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Presented by Sarah Abegglen SoCal Socialites. FACEBOOK in LIBRARIES :. FACEBOOK BEGINNINGS. A Quick Poll. Have you ever used or do you use Facebook? I use Facebook regularly I have an account, but I do not use it often I had an account, but I don’t anymore I have never used Facebook
Presented by Sarah Abegglen SoCal Socialites FACEBOOK in LIBRARIES : FACEBOOK BEGINNINGS
A Quick Poll Have you ever used or do you use Facebook? • I use Facebook regularly • I have an account, but I do not use it often • I had an account, but I don’t anymore • I have never used Facebook Results:
Facebook is… “…to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.”- facebook.com “…a peer-relationship based social network that allows users to create personal profiles describing their real-world selves and then establish connections with other users.”-Weaver & Morrison “…about making connections.”- Miller & Jensen “…not a social networking site but a ‘utility,’ a tool to facilitate the information flow between users and their compatriots…”- Mark Zuckerberg, via Newsweek
Origins of Facebook Image from www.wjh.harvard.edu/~jweisz/bio.html February 4, 2004 Created by then-Harvard-sophomore Mark Zuckerberg (age 19) Just for Harvard students Based on Harvard’s “facebook,” given to all freshmen Began as “thefacebook.com”
Expansion Image from http://popculturenerd.wordpress.com/2009/06/24/curious-case-of-facebook-movie/ Immediately popular Gradually spread to other universities 2005, Facebook opened high school and international school networks Early 2006, it opened to corporate networks By September 2006, anyone could use Facebook
Changes • Changes from and to Facebook • Increasing number of non-student users • “Friend” is now a noun and a verb • The 2006 introduction of the News Feed • The May 2007 opening to 3rd party applications with shared profits Some interesting implications for libraries…
Library Intro to Facebook Image from www.skwcraftcreations.com/ Initially, library profiles Library profiles were removed in October 2006 Turn to librarian profiles and groups Also tried mass “friending”, group messaging, and creating applications Most successful methods: News Feed and student-led contact
FACEBOOK in LIBRARIES : FACEBOOK DEMOGRAPHICS Presented by Rachel Franklin SoCal Socialites
Who uses Facebook? • More than half the users have graduated college • The 35+ age group is the fastest growing demographic for the site • One million users joined within the first year of the site opening • As of September 2009, there are more than 300 million users worldwide
Fast Facts • An average of 250,000 people register each day • More than 65 billion page views per month • Average user has 130 friends • 65 million active users access Facebook through their mobile devices
Poll: Who has parents or grandparents on Facebook? • At least one parent • At least one grandparent • Both parents and grandparents! • Neither • Does not apply Results:
Librarians, FACEBOOK, and Privacy: The American Library Association emphasizes the importance of privacy and confidentiality in its Code of Ethics. The ALA states that protecting user privacy and confidentiality is integral to librarianship (ALA, 2006). Two values within the code of ethics that are important to consider when determining if libraries are successfully upholding their codes through their interactions with Facebook, are the protection of library user’s rights to privacy and confidentiality and the libraries committment to putting library user’s interests ahead of the private interests (ALA, 2006). These code seem to be cornerstones of library ethics and are crucially important for library patrons.
The Infringements of Privacy and FACEBOOK Facebook users may gain a false sense of privacy, and should be knowledgeable about how their information is used and protected by the website (Fernandez, 2009). In many instances, giving out personal information online has resulted in the collection and theft by phishing, hacking, and spyware programs (Fodeman & Monroe, 2009).
The Impact of FACEBOOK on Privacy: Many times unwanted or accidental consequences can occur from adding pictures and posts in brief lapses of judgment, and Facebook has the legal right to retain any content created on the site (Notess, 2009). This leaves real concern for many users who neglect to read and use the privacy settings, which Facebook estimates as much as 25 percent of its users do (Pashley & Giovanni, 2009). Only 60 percent of users report using their privacy settings to limit access to their profile in any way. (Fernandez, 2009)
FACEBOOK’s Beacon Application: The Big Blunder On Nov. 6, 2007 Facebook launched a new advertising system called Beacon. Participating Website Partners: AllPosters.com, Campusfood.com, eBay, Fandango, Blockbuster, Bluefly.com, CBS Interactive, Epicurious, ExpoTV, Gamefly, Hotwire, a number of IAC brands, Kiva, Kongregate, LiveJournal, Live Nation, Mercantila, National Basketball Association, NYTimes.com, Overstock.com, (RED), Redlight, SeamlessWeb, Sony Online Entertainment LLC, Sony Pictures, STA Travel, The Knot, Travelocity, Travel Ticker, TripAdvisor, TypePad, viagogo, Vox, WeddingChannel.com, Yelp, and Zappos.com (Wikipedia, 2009). On Aug. 12, 2008 a class action lawsuit was filed against Facebook and the participating companies claiming the violation of the following acts: Electronic Communications Act, Video Privacy Protection Act, Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, CA Computer Crime Law, and CA Consumer Legal Remedies Act (Fernandez, 2009).
