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Agricultural Sector Update: Comparative Phase Map & Current Situation Highlights

Explore comprehensive agricultural updates with comparative phase maps and current situation highlights. Stay informed with crop and rainfall data. Access Area Outcome and IPC reports. Discover remittance insights and utilization stability.

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Agricultural Sector Update: Comparative Phase Map & Current Situation Highlights

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Presentation Transcript

  1. lhNnfsf] vfB ;'/Iffcj:yfljZn]if0f kj{t >fj0f @)&!—sflt{s @)&! -dWoh'nfO{—dWogf]e]Da/ @)!$_

  2. k|:t'tLsf] ljifo ;"rL • kl/ro • ;f/f+z(Highlights) • t'ngfTdsvfB ;'/Iff r/0f juL{s/0f gS;f(Comparative FS Phase Map) • xfnsf] vfB ;'/Iffcj:yf(Current FS Situation Update) • vfB ;'/Iffcj:yfsf] cfufdLk"jf{g'dfg -d+l;/– kmfNu'g @)&!_ • afnLtyfaiff{ -df};d_ sf] cj:yfgS;f(Crop & Rainfall Situation Map)

  3. vfB ;'/Iffsfrf/ cfofdx? Kfx'+r pkof]lutf pknAwtf l:y/tf

  4. PsLs[t vfB ;'/Iff r/0f jlu{s/0f (IPC)

  5. vfB ;'/Iffcg'udgsfnflulgwf{l/t ;"rsx?

  6. kj{t lhNnfsf] e'–pkof]usf] cj:yf

  7. k]zfut ljj/0f >f]t M lh=lj=;

  8. kj{t lhNnf

  9. d'Vo ;f/;+If]k (Highlights) • ;a} -$& uflj;, ! g=kf=_ uflj;x? Go"gtdvfB c;'/lIftcj:yfdf /x]sf . • s[lifpkhsf] laqmLaf6 # s/f]8 (# nfv ?k}ofcfDbfgL . • ? @ c/j %) Nffvljk|]zg(remittance) lelqPsf] . • ;du| lhNnfv'Nfflb;fd'Qm If]q 3f]lift .

  10. t'ngfTdsvfB ;'/Iff r/0f juL{s/0f gS;f(Comparative FS Phase Map) cl3Nnf] rf}dfl;s >fj0f – sflt{s @)&! -k|ydrf}dfl';s_ utaif{ o; rf}dfl;s

  11. laleGgvfB ;'/Iff r/0fdf /x]sfuf=lj=;=x?

  12. laleGg Sni6/ -;d"x_ sfuflj;x? >f]t MvfB ;'/Iffcg'udgsfo{bn

  13. k|efj kl/0ffd(Area Outcome) (Directly measured or inferred))

  14. vfB ;'/Iffsf] cj:yf >f]t M lh=s[=lj=sf=

  15. vfBpknAwtf===== >f]t MlhNnf s[lifljsf; sfof{no

  16. vfBpknAwtf===== vfBfGgjf;nft - cf=j=)&)–)&! _ >f]t MlhNnf s[lifljsf; sfof{no

  17. vfBdfkx‘‘'r -ef}ltstyfcfly{s_ s[lifhGopkhx?sf] laqmLaf6 cfDbfgL ?=xhf/df • s[lifhGopkhx? -t/sf/L, s]/f, dx, df5f_ sf] laqmLaf6 o; rf}dfl;scalwdf # s/f]8 (# nfv ?k}of cfDbfgL . • utjif{sf] t'ngfdfcfDbfgLdf @=%Ü n] a[l4 . • ;+nUg s[ifs ;+Vof &))) xhf/ /x]sf] / k|lt s[ifsn] ;/b/ %– * xhf/ ?k}of cfDbfgL u/]sf . >f]t MlhNnf s[lifljsf; sfof{no

  18. lhNnfleq t/sf/Lsf] ks]6 If]q ks]6 If]q >f]t MlhNnf s[lifljsf; sfof{no

  19. lhNnfleqdfx'/L kfngsf] ks]6 If]q ks]6 If]q >f]t MlhNnf s[lifljsf; sfof{no

  20. vfBdfkx‘‘'r-ef}ltstyfcfly{s_ kz'hGopTkfbgsf] laqmLaf6 cfDbfgL • kz'hGopTkfbg -b'Uwkbfy{, df;' / cG8f_ sf] lalqmaf6 sl/a ^! s/f]8 && nfv ?k}of cfDbfgLePsf] . • Rff}dfl;scjlwdf s/La ^) k|ltzt 3/w'/Ln]] ;/b/ ?= @%,)))–#),))) -k|lt 3/w'/L_ cfDbfgL u/]sf . >f]t MlhNnfkz';]jfsfof{no

  21. vfBdfkx‘‘'r-ef}ltstyfcfly{s_ kz'hGopTkfbgsf] cj:yf >f]t MlhNnfkz' ;]jfsfof{no

  22. vfBdfkx‘‘'r -ef}ltstyfcfly{s_===== lak|]zg(Remittance inflow) • lhNnfdf o; rf}dfl;scalwdf s/La ? @ c/a %) Nffvljk|]zg(remittance) lelqPsf] . • o;rf}dfl;scjlwdf ! nfv b]lv ! nfv @) xhf/ -k|lt 3/w'/L_ k|fKt u/]sf] cg'dfg . >f]t Mlhlj;, kj{t,

  23. vfBdfkx‘‘'r -ef}ltstyfcfly{s_===== /f]huf/Lsfca;/ /f]huf/Lsfk|d'v If]qx? cg'dflgtcfDbfgL • s/La !*–@) xhf/ hgf s[lifsfo{df ;+nUgeO{ Hofnfbf/L /f]huf/Laf6 !@–!% xhf/ ?k}of ;DdcfDbfgL u/]sf . • ljsf; lgdf{0f sfo{ -lhlj;_ af6 #))) hgfn] Hofnf :j?k ?=!%–@) xhf/ cfDbfgL u/]sf . >f]t Mlh s[ ljsf, lhlj ;,

  24. vfB ;'/Iffsf] cj:yf vfB a:t'sf] ahf/ d'No >f]t M p=jf=;=lh=s[=lj=sf=

  25. pkof]u( Utilization) vfg]kfgLtyf ;/;kmfO{ >f]t Mvfg]kfgLtyf ;/;kmfO{ sfof{no

  26. l:y/tf( Stability) • o; rf}dfl;scjlwdflhNnfsf] ;d+u| vfB ;'/Iffsf] cj:yfnfOk|lts'nk|efjkfg]{ k|s[lthGoljkbsf 36gfx? g36]tfklg ======= >f]t M 8L=8L= cf/= ;L=

  27. vfB ;'/Iffcj:yfsf] k"jf{g'dfg-d+l;/ @)&!– kmfNu'g @)&!_ >f]t MvfB ;'/Iffcg'udgsfo{bn

  28. wfgafnL-leqfOb}]_ >f]t MlhNnf s[lifljsf; sfof{no ]=

  29. sf]bf] afnL-leqfOb}_ >f]t MlhNnf s[lifljsf; sfof{no

  30. aiff{ -df};d_ sf] cj:yf

  31. wGojfb Û

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