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Mayors of the World for a Global Cities Dialogue on the Information Society

I S S S & L O R I S K O N F E R E N Z 2 0 0 5. Mayors of the World for a Global Cities Dialogue on the Information Society. D E C L A R A T I O N O F H E L S I N K I. Issy-les-Moulineaux. Bremen. Bamako. Stockholm. N O V E M B E R 1 9 9 9.

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Mayors of the World for a Global Cities Dialogue on the Information Society

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Presentation Transcript

  1. I S S S & L O R I S K O N F E R E N Z 2 0 0 5 Mayors of the World for a Global Cities Dialogue on the Information Society

  2. D E C L A R A T I O N O F H E L S I N K I Issy-les-Moulineaux Bremen Bamako Stockholm N O V EMBER 1 9 9 9

  3. I S S S & L O R I S K O N F E R E N Z 2 0 0 5 What is the philosophy of the Global Cities Dialogue ?

  4. I S S S & L O R I S K O N F E R E N Z 2 0 0 5 Why GCD ? (I) • Political platform for the exchange of know-how and best-practices • Development of joint ventures between local communities in the IT-field • Involvement in the international debate concerning the future of IS

  5. I S S S & L O R I S K O N F E R E N Z 2 0 0 5 Why GCD ? (II) • Creation of synergies with the private sector and broader government levels • Promotion of dialogue and digital solidarity at global level • Contribution to the fight against the digital divide

  6. I S S S & L O R I S K O N F E R E N Z 2 0 0 5 Worldwide overview of the GCD-member cities

  7. I S S S & L O R I S K O N F E R E N Z 2 0 0 5 General Assembly Nowadays Over 180 member cities from all over the world

  8. I S S S & L O R I S K O N F E R E N Z 2 0 0 5 2005 - 2006 Chair city Issy-les-Moulineaux (France) Overall Vice chair city Free Hanseatic City of Bremen (Germany)

  9. I S S S & L O R I S K O N F E R E N Z 2 0 0 5 Steering Committee2005 – 2006 Bamako Commune III (Mali) Bilbao (Spain) Catania (Italy) Cologne (Germany) Dakar (Senegal) Helsinki (Finland) Metz (France) Segrate (Italy) Observer members : GBDe IT4ALL TeleCities RED

  10. I S S S & L O R I S K O N F E R E N Z 2 0 0 5 Regional Vice chair cities 2005 – 2006 • Riga (Latvia) & Hradec Králové (Czech Republic) for Central and Eastern Europe • Guro (South Korea) for Asia • Miraflores (Peru) for Latin America

  11. I S S S & L O R I S K O N F E R E N Z 2 0 0 5 6th General Assembly Meeting 2005 in the framework of the II World Summit of Cities and Local Authorities on the Information Society taking place from 9 – 11 November 2005 in Bilbao (Spain)

  12. I S S S & L O R I S K O N F E R E N Z 2 0 0 5 Action Plan 2005 – 2006 (I) • Priority Actions: • e-Democracy (Issy-les-Moulineaux) • e-Education (Riga) • e-Security & Risk management (Cologne) • e-Inclusion (Metz) • Organization of GCD by continent

  13. I S S S & L O R I S K O N F E R E N Z 2 0 0 5 Action Plan 2005 – 2006 (II) • Fostering synergies with other networks • Common issues on defined areas • Joint dissemination activities for more visibility • Communication • Fostering the information and experience exchange within the network • Improving the interactivity of the website

  14. I S S S & L O R I S K O N F E R E N Z 2 0 0 5 Important outcome of the first Steering Committee Meeting held in Prague on 1 April 2005 : GCD agrees with the principles of the LORIS Declaration

  15. I S S S & L O R I S K O N F E R E N Z 2 0 0 5 For further information : www.globalcitiesdialogue.org www.bremen.de/gcd Thank you!

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