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Horizon 2020 - to replace FP7. Steve Quarrie Head of Education and Training, Balkan Security Network steve.quarrie@gmail.com. Horizon 2020 - to replace FP7 in 2014. We’re still (just) in Frame wo rk Programme 7 of the European Community (2007-2013) :
Horizon 2020 - to replace FP7 Steve Quarrie Head of Education and Training, Balkan Security Network steve.quarrie@gmail.com
Horizon 2020 - to replace FP7 in 2014 We’re still (just) in Framework Programme 7 of the European Community (2007-2013): - for research, technological development and demonstration Activities Over€52,000,000,000(preko52milijardievra)forFP7 That money came from us - European taxpayers! Serbia also subscribed to FP7. So, we need it back! By Jul 2013 Serbian scientists had over €88* million. A few more projects have since been added: >€90m FP7 is coming to an end and will be replaced by Horizon 2020, which starts 1 January 2014. * Including CIP projects
Horizon 2020 - to replace FP7 in 2014 European Framework Programme projects and its successor Horizon 2020 are amongst the most competitive and difficult to get in the world! Proposal success rates are only 5-15% on average. H2020 projects must beEuropean - international. H2020 proposals compete with the rest of Europe. H2020 proposals compete with the best in Europe. H2020 projects need to have impact at the EU level. Research for these projects needs to be world class. You have to do this by writing it all in good English!
Horizon 2020 - to replace FP7 in 2014 But, FP7 proposals for people in Serbia have succeeded! This will also be true for H2020! • Until 6 Sept, 2013 (nearly 7 years of FP7): • ~175 Serbian private companies (PRCs) and ~155 other non-research organisations took part in FP7 project proposals, and • ~39 Serbian PRCs and ~40 non-researchers got money to take part in ~55 FP7 projects (nearly all Cooperative Research). • ~218 FP7 projects in total with Serbian partners have been funded so far (including SMEs, NGOs, local authorities). • Nearly all Serbs were partners (~177) in other people’sproject consortia - few Serbs wrote successful proposals!
Horizon 2020 - to replace FP7 in 2014 Horizon 2020, like FP7, is not only for scientists! • Any institution can take part if it has a useful role to play, such as BSN in the current FP7-KBBE COMPETE project. • Any person can take part if s/he has a useful role to play • Maybe you could provide a key project service, such as making a database,website development, makingaprototype.... • You can even take part as an individual if you have a specific skill or expertise that is needed for the project. • However, it is better to start as a partner in a consortium with someone else writing the project proposal!
Horizon 2020 - to replace FP7 in 2014 H2020 is not for solving urgent problems! H2020 will be primarily for strategic research,targetinglong-term benefits to society, and not benefits to project partners! The whole process from having the first idea to the start of the project takes up to 2 yr! Proposals for projects to improve sales in Serbia or oninnovationforSerbiawillnotgetfundedbyH2020! Topics for research are not chosen by partners but by Programme Committees! First H2020 calls will be published end 2013.
http://ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020/index_en.cfm It will start 1 Jan 2014.
Horizon 2020 - to replace FP7 in 2014 Breakdown of Horizon 2020 budget (approved June 2013).
COOPERATION IDEAS THEMES (Research areas) European Research Council (ERC) “challenging Europe’s brightest minds” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (1) (~120) PEOPLE CAPACITIES Infra- structures SMEs Regions of Knowledge Research Potential Science in Society INCO Marie Curie Measures Initial Training Specific Actions Life-long Learning Industry- Academia INCO Development of Research Policies (~31) (~63) Horizon 2020 - to replace FP7 in 2014 First you need to know how FP7 worked:
Horizon 2020 - to replace FP7 in 2014 Horizon 2020 will spend €72 billion to: • Provide major simplification through a single set of rules. • Combine all research and innovation funding currently provided through RTD Framework Programmes, Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). It will give more emphasis to Impact than FP7! • Excellent science: • This includes funding for: • Horizon research and innovation (Ideas in FP7) • Marie-Curie (People in FP7) • Infrastructures (Capacities in FP7)
Horizon 2020 - to replace FP7 in 2014 • Competitive Industries: • This includes funding for: • ICT • Micro- and nano-electronics; photonics (NMP) • Nanotechnologies (NMP) • Advanced materials (NMP) • Advanced manufacturing and processing (NMP) • Biotechnology (KBBE) • Better Society: Funding will focus on the following challenges: • Health, demographic change and wellbeing (Health); • Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research, and the bio-economy (KBBE); • Secure, clean and efficient energy (Energy); • Smart, green and integrated transport (Transport); • Inclusive, innovative and secure societies (SSH); • Climateaction,resourceefficiencyandrawmaterials(Env).
