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Learn about the importance of abstinence in preventing unwanted consequences such as STDs, pregnancy, conflicts, anxiety, and unhealthy relationships. Take control of your own life and make informed decisions.
ABSTINENCEAn old fashion idea or a way to protect your future? Health 12 2013-2014
(I believe) The decision to have sex, is a personal decision that should be based on a complete understanding of the consequences. Will the consequences of sex prevent you from reaching your goals and dreams? STDs Pregnancy $$$ Responsibility Conflict Anxiety Unhealthy Relationships
You have the power to design your own life! • Controlling your fertility is one of the most important functions of adulthood!
Don’t limit your options by making a life changing mistake now!
Is everybody “doing it”? • 40% of 17 year olds have not had sexual intercourse • (In one study of sexually active teens) 8 out of 10 girls and 6 out of 10 boys reported that they had regrets and wished they had waited to have sex.
WHY WAIT? • Sexually Transmitted Disease: ~ 28 different infections ~ 1 in 4 sexually active teens will get an STD!!!!! ~ They are out there !!! BE CAREFUL!
WHY WAIT? • Pregnancy: Are you ready to take care of a baby? $$$$$
WHY WAIT? • Marriage • Religious Beliefs • Family Values
The United States leads the developed world in teenage pregnancy! Why?
United States: 18-19 % w/ 2 or more partners: Women = 48.6% Men = 48.8% First Intercourse=17.4 years France: 18-19 % w/ 2 or more partners: Women = 12.8% Men = 28.8% First Intercourse=18 years We need to do better! YOU need to do better!
Teen Pregnancy: • Each year approx. 750,000-850,000 teenage women experience pregnancy. (Approximately 1/10 female teens) • 30% ended in abortion…14% miscarried….56% resulted in live births.
Teenage pregnancy is expensive and costly. $$$$$ • 7 + Billion dollars spent for public assistance, health care & foster care. • Children of teenage mothers are often low birth weight and experience developmental problems. • Teenage mothers often struggle to complete their education and lack job skills and the resources to secure a good job.
Think about this…… • 48% of women between 15 - 44 have had at least one unplanned pregnancy!!!!!!
A recent study found that 1 in 3 US women have given birth to a baby they had not planned for, and 1 in 10 have had more than one unintended birth!
Why so many unplanned pregnancies & STDs among teens? • Lack of perception of risk. (It can’t happen to me!) • Lack of power in the relationship. Can you be honest? Communicate? Why are you having sex ??? and…………
Here are some stone-cold sobering statistics about the college sex-and-alcohol cocktail: • As many as 70% of college students admit to having engaged in sexual activity primarily as a result of being under the influence of alcohol, or to having sex they wouldn't have had if they had been sober. • 90% of all campus rapes occur when alcohol has been used by either the assailant or the victim. • At least one out of five college students abandons safe sex practices when they're drunk, even if they do protect themselves when they're sober. • One in twelve college males admit to having committed acts that meet the legal definition of rape or acquaintance rape. • 55% of female students and 75% of male students involved in acquaintance rape admit to having been drinking or using drugs when the incident occurred. • 60% of college women who are infected with STDs, including genital herpes and AIDS, report that they were under the influence of alcohol at the time they had intercourse with the infected person. http://www.factsontap.org
Adolescent Contraceptive Use Fun Facts! • 75% of teen females reported using contraception at first intercourse.What about the other 25% ???!!!!! • Method used at first intercourse…. 1. Condoms 2. The Pill…………………… and…….#3……
Withdrawal !! (“pulling out”)
Wake Up !!!! • One half of all teenage pregnancies occur within the first six months following the couple having intercourse. • 20% occur in the first month !!!!!!!!!!!
Effective Contraceptive Use Requires Planning • Step up and be an advocate for your body! If you are going to be sexually active PROTECT yourself. Educate yourself…how does a method work and why does it sometimes fail!
Don’t settle for second best! • In the U.S. an average of 11 ½ months of intercourse before seeking medical attention for contraceptives!
Dangerous Message !!! Society and parents who warn “don’t get pregnant” yet we do a lousy job of providing education and guidance for accomplishing this! Then we are shocked and embarrassed when pregnancy occurs!
Ignorance is NOT Bliss ! Communicate, Ask Questions, Get the Facts!
Is there such a thing as “safe sex”? Think about it….. Are you comfortable sharing bacteria and viruses with your boyfriend’s old girlfriend’s old boyfriend?
Be careful!: There may be a “biological bridge” between you and people you don’t know! • If you have sex with more than one partner, or with someone who has more than one partner……You may be “linked” to people you don’t even know!
Birth Control Myths: 1. You can’t get pregnant the first time you have sex!
Birth Control Myths #2 Douching after sex will prevent pregnancy!
Birth Control Myths #3. You can’t get pregnant if the woman is on top.
Birth Control Myths #4. A woman can’t get pregnant if she is not having periods.
Birth Control Myths #5. A man can’t get a woman pregnant after a vasectomy.
Birth Control Myths #6. A woman who is breast feeding can’t get pregnant.
Birth Control Myths #7. Withdrawal is a good form of birth control! Stupid Stupid Stupid
Birth Control Myths #8. You can’t get an STD if you use a condom.
Birth Control Myths #9. You can’t get an STD if there has been no intercourse.
Birth Control Myths #10. A woman can’t get pregnant if she is having her period.
Can you & your partner honestly answer these questions? • What are your beliefs & values (are they the same as your partners)? Monogamy? Commitment? Marriage? Casual hook up? • What are your boundaries & limits? • Do you know enough about your body & the reproductive system?
Do you know the risks? Is the risk you are taking, consistent with your future dreams & plans? • Can you speak up & be honest in the relationship? Are you being honest with yourself? • Are you being pressured? • Are you emotionally ready?
My Wish List for YOU! • Make your choices based on a complete understanding of the consequences. • Plan not to fail! • Be proactive NOT reactive!!!! • If you choose to be sexually active, correct and consistent use of contraceptives.
The Gap Between Knowledge and Action is the Deadly Gap! • Knowledge is power! • Control your own life! • Be an advocate for your body! • Protect your future!!!
Be careful it’s your future !!!!!! • Not what you had in mind for your first set of wheels?
Remember, Only Abstinence is 100% in Preventing Pregnancy!It’s a jungle out there!
Healthy People Have A Plan. What are you doing to protect yourself?