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Explore tools and methods for intensifying instruction to improve outcomes for students with disabilities in secondary schools. Learn about close reading, vocabulary strategies, and instructional delivery to address varying needs in the classroom.
Effective Strategies for Students with Disabilities (Secondary) http://tinyurl.com/q5x9xg2 http://2014engsolinstituteswd.pbworks.com/w/page/87780295/2014%20English%20SOL%20Institute%20SWD Brailey and Stowe 2014
T/TAC WM and ODU • Part of a statewide network Brailey and Stowe 2014
T/TAC WM and ODU • Provides services to increase the capacity of educational professionals to improve outcomes for students with disabilities (access and success in inclusive programs) • Primary focus on schools in need of improvement under state and federal accountability systems http://ttacwm.blogs.wm.edu/vdoe-instructional-resources-that-support-the-written-taught-and-tested-curriculum-in-english-and-math/ Brailey and Stowe 2014
Students with Disabilities (SWD) in VA • 490/1800 schools did not meet performance targets in reading & mathematics for SWD and require improvement plans • SWD scored 26 percentage points lower on state English/reading tests and 28 percentage points lower on state math tests than their non-disabled peers • SWD dropped out of school at twice the rate (14%) of their nondisabled peers (7%) • Less than 62% of SWD spend 80% or more of their time in general education settings Brailey and Stowe 2014
Advance Organizer Handouts provided: Disability Awareness – Characteristics and Tips for Increasing Success Resource Documents – two Reading Rope Considerations Methods for Intensifying Instructional Delivery Layers of the English Language Explicit Vocabulary Strategies Planning Sheet for Delivery of More Intense Instruction Goal: Provide tools and strategies to deliver more intense instruction to meet the needs of students with disabilities Brailey and Stowe 2014
Lesson Plan Objective: Students will engage in close reading that entails close observation of text including annotating and noticing figurative language and parts of speech. Close reading should involve reflecting on deeper meanings of text including considering relationships to other texts or social and cultural history. Shift in Skill Sets for English Language Arts/Literacy More about the shifts on achievethecore.org • Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction. • Reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational. • Regular practice with complex text and its academic language. Brailey and Stowe 2014
With this shift in instruction, what challenges might arise in addressing the varying needs present within your classroom? Do varying needs to intensify instructional delivery exist within your classroom? Reading Intervention, more intense vocabulary instruction, and more intense methods to access the text Brailey and Stowe 2014
Intensive Interventions: A Teacher’s Toolkit http://iitoolkit.rmcwebapp.com/ Center on Instruction at RMC Research Corporation Brailey and Stowe 2014
More Intense vocabulary instruction For those struggling, this needs to be more intense than what is delivered to all students. According to the methods chart, what method might we use? What must we understand? Brailey and Stowe 2014
Word Recognition Strands of the Reading Rope Phonological Awareness Decoding and Spelling Sight Recognition Example of Step by Step Strategies (phonics) Speech production Moats 2009 Reading Input Writing Output Brailey and Stowe 2014
Moats, 2014 Brailey and Stowe 2014
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=imMG77_uanshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=imMG77_uans Brailey and Stowe 2014
Word Map Word Prediction Prefix Root Suffix MStep AStep PStep SStep Meaning Meaning Meaning Definition
http://www.neuhausacademy.org/ Brailey and Stowe 2014
http://www.wvced.com/ Brailey and Stowe 2014
Comprehension Ability Poor Good Good word recognition with specific language comprehension problems. Accurate, fluent reader with comprehension commensurate with verbal ability. Good Poor Most likely to qualify for read aloud on English SOL Largest subtype Word Recognition Weak comprehension and poor word recognition. Inaccurate and/or slow word identification with good comprehension. Moats and Hennessey 2010 Brailey and Stowe 2014
More intense comprehension instruction We must teach students how to access text more than at the surface level. Brailey and Stowe 2014
Integration with knowledge of self and the world Metacognitive Strategies Paragraph and Discourse Structure Sentences and Inter-sentence Connections Phrases Words Reading Comprehension Brailey and Stowe 2014
None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, it's likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. Apply modeling with think-aloudsof the comprehension strategy for monitoring comprehension – summarizing with post-it notes and margination. Now begin to complete the task requested: Identify facts and opinions within the text, then provide explanations Lexile Level – 890L Brailey and Stowe 2014
SIM™ Fundamentals of Paraphrasing and Summarizing To teach the skill of summarizing, instruction is scaffolded to provide a step by step process to mastery: paraphrase words, phrases, sentences, then determine the topic to main idea to details of paragraphs, to multiple paragraphs. Next the reverse, details, to main idea to topic, and finally application to a multiple paragraph writing. Brailey and Stowe 2014
Method #7: Appropriate feedback (feed forward) can double the rate of learning. What is the role of goals and sub-goals in the process of providing feedback? Three questions to consider when providing feedback: Where is the student going? (Goal (s) to be accomplished) What progress has been made? How is the student doing? (Sub-goals accomplished) What direction is the student to take now? Next step? (Sub-goals not yet accomplished) (Hattie and Yates, 2014) Brailey and Stowe 2014
Mary Murray Stowe, mmstowe@wm.edu Brailey and Stowe 2014