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This workshop focuses on the multi-temporal versioning of RDF ontologies, particularly in the legal domain. It discusses temporal RDF data models, database models, and the benefits of using temporal elements for memory saving.
Third International Workshop on Ontology Dynamics - IWOD 2009(in conj. with ISWC 2009 – Chantilly VA, October 2009) Multi-temporal RDF Ontology Versioning Fabio Grandi Alma Mater Studiorum - Università degli Studi di Bologna
Introduction • Some application fields require the maintenance of past versions of an ontology after changes • For instance, in the legal domain: • Ontologies evolve as a natural consequence of the dynamics involved in normative systems • Agents must often deal with a past perspective (e.g. a Court judging today on some fact committed in the past) • Moreover, several time dimensions are usually important for applications in such domains IWOD 2009 - F. Grandi - Multi-temporal RDF Ontology Versioning
Multi-temporalversioning • Time dimensions of interest in the legal domain: • Validity timeis the time a norm is in force in the real world • Efficacy timeis the time a norm can be applied to a concrete case;while such cases exist, the norm continues its efficacy though no longer in force • Transaction timeis the time a norm is stored in the computer system • Publication timeis the time a norm is published on the Official Journal IWOD 2009 - F. Grandi - Multi-temporal RDF Ontology Versioning
Temporal RDF Data Models • Temporal RDF data models have been recently proposed, the proposals remarkably include: [Gutierrez, Hurtado & Vaisman, 2007] [Pugliese, Udrea & Subrahmanian, 2008] [Tappolet & Bernstein, 2009] • Interval timestamping of RDF triples is adopted • A single time dimension (valid time) is usually considered • Index structures (e.g. tGRIN and keyTree) have been proposed for efficient processing of temporal queries IWOD 2009 - F. Grandi - Multi-temporal RDF Ontology Versioning
A Multi-temporal RDF Database Model • N-dimensionaltime domain: • T = T1 x T2x … x TNTi = [0,UC)i • Multi-temporal RDF triple: • ( s,p,o | T )sis a subjectpis a predicateoisanobjectT Tis a timestamp • Multi-temporal RDF database: • RDF-TDB = { ( s,p,o | T ) | T T } IWOD 2009 - F. Grandi - Multi-temporal RDF OntologyVersioning
Multi-temporal RDF Triples • A temporal triple ( s,p,o | T ) assigns a temporalpertinencetoan RDF triple ( s,p,o ) • The non-temporal triple ( s,p,o )is the value (or the contents) of the temporal triple ( s,p,o | T ) • The temporalpertinenceTis a subset of the time domain T representedby a temporalelement IWOD 2009 - F. Grandi - Multi-temporal RDF Ontology Versioning
TemporalElements • A temporalelement[Gadia 98] isa disjointunionoftemporalintervals • Multi-temporalintervals are obtainedas the Cartesianproductofoneintervalforeachtemporaldimension • T = U1≤j≤mIj = U1≤j≤m [tjs, tje)1 x [tjs, tje)2 x … x [tjs, tje)N • Ij ∩ Ik= Ø forall1≤j<k≤m IWOD 2009 - F. Grandi - Multi-temporal RDF OntologyVersioning
IntegrityConstraint • No value-equivalentdistincttriplesexist: ( s,p,o | T ), ( s,p,o | T ) RDF-TDB:s=s p=p o=o T=T • The constraintismadepossibleby the adoptionoftemporalelementtimestamping • Temporal elements lead to space saving, whenever the temporal pertinence of a triple is not a convex interval IWOD 2009 - F. Grandi - Multi-temporal RDF Ontology Versioning
