  2. JudaismPlace of Origin: Land of Canaan

  3. Number of God(s): • These people, believe in oneGod- the God of Abraham- called Adonaiin Hebrew. • CreationStory: Jews believe that God made an agreement, or covenant, with Abraham. • Hebrews, would live in a promise land called Canaan.

  4. History of Religion • Abraham lived in the Middle East about 4,000 years ago at a time most people believed in many gods. • Jews believe that God made an agreement, or covenant, with Abraham. said that Abraham and the future generations of his family-his descendants- would be God’s chosen people in return for their faith and obedience.

  5. “Father” of the Religion • Jews believe that about 3,000 years ago, God gave the Torah to Moses, Judaism’s most important prophet. • Followers: Followers of Judaism are called Jews.

  6. Place of Worship • On Friday evening and Saturday morning, Jewsgather to pray at a holy building called a synagogue. • During the worship service, a teacher, or rabbi leads the congregation (worshippers) from the TeNeKh.

  7. TeNeKh • Jews base their religion on their holy book, called theTeNeKh, the word TeNaKh is taken from the holy books 3 parts. Torah, Nevi’im, and Ketuvim. • All have a special reverence for Jerusalem because it is the sacred city of the prophets.

  8. Major Characteristics/Beliefs • Torah is the most important part of the TeNeKh because it is law of God • God gave the Torah to Moses it includes 613 laws, called commandments. • These commandments tell the followers of Judaism how to worship and how to live a moral (good) life.

  9. Major Characteristics/Beliefs • 1. The goal of Judaism is to live a good life according to the laws of the Torah. • 2. Followers of Judaism are supposed to pass on Jewish Traditions to their families. An example of this combination is the Torah law that requires Jews to keep the Sabbath day, or Shabbat, holy. • Fast by not eating or drinking during the holiday of Yom Kippur

  10. ChristianityPlace of Origin : Canaan

  11. Number of God(s): • Christianity, like Judaism, is a monotheistic religion. • Christianity came from Judaism • Christians believe in God • Creation Story: God created the universe and that He made both the world and its first humans called Adam and Eve.

  12. History of Religion • As in Judaism, Christians believe that their history starts with the story of Abram and Saraiand that they are the decedents of Abraham and his son Isaac. • Adam and Eve the two humans commit a sin, or wrong doing, and turn their backs on God’s rules. Because of this, God sends to earth prophets or teachers to help people live a good and faithful life

  13. “Father” Christianity • Abraham

  14. Place of Worship/Followers Christians are the followers of Christianity Today, Christians worship in a Church where they listen to the teachings of a Priest or Pastor who interprets the Bible. Holy City: Jerusalem, a holy city in Palestine (modern day Israel).

  15. Major Characteristics/Beliefs(The Messiah & Jesus) • Sometime during the years 8 to 4 B.C., a Jewish boy named Jesuswas born in Bethlehem, a small town in ancient Palestine. • Jesus preached to the poor about God’s (Yahweh’s) goodness and mercy. He is also claimed to have performed miracles such as healing the sick and raising the dead. • At this point in time, Jews were still waiting for God to send them a Messiah, or savior, who was suppose to help protect them. • Some Jews believed Jesus was that Messiah. • These Jews began to call Jesus by the name of Christ, which is the Greek word for Messiah.

  16. Jesus’ Resurrection • Jesus was arrested when he came to Jerusalem for Passover • He was crucified upon a cross, and after he died, Jesus was put in a tomb. • After three days, according to his disciples, or followers, he was resurrectedfrom the dead and later went up into heaven. • Jesus’s disciples spread his teachings and their belief that he was the Messiah promised in Jewish scripture. • From its roots in Judaism, a new religion emerged called Christianity

  17. IslamPlace of Origin :Saudi Arabia

  18. Number of God(s): • After Jesus’s death, a third monotheistic religion called Islam began in Saudi Arabia. • Muslims, like Jews and Christians, believe in God, who in Islam is called Allah. • CreationStory :Allah, is the creator and ruler of the universe and that he made both the world and its first humans called Adam and Eve.

  19. History of Religion • Also similar to Jews and Christians, Muslims believe that their history starts with the story of Abram and Sarai. Muslims don’t believe however that they are the decedents of Abraham and his son Isaac. Instead Muslims believe that Ishmael was truly the first born son of Abraham. • As such, they believe that God asked Abraham to sacrifice Ishmael on Mount Moriah, not Isaac. According to Muslim belief, when Abraham exiled Hagar and her son Ishmael to the desert, they almost died. But then a spring of water, sent to them by God, saved them.Muslims believe that they are the descendants of Abraham and Ishmael

  20. “Father” of the Religion • A man named Muhammad was born in Mecca (Saudi Arabia) and he the founded Islam • A believer in Islam is called a Muslim.

  21. Place of Worship A mosque is a place where Muslims worship. Holy City: Mecca (Saudi Arabia) Religious Leader: Imam Imam is an Arabic word meaning "Leader".

  22. Holy Book of Islam. • Revelations were collected into the Qur’an(also spelt Quran or Koran), which became the holy book of Islam. • Mecca is regarded as the holiest city in the religion of Islam and a pilgrimage to it known as the Hajj is obligatory for all able Muslims.

  23. Major Characteristics/Beliefs(Muhammad & Five Pillars of Islam) • A basic teachings of Islam—which means submission the will of God—is that a Muslim must believe that there is only one god, Allah, and that Muhammad is the prophet of God. A good Muslim practices the Five Pillars of Islam: (1) belief in Allah, (2) prayer five times daily, (3) charityto the poor and aged, (4) fasting during the holy month of Ramadan, and (5) a hajj or pilgrimage to the city of Mecca.

  24. Muhammadwas born in Mecca (Saudi Arabia) and he founded Islam • Muhammad was alone in the cave, he heard a voice. • Muhammad believed that the voice came from the angel Gabriel, who was revealing to him the will of God. • For the next 12 years, Gabriel continued to send revelations to prophet Muhammad. Later, the revelations were collected into the Holy book of Islam: The Qur’an(also spelt Quran or Koran).

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