Industrial Leadership 24% Excellent Science 33% Enabling Technologies • European Research Council • FET • Marie Curie • Research Infrastructures ICT Nanotech Adv. Materials Biotech Manufacturing Space Societal Challenges 43% HEALTH FOOD … Efficient Energy Smart, Green Transport Climate Inclusive Societies Access to Risk Finance Innovation in SMEs Horizon 2020 - to replace FP7 in 2014
Horizon 2020 - to replace FP7 in 2014 Horizon 2020 timetable for 2013: Stakeholder workshops on content first half 2013 • Final H2020 budget agreed by June 2013 • Formal H2020 text adopted summer 2013 • Unofficial draft Work Programmes summer 2013 • First H2020 calls are expected December 2013 • Official H2020 start on 1st January 2014.
Horizon 2020 - to replace FP7 in 2014 Many draft work programmes are now available:
Horizon 2020 - to replace FP7 in 2014 Financial regulations: These are not finally decided [?], BUT for research the EC initially proposed a single scheme of 100% funding of direct costs + an initial flat rate of 20% for research projects, now raised to 25%. Innovation projects will be funded at 70% of all direct costs + 25% of all indirect costs.
Lessons learned with FP7 and challenges for SMEs FP7 proposals for commercial organisations in Serbia have succeededbut not very often! • Sept 2012: ~175 Serbian private companies (PRCs) took part in 274 FP7 project proposals with Serbian partners (total 1667). • ~43 Serbian PRCs got money to take part in FP7 projects (nearly all Cooperative Research). • Success rate for Serbian private companies 15.7% (~1 in 6). • Only 11 PRCs wrote proposals (as coordinator) and of those 2 were funded (18.2%), but neither was a commercial company! So, your strategy is to join someone else’s consortium!
10 6 4 2 2 1 0 Lessons learned with FP7 and challenges for SMEs As for FP7, H2020 will focus on international collaborative projects, so you need an international network of contacts. Here is a suggested ‘Mapa puta’ for you to get experience inpreparingprojectproposalsforyourorganisation: Youaimtomasterthephilosophyneededforsuccess. Eventually write your own EU H2020 project proposal. Become a Work Package leader in a H2020 project. Beinvitedtobeapartnerinsomeoneelse’sH2020project. Write a proposal for IPA2 or other international project. Write a proposal for a small bilateral international project. Write a proposal for local funds for a small project. Develop your network of potential project partners.
** * 19.6% 12.6% 7.2% * Taken from http://www.researchranking.org ** Total funding shown in €1000. Lessons learned with FP7 and challenges for SMEs Now something on networking: HowdoesSerbiacomparewithitsneighboursforFP7funding?
1. How did you identify the SMEs to include in your consortium? A) Using the NCP network: 1 B) Using the Cordis partner search facility: 2 C) Using the Chamber of Commerce: 1 D) Using personal contacts: 6 E) Using an internet search: 8 F) Using another source, please specify ... 4 (1 EEN) Lessons learned with FP7 and challenges for SMEs Here is an example of how others find SME partners: 2. Do you know any Serbian SMEs relevant to your area of industry? NO If YES, what is the name of the company? ............................. It is clear that personal contacts and internet searches were the most popular way to identify potential consortium partners.
Lessons learned with FP7 and challenges for SMEs For more information on any aspect of Horizon 2020, either contact the relevant NCP or me at: steve.quarrie@gmail.com What does a genuine FP7 RTD collaborative proposal look like? One of mine was: FP7-KBBE-2009-1-2-05 “DROUGHTWHEAT” It came 3rd with 13/15 but got no money!