Memory Saving with Temporal Elements • For example, even with a monodimensional time domain, the two value-equivalent triples with interval time-stamping ( t2 < t3 ):( s,p,o | [t1, t2) ) and ( s,p,o | [t3, t4)) can bemergedinto a single triple withelementtime-stamping: ( s,p,o | [t1, t2) U [t3, t4)) where the same space is required for the timestamps in both cases (i.e. the space needed by 4 time points) and the contents of the triple is stored twice in the former case and only once in the latter • Different triple versions are stored only once with a complex timestamp instead of storing multiple copies (value-equivalent triples) with a simple timestamp IWOD 2009 - F. Grandi - Multi-temporal RDF OntologyVersioning
An Example • The memory saving obtained with temporal elements grows with the dimensionality of the time domain! • The memory saving is also emphasized by the triple size with respect to the timestamp size • In very large RDF benchmark datasets, the average triple sizeranges from 80140 bytes (DBpedia, UScensus, LUBM, BSBM)to more than 600 bytes (UniProtKB) • The timestamp (date+time) data size in SQL is 68 bytes • In the example which follows we assume a bitemporal domain (valid + transaction time) IWOD 2009 - F. Grandi - Multi-temporal RDF OntologyVersioning
Representation of the Evolution of a Triple t0t1 t2 UC (s, p, o1 ) With temporal elements (3 triples needed)( s, p, o1 | [t0,t1)x[t0,UC) U [t1,UC)x[t0,t1) )( s, p, o2 | [t1,t2)x[t1,UC) U [t2,UC)x[t1,t2) )( s, p, o3 | [t2,UC)x[t2,UC) ) • Withtemporalintervals(5 needed) • ( s, p, o1 | [t0,t1)x[t0,UC) )( s, p, o1 | [t1,UC)x[t0,t1) ) ( s, p, o2 | [t1,t2)x[t1,UC) )( s, p, o2 | [t2,UC)x[t1,t2) )( s, p, o3 | [t2,UC)x[t2,UC) ) (s, p, o2 ) (s, p, o3 ) t0 t1 t2UC IWOD 2009 - F. Grandi - Multi-temporal RDF OntologyVersioning
Memory Saving Figures • Percentage space saving with temporal element vs interval timestamping. Avg. number of versions per triple in colums, triple size in bytes in rows. We assume 8-byte timestamps. • For instance, with 120-byte triples with 5 versions per triple on average, we have a 39,22% space saving.With 1 billion of triples, this means an RDF-TDB size of • 721 GB with temporal elements • 1.14 TB with temporal intervals IWOD 2009 - F. Grandi - Multi-temporal RDF Ontology Versioning
QueryOperators • The onlyretrievaloperatorweconsider in this workis a snaphotextractionoperator, which can beusedtoextractanontologyversionfrom a multi-versionontologyrepresentedas a temporal RDF database • Given a timepointt= (t1, t2,…, tN) T wedefine the RDF database snapshotvalid at tasRDF-TDB(t) = { ( s,p,o ) | ( s,p,o | T ) RDF-TDB t T} • The result is a (non-temporal) RDF graph, which can be used to represent the ontology version valid at t IWOD 2009 - F. Grandi - Multi-temporal RDF OntologyVersioning
ModificationOperators – Insertion • Assumingan (N-1)-dimensionaltemporalelementtv (foranymodification, transactiontime[now, UC)isimplied), the insertionoperation INSERT DATA { s,p,o} VALID tv can bedefined via itseffects on the database stateasfollows (using a triple calculus) RDF-TDB = RDF-TDB U { ( s,p,o | T ) | ( s,p,o | T ) RDF-TDB T = coalesce( TU tv x [now, UC) )} U { ( s,p,o | tv x [now, UC) ) | ¬ ( s,p,o | T ) RDF-TDB } IWOD 2009 - F. Grandi - Multi-temporal RDF OntologyVersioning
Maintenanceoftemporalelements • In ordertoensure the results are stilltemporalelements,union and differenceoperationsmustbecarefullydefined • In particular, ifTi (i=1,2) are temporalelementsdefinedasTi = U1≤j≤miIijwhereIijare multidimensionalintervalsthen the difference can becomputedasfollowsT1 \ T2 = U1≤j≤m1I1j\ T2 and isensuredtobe a temporalelementifI1j\ T2 is a temporalelementforeachj • Given the difference, the union can becomputedasfollowsT1 UT2= T1 U (T2 \ T1) IWOD 2009 - F. Grandi - Multi-temporal RDF OntologyVersioning
