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Transcanalicular Laser Dacryocystorhinostomy: Medium-Long Term Results After 4 Years

Learn about the outcomes of transcanalicular dacryocystorhinostomy (TC-DCR) with diode laser over 4 years. Discover the surgical technique, indications, results, complications, and discussions based on a study on 426 eyes.

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Transcanalicular Laser Dacryocystorhinostomy: Medium-Long Term Results After 4 Years

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  1. TRANSCANALICULAR LASER DACRYOCYSTORHINOSTOMY.MEDIUM-LONG TERM RESULTS AFTER 4 YEARS of PRACTICE. • Prof. Dra. Mª Teresa Sellarès (1,3) - Ophtalmology- • Dr. José Maeso (2,3) – ENT- • (1) Fundació Parc Taulí.Instituto Universitario UAB (2) Centre Mèdic Delfos. Centro Internacional de Medicina Avanzada. (3) Centre Oftalmològic ORL d’Egara. • Mailingadressess: • Prof. Dra. Mª Teresa SellarèsFabrés. e-mail: 18211msf@comb.cat • - Dr. José Maeso Riera. e-mail: 24024jmr@comb.cat

  2. INTRODUCTION • Transcanaliculardacryocystorhinostomy (TC-DCR) with diode laser has given us a surgical technique with very low local and general morbidity. Nowadays we can perform a lachrymal surgery under local anesthesia, in a short time, and on outcome basis. No dissection nor external scars are needed. • We use the lachrymal system itself for surgical approach. • This surgery needs a certain learning curve in nasal endoscopy. • Inconvenience rests on equipment costs. • INDICATIONS - Chronic Dachryocystitys. - Acquired lachrymal obstruction in patients before cataract surgery - Other ? (Revision surgery, Acute cases)

  3. INTRODUCTION STANDARD TECHNIQUE * Conjunctival topical anesthesia (Eye drops tetracain + oxibuprocain). * Nasal topical anesthesia (tetracain + adrenalin). * Local anesthesia of the internal cantus (50% mix of 2% mepivacain + 0,5% bupivacain with adrenalin). • Transcanalicular approach through upper canaliculus. Nasal endoscopic control. • Diode laser INTERmedic multidiode S15 OFT 980nm. • 600 microns Silica-fluopolimer-tefzel laser guide. • 10 watts; pulsed mode 500msec/500msec. Dilatation of upper lachrymal punctum and laser guide placing, until contacting the lachrymal bone. Under nasal endoscopic control, confirmation of guide place and direction, beggining of the ostium, and widening until achieving a large cystorhinostomy. Silicone bicanalicular intubation placing. Optional: C-Mitomicin 0,04% 5’

  4. MATERIAL and METHOD Observational prospective non-randomized study January 2004 – January 2008 426 eyes 394 patients (32 bilat) 279 (70.81%) women / 115 (29.19%) men Mean age: 65,17 years (61,5 men – 68,84 women) Range: 31 – 89 years Minimum follow-up: 1 year / Mean time of follow-up: 21 months

  5. MATERIAL and METHOD Postoperativetreatment Eyedrops: antibiotic + corticoids 15 days; after, non-esteroidalantinflammatories Nasal corticoids Nasal SF cleanings Follow up 24 hourspostop Every 7-10 daysfirstmonth (1 month: removing of siliconeintubation) 3, 6, 12 months Every 6-12 months - Clinicalevaluationsymtoms (tearing) - Nasal endoscopy (ostium follow up, and crusts, fibrine,... cleaning) - Lachrymalirrigation

  6. RESULTS Mean of total energy used: 378.65 J (range 165-618) Mean of ostium diameter achieved: 11.23mm (8-15) Mean surgical time: 26.37 min(8-55) COMPLICATIONS • SURGICAL: NONE • POSTOPERATIVE: * light cantal haematomas (local anesthesia) * minimumpain * minimumself-limited nasal bleeding (2) * lachrymalintubationmobilisation (3)

  7. RESULTS ANATOMICAL RESULTS (Fluorescein clearance / positive irrigation / endonasal confirmation) FUNCTIONAL CLOSED 382 / 426 4 / 426 (89.67%) (10.33%) CLINICAL RESULTS (disappearance / improvementsymptoms) COMPLETE IMPROVEMENT 377 / 426 (88.49%) PARTIAL IMPROVEMENT NO CHANGES 20 / 426 29 / 426 (4.69%) (6.81%)

  8. DISCUSION From our experience, transcanalicular diode laser DCR (TC-DCR) has given us great advantatges, with perfectly acceptable medium and long term results, shared with other authors for primary surgeries or for revision of failures of previous procedures(1,2,3,4). TC-DCR has become a real step to local, short, easy and outcome procedures, without resign to achieve a large final drainage, with a similar success rate compared with other approaches. Nowadays is a procedure with short experience, compared to external and endonasal endoscopic approaches. But, its respect for nasal structures, no need for external nor nasal dissections, brief and easy performance once finished learning curve and the real tolerance of the patients under local anesthesia, allow its indication in cases in whom it could not be possible recommend a functional treatment. In our hands, practice has made possible widen its initial indications (primary post-sacal non acute cases), to revision surgeries, acute cases, or pre-sacal obstructions. The progressive use of diode lasers has to give us more series to validate the results, avoiding comparisons with series done with other kind of lasers (Argon, KTP,...), with different physics and behavior (5,6,7) Initial inconvenience can be equipment costs, higher than the others. References 1 J Maeso Riera, Mª T. Sellares Fabres. Dacriocistorinostomia Transcanalicular con laser diodo: Variaciones técnicas y resultados. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2007;58(1):10-5. 2 Alañón Fernández FJ, Alañón Fernández MA, Martinez Fernández A, Cárdenas Lara M. Dacriocsitorinostomia Transcanalicular con láser diodo. Resultados Preliminares. Acta Otorrinolariongol Esp 2004; 55: 171-176. 3 Alañón Fernández FJ, Alañón Fernández MA, Martinez Fernández A, Cárdenas Lara M. Dacriocsitorinostomia Transcanalicular con láser diodo. Arch. Soc. Esp. Oftalmol 2004; 79 (7): 325-330. 4 Plaza G, Beteré F. Efectividad de la dacriocistorinostomia transcanalicular en el tratamiento del lagrimeo del anciano. Mapfre Medicina, 2005; 16 (2): 66-72. 5 J Maeso Riera, Mª T. Sellares Fabres.Dacriocistorrinostomía endocanalicular (DCR-E): importancia de la estandarización de materiales en los resultados. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2008;59(8):371-6. 6 Thomas Ressiniotis, Gerasimos M Voros, Vasilios T Kostakis et al. Clinical outcome of endonasal KTP laser assisted dacryocystorhinostomy. BMC Ophthalmology 2005, 5:2 7 Thiemo Hofmann, Andreas Lackner, Klaus Muellner et al. Endolacrimal KTP Laser-assisted Dacryocystorhinostomy. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2003; 129:329-332.

  9. CONCLUSIONS • Easy and fast technique • Minimum local and general trauma • Minimum operative and postoperative morbidity • Good medium and long term resuls • Can be repeated • Initial indication: primary post-sacal non inflammatory cases

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