Privacy Concerns for Librarians: Facebook is a corporation held accountable by stockholders. This website deliberately creates spaces for users to feed as much information as possible into it’s system, regardless of whether it is in the best interest of the user to do so. Once a User’s information has been placed in the system, it is in their for all-time (Internet Archive’s Way Back Machine, 1996). Librarians represent a trusted resource, and they should avoid lending their credibility to institutions that fail to uphold similar ethical values. By creating profiles, Libraries risk legitimizing social networking sites and encouraging users to be passive regarding their own privacy. Libraries should promote awareness about privacy issues regarding Facebook, (Personal information you want to share vs. What to keep private). It is important that Libraries stay informed about how Facebook services affect the privacy of their patrons, since the terms of the agreement can be changed at any time. (Fernandez, 2009)
Libraries + Facebook = Marketing Tool : • Facebook can be a marketing tool for libraries, particularly academic and public libraries • Advertise Library Resources and Events • Highlight popular resources and formats available (for example, Wi-Fi access, DVDs, music CDs, CD-ROMs ) • Profiles of staff members (include photos, biographical information and videos) • Highlight the building with photos or a video tour. • Wall could include and update information about events on FB • Provide information about lesser known resources, such as databases
Facebook: Tool for Librarian-patron communication • Library news updates can be received in Facebook newsfeed for patrons who “friend” or become a fan of a library • Staff can invite patrons to events • Staff can provide reference services through the chat function
Patron Feedback • Patrons who “friend” a librarian or become a fan of a library can post comments about events and services on the wall • Patrons can reply to discussions threads • The library could have a comment box on their Facebook page for patrons
Facebook Reaches Many Audiences • Young Adults, College Students, Adults • Libraries have yet another way to reach out to patrons when they create a Facebook presence • Could benefit a library’s image by sending a message that you are willing to use communication tools that your patrons are using.
Downsides and Drawbacks: Community Fears • Fears of community and parents make libraries afraid to utilize Facebook as a marketing tool, particularly when it concerns teens. • They are worried about “flaming” or other inappropriate comments • Libraries can overcome this fear somewhat by adding a disclaimer about the activities/posts of friends on the Facebook page • Administrator of the Facebook page reserves the right to delete inappropriate comment
Downsides and Drawbacks : Staff Time and Patron Inhibition • Staff time: Fear that staff time would exceed the benefit of building a Facebook presence • Fear that patrons would feel inhibited to use reference applications or to “friend” a librarian, particularly in the case of teens and college students • If a Facebook account does turn out to not be useful for a library’s patrons, then the library can simply delete the account.
The Bottom Line • Facebook is another way to reach out to patrons. Many public and academic libraries would benefit from setting up Facebook profiles. Watch out—they may catch fire! • Poll –show of hands, how many of you work in libraries that have Facebook pages?