ModificationOperators - Deletion • Assumingan (N-1)-dimensionaltemporalelementtvand a selection predicate pred(s,p,o), the deletionoperation DELETE { s,p,o} VALID tv WHERE pred(s,p,o) can bedefined via itseffects on the database state asfollows RDF-TDB = RDF-TDB \ { ( s,p,o | T ) | ( s,p,o | T ) RDF-TDB pred(s,p,o) T ∩ tv x [now, UC) ≠ Ø} U { ( s,p,o | T ) | ( s,p,o | T ) RDF-TDB pred(s,p,o) T ∩ tv x [now, UC) ≠ Ø T = coalesce( T\ tv x [now, UC) )} IWOD 2009 - F. Grandi - Multi-temporal RDF OntologyVersioning
ModificationOperators - Update • Assumingan (N-1)-dimensionaltemporalelementtv,the update operation UPDATE { s,p,o} SET { s’,p’,o’} VALID tv WHERE pred(s,p,o) isnot primitive, asit can bedefinedas a deleteoperationfollowedbyaninsertoperationasfollows DELETE { s,p,o} VALID tv WHERE pred(s,p,o);INSERT DATA { s’,p’,o’} VALID tv IWOD 2009 - F. Grandi - Multi-temporal RDF OntologyVersioning
OperatorsforOntology Management • On the basisof the primitivesintroduced so far, alsohigh-level macro operatorsfor the management of a multi-version RDF ontologycan bedefinedCREATE_CLASS(Name,Validity)RENAME_CLASS(Class,NewName,Validity) DROP_CLASS(Class,Validity)ADD_SUBCLASS(SubClass,Class,Validity)DEL_SUBCLASS(SubClass,Class,Validity) CREATE_PROPERTY(Name,Range,Validity)RENAME_PROPERTY(Property,NewName,Validity) CHANGE_PROPERTY_RANGE(Property,NewRange,Validity) DROP_PROPERTY(Property,Validity)ADD_PROPERTY(Class,Property,Validity) DEL_PROPERTY(Class,Property,Validity)ADD_SUBPROPERTY(SubProperty,Property,Validity)DEL_SUBPROPERTY(SubProperty,Property,Validity) ………… IWOD 2009 - F. Grandi - Multi-temporal RDF OntologyVersioning
Sample OperatorDefinitions • Forexample the definitionsof some of the property management operatorsis the following • ADD_PROPERTY(Class,Property,Range,Validity)INSERT DATA{ Propertyrdfs:domain Class ;rdfs:rangeRange . } VALID Validity • CHANGE_PROPERTY_RANGE(Property,NewRange,Validity)UPDATE { Propertyrdfs:range ?range }SET { Propertyrdfs:rangeNewRange } VALID Validity • DEL_PROPERTY(Class,Property,Validity)DELETE { Propertyrdfs:domain Class ;rdfs:range ?range . } VALID Validity IWOD 2009 - F. Grandi - Multi-temporal RDF OntologyVersioning
Conclusions • We presented a temporal RDF database model whose distinctive features with respect to previously proposed models are • It is defined on a multi-dimensional time domain • It employs triple timestamping with temporal elements • The adoption of temporal elements in the multi-temporal setting best preserves the scalability property enjoyed by triple storage technologies as it minimizes the database growth (the absence of value-equivalent triples is an integrity constraint) • The data model has been equipped with manipulation operatorsfor the extraction of a temporal snapshot and for the maintenance of the database; moreover, also high-level operators can be defined to be used to manage a multi-version RDF ontology IWOD 2009 - F. Grandi - Multi-temporal RDF Ontology Versioning
Future Work • Some design choices were motivated by application requirements of an ontology-based personalization service in the legal (or medical) domain. We plan to explore the applicability of the approach also in application fields with more generic requirements • We also plan to consider extensions of the proposed RDF database model, including the development of a complete multi-temporal SPARQL-like query language and the adoption of suitable multi-temporal index structures IWOD 2009 - F. Grandi - Multi-temporal RDF Ontology Versioning