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Explore the formation of the Solar System and mineral classification. Learn about planetary migration, Earth's composition, and mineral types like elements, sulphides, halides, oxides, carbonates, and more. Thank you for your attention!
Geosciences 17/09/2019
The Solar System is thegravitationallyboundsystem of the Sun and the objects that orbit it, either directly or indirectly. InnerSolarSystem: terrestrialplanets and asteroidbelt OuterSolarsystem: the giantplanets
Evolution of the Solar System • NebularhypothesisSwedenborg, Kant, Laplace • 4.5 billionyearsago – gravitationalcollapse of a small part of a giantmolecularcloud. • Most of the masscollectedinthe center - Sun; • The rest flattenedintoprotoplanetarydisc- planets, moons, asteroids, etc. • Moonsmayhaveformedfromcyclingdiscs of gas and dustaroundparentplanets, or • Independently and capturedlater, or • Giantscollisionalsomayformedsome of the moons (e.g. our Moon) • Planetarymigration: the positions of the planetsmighthave shifted duetogravitationalinteraction. • .
Nearlysphericalshape. • The average diameter of the reference spheroid is 12,742 kilometres. • The Earthmass is omposedmostly Fe (32.1%), O (30.1%), Si(15.1%), Mg (13.9%), S (2.9%), Ni (1.8%), Ca (1.5%), Al (1.4%); otherelementsrepresentthe remaining 1.2% .
The Earth’s crust • Mohorovičićdiscontinuity • Oceaniccrust: 5km to 10 km thick; composed primarily of denser rocks, such asbasaltand gabbro (3.0 and 3.25 g/cm3); • Continentalcrust: 30 km to 50 km thick and mostly composed of less denserocks, such asgranite(2.69 and 2.74 g/cm3)
MINERAL is a • naturallyoccuring • crystallinesolidwith a • definitechemicalcomposition. • Naturallyoccuring, i.e. it is formedwithout human actionorintervention, butitmay be biotic (biomineralization). • Crystallinesolids, butsomemineralsareamorphous (mineraloids). • Definitechemicalcomposition, butit is notnecessarily fixed.
Classification of minerals Accordingto the geologicalprocessesthatcreatesminerals Geneticclassification IgneousSedimentaryMetamorphic(BiogeneAnthropic)
Chemicalclassification Elements Sulphides Halides Oxides, hydroxides Carbonates and nitrates Borates Sulphates Phosphates Silicates Organicminerals
1. Elements NATIVE GOLD Au Valuedforitsbeauty, and as an industrialmaterialduetoitsexcellentelectricalconductivity; NATIVE SILVER Ag Valuedforitsbeauty, usedinjewelry, tableware, coinage, and inelectronicsapplication. NATIVE SULPHUR S Mainlyusedformanufacturingsulphuricacid.
GRAPHITE C „Leads” of pencils, , brakepadsforautomobils, electricalresistors, etc. DIAMOND C Extremelydesirablegemstone; forindustrialpurposesit is usedincuttingtools and as an abrasive and polishingmaterial.
2. Sulphides GALENA PbS Most importantrowmaterialforproducingplumbum. CHALCOPYRITE CuFeS2 Most importantmineralforcopperproduction.
3. Halides HALITE NaCl Foodindustry, chemicalindustry, etc. SYLVITE KCl Useinfertilizertoprovidepotassium.
4. Oxides, hydroxides MAGNETITE Fe3O4 One of the most importantironore. HEMATITE Fe2O3 Importantore of iron.
LIMONITE FeO(OH)nH2O (mixture of hydratediron(III) oxide-hydroxides Amorphous, mineraloid, Importantironore.
4. Carbonates, nitrates Calcite CaCO3 Importantrawmaterialinmanufacture of portland cement, quick lime. It is major constituent of marble. DOLOMITE CaMg(CO3)2 Dolomite is minedforglassmaking, metallurgicalfluxing, etc.
NITRATINE NaNO3 Importantsource of nitrateforfertilizes, and usedinchemicalindustry. 6. Borates
7. Sulphates ANHYDRITE CaSO4 Mainlyusedassoilamendment. GYPSUM CaSO42H2O Gypsum is mainlyusedin building industry (gypsumwallboardordrywall).
BARITE BaSO4 Principalmineralforproducingbarium, and usedinmakingglass, radiation-shielding cement, ceramics; moreoverit is usedascontrastmaterialingastrointestinalX-rayinvestigation.
8. Phosphates APATITE Ca5(PO4)3(F, Cl, OH) Source of phosphateusedinfertilizer and otherindustrialpurposes. 9. Silicates 10. Organicminerals