ILibrarian Top Ten Facebook Applications : • Books iRead or “weREAD” • LibGuides • Librarian • MyFlickr • Slideshare • UIUC Library catalog • del.icio.us • JStor • My Wikipedia • LOLCats • Meebo • Wordscraper
References Connell, R. S. (2009). Academic libraries, Facebook, and MySpace, and student outreach: A survey of student opinion. Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 9(1), 25-36. Hirschen, M. (2007). About Facebook. Atlantic Monthly, 300(3), 148-155. Levy, S. (2007, August). Facebook grows up. Newsweek. Retrieved from http://www.newsweek.com/id/32261 Miller, S. E. & Jensen, L. A. (2007). Connecting and communicating with students on Facebook. Computers in Libraries, 27(8), 18-25. Read, B. (2007). Online. Chronicle of Higher Education, 53(39), A29. Stone, B. & Richtel, M. (2008, April 8). Facebook reportedly near accord over origin. The New York Times, pp. C3. Weaver, A. C. & Morrison, B. B. (2008). Social networking. Computer, 41(2), 97-100. Xia, D. Z. (2009). Marketing library services through Facebook groups. Library Management, 30(6/7). Retrieved from http://xerxes.calstate.edu/sanjose/pf/21679 Zuckerberg, M. (2004, February 4). Company overview [Profile post]. Retrieved from http://www.facebook.com/facebook?ref=pf#/facebook?v=info&ref=pf
References Facebook Press Room. Retrieved from http://www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics#/press/info.php?statistics Krivak, T. (2008) Facebook 101: Ten Things You Need to Know About Facebook. Information Today, 25(3), 1-3. MacMillan, D. (2009). Facebook Fogies. BusinessWeek, 4145. Monty, S. (2009). Recent Facebook Demographics. Retrieved from http://www.scottmonty.com/2009/10/recent-facebook-demographics.html#links
References Facebook Beacon. (2009, October 31). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.Retrieved21:30,November3,2009,fromhttp://en.wikip edia.org/w/index.php?title=Facebook_Beacon&oldid=323069632 Fernandez, P. (2009). Online Social Networking Sites and Privacy: Revisiting Ethical Considerations for a New Generation of Technology. Library Philosophy and Practice, 2009, p. 1-9. Retrieved November 3, 2009, from Library Lit & Inf Full Text database. Fodeman, D., & Monroe, M. (2009). The Impact of Facebook on Our Students. Teacher Librarian,36(5), 36-40. Retrieved November 3,2009, from Library Lit & Inf Full Text database. Notess, G. (2009). Privacy in the Age of the Social Web. Online (Weston,Conn.), 33(4), 41- 3.Retrieved November 3, 2009, from Library Lit & Inf FullText database. Pashley, Harriet & Giovanni, Tabreez. (2009). Student Awareness of the Privacy ImplicationsWhen Using Facebook {Abstract}. Carnegie Mellon Univeristy, 1-17. Abstract retrieved from http://www.usi.edu/stl/vpsa/forms/facebook.pdf Thompson, Clive. (2008, September 7). Brave New World of Digital Intimacy. The NewYork Times.Retrievedfromhttp://cfc.barrexternal.org/wpcontent/uploads/2008/10/ brave-new-world-of-digital-intimacy-nyt-2008-09-07.pdf
References • (2009). “Crowell Public Library, City of San Marino.” Retrieved October 26, 2009 from http://www.facebook.com/pages/San-Marino-CA/Crowell-Public-Library-City-of-San-Marino/80532556134 • (2009). “Crowell Public Library Young Adult Page.” Retrieved October 26, 2009 from http://www.facebook.com/pages/San-Marino-CA/Crowell-Public-Library-Young-Adult-Page/160454020539 • Braun, L. (2009). Using technology to Market Teen Library Programs and Services: Is a Web Site the Answer? Voice of Youth advocates, 31 (6), 510-11. Retrieved August 27, 2009, from Library Lit & Inf Full Text database. • CNN. (September 16, 2009). Facebook nearly as large as U.S. population. Retrieved September 18, 2009 from http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/09/16/facebook.profit/index.html • Sekyere, K. (2009). Too much hullabaloo about Facebook in libraries! Is it really helping libraries?. Nebraska Library Association Quarterly, 40(2), 25-7. Retrieved September 9, 2009, from Library Lit & Inf Full Text database.
References • (2009). “Press Room.” Retrieved October 20, 2009 from http://www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics • Charnigo, L and Barnett-Ellis, P, (2007). Checking Out Facebook.com: The Impact of a Digital Trend on Academic Libraries. Information Technology and Libraries, 26,no. 1: 23-34 • Glazer, H, (2009). Clever outreach or costly diversion? An academic library evaluates its Facebook experience. College & Research Libraries News 70 no1 11-14, 19 • Kroski, E, (2007). Top-Ten-Facebook-Apps-for-Librarians. ILibraian Blog http://oedb.org/blogs/ilibrarian/2007/top-ten-facebook-apps-for-ibrarians-part-one/