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The Third Jihad

Uncover the stealth tactics of the Muslim Brotherhood's Third Jihad agenda in America, from infiltration to influence peddling. Learn about propaganda, education, and demographic warfare strategies shaping the future. Join the fight against the Jihad iceberg!

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The Third Jihad

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  1. The Third Jihad The stealth jihad Produced by: ACT! For America – Mission Viejo Chapter www.actforamerica92691.org

  2. Islam – the last 100 years • 1919 Ottoman Empire Crushed • 1924 Ataturk Abolishes Caliphate • 1928 Muslim Brotherhood Formed • 1972 Third Jihad Begins – Munich • 1979 Tehran Hostage Taking • 2001 “9/11” World Trade Center • 2002 Brotherhood “Project” Discovered • 2005 Brotherhood’s U.S. Goal Found

  3. Muslim Brotherhood secret Plan for North America “General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America“ "The process of settlement is a 'Civilization-Jihadist Process' with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions." Brotherhood Credo…. “Allah is our objective; the Quran is our constitution, the Prophet is our leader; Jihad is our way; and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations.”[

  4. Organizations of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America • Shura Council(s) of North America • Muslim Student Associations (MSAs) • Islamic Society of North America.(ISNA) • North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) • Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) • Muslim American Society (MAS) • Islamic Council of North America (ICNA) • International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) • Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA)

  5. Having concluded in the 1990s that the U.S. cannot be conquered militarily, The Muslim Brotherhood decided it must be conquered from within. Hence ….. Stealth jihad ---- the jihad iceberg

  6. Hidden Parts of the Jihad Iceberg • Propaganda • Education • Infiltration • Influence Peddling • Intimidation • Demographic Warfare • Dawa • Sharia Compliant Finance

  7. Propaganda CAIR is the Brotherhood’s chief Propaganda Agency. • Issues streams of Press Releases • Employs deception - “taqiyya” • Practices “victimology” • Indoctrinates public agencies • Flatters public officials • Places books in Public Libraries • Excels at using the media • Recruits interns

  8. EDUCATION The Saudis boast of having spent some 74 billon dollars on Education in the West since 1970. • Grants and endowments to universities • Starting Arabic Language Programs • Control of Middle East Studies programs • Propagandizing Grade 6 – 12 textbooks. • Controlling or Influencing the Media • Building, staffing and funding Islamic schools • The International Institute of Islamic Thought

  9. INFILTRATION • Placing interns in government agencies • Control of U.S. translation services • Gaining key positions in government • Chaplains in Prisons and Military • Employees in sensitive industries • Chairs in colleges and universities • Seeking elective offices

  10. INFLUENCE PEDDLING • Illegal political contributions • Hiring ex- Congressmen as lobbyists. • “Freebies” and Junkets • Flattering Public Officials • Stock Ownership Positions • Endowments and Foundations • ALL FOR THE PURPOSE OF ADVANCING THE CAUSE OF ISLAM

  11. INTIMIDATION • Personal threats against critics and their families • Fatwas – Religious Decrees • “Lawfare” – filing frivolous lawsuits • Veiled threats • Violence

  12. DEMOGRAPHIC WARFARE • Immigration to the West • U.S Refugee Resettlement Program • Illegal entry into the U.S. • Polygamy • High birth rates • “Dawa”

  13. DAWA – Missionary Work • In American Prisons • Through Muslim Student Associations • Through Muslim military chaplains • Interfaith dialogue groups • Interfaith events • Unreciprocated proselytizing • “Activation“ of secular Muslims

  14. SHARIA COMPLIANT FINANCE • Deposits in U.S. Banks… with strings • The “strings” may finance terrorism • Interest-free mortgages for Muslims • Contributions from Zakat


  16. What Are Islam’s Intentions? Gain acceptance by obtaining accommodations and gaining sufficient political influence to… • Establish Sharia Law over Muslims in U.S. • Establish Sharia Law throughout America • Replace our U.S. Constitution • Rule the U.S. as an Islamic theocracy. • Convert all to Islam or kill them…except Christians and Jews who may choose to live as “dhimmis”: an inferior class who must pay the “jizya” tax and feel subjugated.:

  17. “SHARIA” is ISLAMIC LAW Was developed over several centuries following Muhammad’s death and is based upon: • The Qur’an. the compilation of Muhammad’s revelations • The Hadith: collections of the sayings and deeds of Muhammad. • The Sira: early biographies of Muhammad

  18. The Third Jihad – the Stealth Jihaduseful references • Website of theShura Council of Southern California: www.shuracouncil.org Click on the “e-finder ” button and you will find links to various Islamic organizations under this umbrella organization in SoCal… over 130 organizations. • Infiltration – How Muslim Spies and Subversives have Penetrated Washington by Paul Sperry. • Stealth Jihad – How Radical Islam is Subverting America without Guns or Bombs by Robert Spencer. • Muslim Mafia - Inside the Secret Underworld that’s Conspiring to Islamize America by P.David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry • Sharia Law for Non-Muslims by Bill Warner, Center for the Study of Politcal Islam. • Website: www.discoverthenetworks.org. Glenn Beck calls this a “fantastic resource”. • Website: www.congressionalmuslims.org Visit this website to learn what Muslim staffers in our nation’s capitol are up to. • Website: www.actforamerica.org ACT’s national web site. Join here.. • Website: www.actforamerica92691 ACT’s Mission Viejo Chapter. Find this presentation and also “The Roots of Jihad” here.

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